My Dad's Bestfriend

Chapter 18 Not A Good Morning


When I descended the stairs, little did I know that my entire morning was about to be ruined.

Amongst Clara, my dad, and Jacob, my eyes were immediately drawn to the presence of Gloria-the painfully unpleasant woman. And to make matters worse, she was seated right beside Jacob. What intensified my burning jealousy was witnessing Jacob engaging in a comfortable conversation with her, just as my dad and Clara were.

What in the world was wrong with that man?

"Evelyn, try not to glare at him as if you're plotting to extract his kidneys," Mason's voice whispered in my ear, his tone low. "Trust me, you don't want anyone to catch on to your jealousy."

"Why the fuck he is talking to her? What's he trying to do? Let her suck his dick?!" I whisper-yelled, my eyes did not move an inch from the scene.

"How would I know? I can't comprehend the thought process of straight men," he shrugged, nonchalantly.

"Evie, it's possible that he's simply trying to avoid awkwardness. After all, he can't just curse and shout at her with so many people around. She's also a guest, and he probably doesn't want to ruin the situation," Nancy reasoned, "Just try to calm down."

"I don't give a damn. I don't want to see that woman anywhere near him," I seethed through gritted teeth.

"Don't be so possessive, naughty girl," Jennie purred.

"Yeah, have some faith in your uncle," Mason chimed in.

Uncle? What the hell?!

"What did you just say?" My jaw clenched, and my hands clenched into fists by my sides. I was ready to strike him at any moment.

He glanced at my clenched fists, a sheepish smile appearing on his lips. "Uh...never mind."

"You better not say anything!" I nearly shouted, but my attention quickly turned to Gloria, who seemed to be shamelessly ogling Jacob's tattoo. "That damn woman! Her entire existence revolves around sex!" "And yours seems to revolve around Jacob Adriano," Mason whistled softly.

This idiot.....

"You dickhead! Shut the hell up, will you?!"

"Okay, fine. Don't scream like a rabid dog," he retorted, his brows furrowed.

I was on my way to yell again when I got interrupted by Nancy.

"Guys, calm down." Nancy cringed, making a lowering motion with his hands, "What y'all tryna do? Do you want them to hear us?"


She was right.

I was going to be in great misery if my dad or Clara happened to hear me.

Just as Clara's voice interrupted my train of thought, she called out, "Evelyn, what are you all doing? Come over here."

I could feel Jacob's piercing green gaze on me, but I purposely ignored him and forced a smile on my face as I walked closer to the table. Mason, Jennie, and Nancy followed suit.

"How do you manage your business in Italy so successfully while spending most of your time here?" Gloria's question to Jacob reached my ears as I approached the table. That bitch surely lacked common sense.

"Well...we all find our own balance," Jacob replied, a hint of discomfort evident in his voice, though it did little to quell my anger.

I was livid. Jealousy coursed through me like molten lava.

My jaw clenched involuntarily. "Actually, something has ruined my appetite, Clara. You all enjoy your breakfast-I'll pass."

"What? Are you feeling okay?" Clara asked immediately.

"What happened?" My dad set his coffee mug down, his smile fading as worry replaced it. "Are you not feeling well?"

"Dad, I'm fine," I sighed, my anger dissipating almost instantly when I saw his expression. "I just don't feel like eating today."

"Then you're not allowed to leave without having breakfast. Sit," he insisted, furrowing his brow and motioning for me to take a seat. "But, D-Dad..."

"No 'buts,' Evelyn," he interrupted firmly. "You're not getting away with this. Sit down."

The entire time, Jacob silently watched me, seemingly aware of the reason behind my reaction.


"By the way, Mason, Nancy, and Jennie, why don't you take a seat? Your friend's drama will play out for a few minutes, so you can enjoy your breakfast," Dad dismissed me. Frustration reddened my face. "Why do you always treat me like a child?!"

"Because you are a child. A driver's licence and a bit of extra height don't make you any different to me. You'll always be my little clingy Evelyn," Dad took a casual sip of his coffee, embarrassing me without a


Clara stifled a chuckle, and it was clear that everyone else was struggling to hold back their laughter. As for that wretched Gloria, she continued her futile attempts to gain Jacob's attention, asking him trivial questions she likely wouldn't get answered.

"Dad, you..." I began, my voice laced with a threat.

However, I couldn't finish my sentence as the devil himself decided to interrupt.

"Evelyn, why don't you just have a seat and let's see what we can do to improve your mood?"

A shiver ran down my spine involuntarily, and my gaze locked with his.

His expression was a mix of amusement and incredulity.

"I don't think anything can make it better," I fought the urge to shoot him a death glare.

"We'll see about that," he flashed me a knowing smile. "Now, would you mind taking a seat?" His hand lightly patted the chair to his left.

My body acted before my mind could catch up, and I found myself sitting on the chair beside him. The fact that Gloria, that detestable woman, was still here bothered me.

"Wow! That was surprising," Clara chuckled. "I didn't think you'd listen to anyone, but thanks to Jacob."

"Yeah, it's actually surprising that Evelyn is bothering to listen to somebody," Dad remarked, confusion flickering across his face before it morphed into something else. "The pleasure is all mine," a smirk tugged at the corner of Jacob's lips.

"Thank God, I was starving," Mason exclaimed, already devouring his toast as he sat down.

"You're always starving," Nancy laughed, joining Jennie in taking a seat.

Moments passed, and everyone got absorbed in their own conversations while I attempted to channel my anger into the food in my mouth, chewing as forcefully as possible. Suddenly, I felt a familiar hand on my thigh, his fingers grazing my skin ever so slightly as he casually sipped his coffee.

My gaze shot toward him, but he didn't spare me a glance, as if he wasn't even aware of his hand's actions under the table.

I wanted to shout at him, but alas, I couldn't. So, I reached my hand below the table, attempting to remove his hand from my thigh, only for his grip to tighten.

And amidst it all, something fortunate happened.

Gloria's phone rang, and she had to step away to take the call.

"Yes, baby, just a moment. I'll Face Time you right now," speaking into her phone and grabbing her juice glass, she excused herself and left the dining hall. Seconds later, Jacob subtly moved his chair closer to mine, a clever and unnoticed manoeuvre.

Dad and Clara discussed party arrangements, while my friends, true to their nature, busied themselves with discussions about their outfits.

"Can you tell me what made you so angry?" Jacob's whisper sent a sudden dryness down my throat.

" act like you know nothing."

"It's always a pleasure to hear something from the beautiful mouth that can do wonders," he said, his smirk widening.

I fought back a blush.

"Your dearest Gloria seems willing to do you those favours," I said, flashing him a smile that conveyed my true thoughts: 'Fuck off.'

"So, someone's jealous," A low chuckle slipped past his lips and he travelled his hands upwards, reaching closer to my pussy over the denim shorts I was wearing. Shit, he was going to play it dirty.

"I find it surprising that you have the time to notice my mere jealousy when all of your attention was on Miss Gloria," I looked at him faking a surprised expression, "What a wonder!"

"I am confident that you know I am aware of where my attention should be," He whispered and pressed his hand against my folds over my shorts, "And that's here."

I nearly choked on the gasp and I cleared my throat to avoid coughing like an old lady.

"Evelyn, are you okay?" Clara asked me. Dad's stare shifted at me too.

"Y-yeah, I am okay," I shifted on my seat, trying to remove Jacob's hand but he didn't budge. Thankfully none of them asked any further questions and their attention slowly drifted away.

"Get your hand off of me," I spoke through gritted teeth, somewhat careful not to speak out loud.

If anything my reaction did, was Increase the amusement dancing in his orbs.

"Not happening," He smirked, taking a sip of the coffee and letting out a sigh of satisfaction. He added more pressure and magically it directly landed on my sensitive clit.

God damn it!

"You don't get to touch me after I spotted you enjoying talking to that bitch who tried to hit on you multiple times, "I finally moved his hand away,

"I only talked to her briefly, it wouldn't have looked right to ignore her." He grabbed my hand.

"You should be thanking god that she didn't decide to take advantage of that fucking 'brief talk' because she could have just dragged you to her room and raped you," I glared at him, "Oh, actually not. You certainly would love getting raped by her."

"Rape? Are you serious, Evelyn?" He laughed, trying to hide his mouth behind his fist, "I can't believe you."

"This looks funny to you, huh?" A scowl settled on my face, "You know what? Why don't you just go and fuck that Gloria? I am done."

I stood up from my chair, "I am done, I'll go to my room right now."

"No, young lady. You are not allowed to leave unless you finish that toast." As expected Dad said.

"God! I swear, you can be so annoying sometimes," I grabbed the avocado toast from the plate, "Here, I'm taking your precious jewel. I'll eat it in my room. Now, spare me."

With that, I walked out of the dining room and headed upstairs, not bothering to spare another glance at Jacob.

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