My Bad Boy's Gang

Chapter 19

I walked into the bathroom where Leah and Liz were trying to get the blood out of her hair from the cuts in her head.

Rain sat in the tub look traumatized with her knees pulled up to her chest and her arms wrapped around her legs with her head laying on her knees; basically curled up into a little ball. Leah and Liz looked at me and I said "Sorry, I-I'll come in l-later" then starting to back out.

"It's fine Ryker" Leah sighed "We were just rinsing her hair".

Rain didn't even bother to look up at me; and she just stared ahead.

We saw she cracked her head a bit; Liz told us he threw her up against a wall too so that caused it.

Let along all the cuts she has from the glass bottle that he smacked her over the head with.

"Ryker, can you give us your shirt? We don't have any extra clothes here" Liz said as she grabbed a towel.

I sighed and grabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head and handed it to Liz.

Rain took a towel and wrapped it around her quickly before anyone saw anything.

"Alright, will let you get changed" Leah sighed, and then pushed us all out, of the bathroom and into the main room where everyone was sitting around waiting impatiently.

"Is she okay"? Neil, Vince, Peter, Will, Reece, and Craig all asked as they shot up and asked with concern.

"Yeah; she's getting changed" Liz informed them and they all sighed in relief and sat back down; on the furniture.

"I can't believe her dad, would do that..." Vince muttered.

"Yeah, what was it even about"? Neil asked and Liz tensed up and hesitated "S-she can tell you that, she'll get mad if I tell you".

"Liz, for Christ-sakes! I think you can tell us why her dad beat her to a bloody pulp!" I yelled.

There were footsteps coming and everyone became silent and I turned around and Rain walked in with her hair dry but a bit damp and my shirt with leggings.

She pressed her lips in a thin line and blinked a few times, as she averted her attention towards the floor and stared down at it and mumbled something along the lines of "You".

We all raised an eyebrow and she looked up and her eyes met mine "It was about you, Ryker" she said with her voice cold and you could tell she was holding back tears.

"I fucking stood up for you, because I'm a fucking idiot!" She exclaimed and rolled her eyes at herself in frustration.

I saw tears prick her eyes and she looked away from me and off to the side and ran a hand threw her brown long hair.

I walked closer to her and pulled her into a hug, and she sniffled into my chest as she began to cry, and I hugged her tightly and rested my chin on her shoulder "Rain-".

"Please don't-" She cried and stepped back and I wiped her tears with my thumb.

"Rain" Melanie asked as she held a stuffed-bear in one hand and tugged on the hem of Rain's shirt...well my shirt.

Rain looked down at her and Melanie asked "Why are you crying"? with innocence in her voice, and she gave a concerned look.

Rain wiped a few tears that escaped her eyes and picked Melanie up and smiled weakly "No reason".

Melanie hugged her tightly; and I looked at Leah, Reece, and Faith shocked. Melanie doesn't normally take to new people well; she's still getting use to Craig, but she's so comfortable around Rain and I have no idea why.

Melanie pulled back from the hug, and looked at me and asked "Ryker, do you love Rain"?

The guys held back there laughs as Faith, Leah, and Liz smacked them over the heads. Rain's eyes widened and she blushed, then looking down.

She was cute when she blushed...

I laughed and said sarcastically "Yes Melanie, I love Rain" then kissing Rain's forehead, and she was bright red and bit her lip as she looked nervous. I rolled my eyes playfully at her reaction, and walked into the kitchen.

"We have to report her dad!" Peter exclaimed.

"Yeah, we're going to report the sheriff to the sheriff...don't thinks that's going to work, Peter"! Reece said and I smacked him upside the head.

"What the hell was that for"!? He asked and rubbed his head.

"Watch the attitude" I warned and he rolled his eyes and muttered "I don't have an attitude".

The guys and I were all standing around the kitchen as the girls were in the living room; trying to convince Rain not to go home.

"I'm starving" Will groaned and Craig nodded and clenched his jaw "We should probably grab something to eat".

"Ask the girls; before we order something they completely hate" Vince said rolling his eyes at the thought.

We walked out into the living room, and I saw Rain sitting on the ground; playing with Melanie as Melanie giggled and laughed; grinning ear to ear.

My lips tugged up into a smile at how Rain was so good with kids, and especially with Melanie, because most people weren't.

She tackled Rain into a hug, and Rain laughed.

Her laugh...I could listen to it all day.

Rain stopped and looked up at me and offered a small smile then Melanie took her attention back.

"Pizza's here"! Craig yelled as he walked in and set the pizza boxes on the counter, and the girls all ran in and everyone grabbed a plate.

I grabbed a beer from the fridge and someone bumped into my chest. Rain took a step back and said "Sorry", and grabbed a plate and walked over to the counter.

She grabbed slice and I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind, and nuzzled my head into the crook of her neck.

Her back was pressed up against my chest, and she tensed up at my touch and her breath hitched, and I could tell she was getting nervous.

I took in sent; which usually smelt like vanilla and roses with mint; but she smelt like cologne

"You smell like me" I mumbled into her neck.


"Maybe because this is your shirt" She stated, and I smirked against her neck and played with the hem of the shirt and slipped my hands under to her hips. "R-ryker" She stuttered and her breath was shaky.

We were the only ones in the kitchen right now and I turned her around in my arms and pressed my forehead to hers and smirked.

I picked her up and placed her on the counter, and she placed her palms flat on my chest, and brushed her lips against mine.

I wanted to just smash my lips into her's and call her mine; and have no guy ever look at her again, and I wanted her.

I wanted her, badly.

Goddamn, this girl....

I tucked a piece of her brown hair behind her ear, and she stared down at the collar of my shirt and her breath faltered. "Pass me a beer-" Will and Peter's voices said as they walked in, and Rain and I jumped away from each other.

Why does this fucking keep happening?! Damn it! Just let me fucking kiss her!

Will and Peter stood there with their arms crossed and cocky smirks stretched across there faces and gave knowing looks.

Rain cleared her throat then hopping off the counter and grabbed a plate and grabbing a slice of pizza and walking out to the living room.

"Look what you fucking did, cock-blockers"! I snapped at Peter and Will; then they put their hands in surrender.

Then running out and yelling "Rain and Ryker almost kissed!"

Rain Thompson

"Rain and Ryker almost kissed!" Peter and Will yelled as they ran in.

Everyone's heads snapped towards me and I glared at Peter and Will "Really? You just had to tell everyone"?

They smirked proudly and nodded "Yes".

"Again"?! Leah and Liz exclaimed.

"Wait! What do you mean again"?! Faith asked happily.

I buried my face in my hands and NY cheeks flushed red.

"Oh....Rain and Ryker had a make out session last week" Neil informed and I threw a pillow at him, and he laughed.

Ryker walked in and glared at Will and Peter "Fucking really"?

"Ryker does love Rain"! Melanie chirped and I couldn't take the embarrassment.

I got up, and walked to the bathroom and quickly took out my phone.

"RAIN! O MY GOD! ARE YOU OKAY"?! Alex's voice yelled into the phone.

"Yes, Alex I'm fine. I just want to tell you I'm with the gang and everything is fine".

"Thank God" She sighed in relief "Your brothers are still pissed off at your dad".

"Good" I stated "He's an asshole".

There was knocking on the door and I sighed "Alex, I got to go; I'll talk to you later". "Bye" She said sadly and hung up.

I put my phone away and opened the bathroom door.

Craig leaned up against the doorway with a smirk on his face "Can't take the heat, huh?"

"I can embarrass myself perfectly fine; I don't need your guys help" I stated.

"Come on, follow me" Craig said and I raised an eyebrow and he grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the bathroom.

"You know I really have to use the bathroom"! I defended as he continued to drag me out.

Craig said "Ryker and you; want to do stuff like that then...." then giving me a push and I stumbled and landed on Ryker's lap.

"Act like it" He stated taking a seat.

I stared dumbstruck at him "A week ago; you were making me run laps, because you thought something was going on between us"!

He shrugged "A guy can change his mind".

"Alright Craig, what the hell are you trying to do"?! Ryker asked with annoyance.

He smirked "You guys act like all that couple crap, then live up to your actions".

"Fine" Ryker muttered under his breath and pulled me back so my chest was completely pressed up against his chest, and arms wrapped around my waist with one of his hands on my thigh.

My whole body became heated and electricity shot threw me as he traced circles on my thigh.

What the hell is going on?!?

Ryker nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck; which he seemed to do a lot, and his lips pressed to the skin of my neck and my breath hitched.

I leaned forward and gave Ryker a warning look and he rolled his eyes and mouthed 'Good Girl'.

"Good Girl my ass" I said sarcastically.

"Sorry, I meant" He said and pulled me back again and put his lips to the top of my ear and whispered

"My Good Girl" and I turned my head so I was facing him and he pecked my lips.


"STOP! STOP! STOP"! I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Rain, let him go" Neil said softly and rubbed circles on my back.

"Ryker"! I cried out and he took one last glance at me and mouthed 'I love you', then they took him.

They took him! The Dark Moon gang took him.

I fell to my knees as tears streamed down my face and my breath was shaking.

"Please" I whispered to myself "Please Ryker, come back".

Liz came up and pulled me into a tight hug and said "It'll be alright".

"No it won't! They're going to kill him"! I cried.

It's all my fault! I just had to piss Blake off!

My boyfriend just got taken away, because of me!

He's going to be killed because of me!

"Rain! Rain! Rain"! Voices yelled and my eyes flew open.

I looked to see everyone surrounding me as I was on the couch.

"You were screaming in your sleep and crying....." Peter sighed.

I realized I had tears on my cheeks and I wiped them quickly.

I then started to freak out when I didn't see Ryker.

"Where is he"?! I started to cry.

"Rain! Rain! Calm down, who??" Craig said.

"Ryker! Where is he"?! I asked with pleading and worry in my voice.

"He's in the kitchen grabbing something to drink...he's fine Rain" Wil informed.

Tears fell down my cheeks and Leah yelled "Ryker"!

Ryker then came jogging out and Leah sat down beside me and rubbed circles on my back "See, he's right there".

Ryker jogged over to me with concern and squatted down to my height since I was sitting "What's wrong, princess"? He asked concerned as he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

"They took you" I cried "and you left".

Everyone gave confused looks. Ryker pulled me into his arms and hugged me tightly "I'm not going anywhere princess, no one took me".

I hugged him; like my life depended on it and he said "Come on, you can sleep in my room with Melanie, Faith and I".

I nodded slightly and he gave me a look like he was trying to figure me out.

"You okay Rain"? Liz asked and I nodded slightly.

Ryker picked me up; like I was a 5 year old little girl, and said "I got her" to everyone then carrying me into his room.

In the warehouse they had some rooms refurnished and they're not really rooms; just a room with a bed basically.

He set me down and Faith laid down on the covers that piled on top of each other on the floor and Melanie laid down next to her.

Faith and Melanie went right back to sleep, since it was 3 a.m.

"Why'd you say 'They took me'?" He asked concerned.

I blinked slowly, and stared at the collar of his shirt "It was just a d-dream".

A smirk tugged his lips then stretching across his face "So you dream about me?" He asked cockily and raised an eyebrow.

"Yep" I said and he looked at me shocked that I didn't deny it.

"You usually end up dead" I smirked and he grabbed my waist and turned me so my back was up against his chest, and he nuzzled his neck into my neck and mumbled "Goodnight Rain".

"Goodnight Ryker" I said softly and he draped an arm over my waist.


"PDA! PDA! PDA!" Reece's voice shouted and Zoe copied his words and started to yell 'PDA'.

I groaned and Ryker buried his head into my neck more; as we both ignored it.

"Wake up, love birds"! Neil yelled.

"Rain; you have school; let's go"! Craig rushed.

I groaned and sat up and Ryker's arm was still around me.

Liz came in and handed me a uniform "Here, I went home and grabbed my other one, so you don't have to go home".

I muttered "Thank you" and rubbed my eyes.

She walked out and I went to stand up but Ryker pulled me back down and into his chest.

"Ryker" I whined and tried to get out of his grip.

"5 more minutes" He muttered into my neck and I sighed "5 that's it".

I felt his lips smirk against the skin of my neck.

"Rain! O my God; you're going to be late"! Liz yelled and I pulled out of Ryker's grip and sat up.

"For fucks sakes you two! Rain you have school"! Peter's voice yelled as he walked in.

I rolled my eyes and said sarcastically "Yes, parents", and stood up.

Liz looked down sheepishly and bit her lip, as Peter tensed up.

I walked into a bathroom and quickly got changed and brushed my hair and teeth.

I walked put and quickly slipped my Converses on and pulled my socks up to knee-length.

"You going back, home after school"? Craig asked, making everyone look at me.

"Uh...I don't know" I said and scratched the back if my neck "I have some photoshoot thing later-".

"Well Rain, you can always come here if you don't want to go home" Leah offered.

I nodded slightly and Ryker came in; dressed in new clothes and looked slightly awake.

"Okay, well I got to go" I blurted a bit to fast and started to head towards the door.

"Rain" Ryker'svoice said and I stopped and turned around.

He walked towards me and put his lips to my ear and whispered "Have a good day at school" and and a smirk formed on his face.

He put his hand to my lower back and pressed me up against him.

I pushed him away and warned "Back off, Anderson" then walking out.


"Mrs. Doyle, I swear I didn't do it"! I defended for the 5th time.

"You liar!" Mrs. Grave; my principal snapped.

"I swear I didn't crash Mrs. Grave's car! I was with Ryker the whole weekend; I wouldn't of had time to pull a prank"! I pleaded for her to believe me.

Mrs. Grave's convertible got crashed by a student for a prank and then got egged and Mrs. Grave thinks it was me.

Mrs. Doyle instructed "Call Ryker".

I sighed and took my phone out of my and called Ryker, and put it on speaker.

"What do you want"? His voice answered like he was angry about something.

"Ryker, it's Mrs. Doyle. Was Rain with you the whole weekend"?

"Why...?" He asked curiously.

"Just answer the question Ryker" Mrs. Doyle stated.

"Yeah, she was" He answered casually.

"Would she have had any time to crash a car and egg it"? Mrs. Doyle asked.

"What?! No" Ryker said "If she did she's dead; because she didn't let me help her".

My lips tugged into a smile and I tried to hold back my laugh; only Ryker would get mad because I wouldn't invite him to destroy someones car.

"Alright, Thank you Ryker. Bye" Mrs. Doyle said then hanging up and handing my phone back to me, and I gave Mrs. Grave an I-Told-You-So look.

"May I go now"? I asked, and Mrs. Doyle nodded "You are dismissed".

I slung my backpack over my shoulder and stood up from the desk and walked out into the empty hallway that was dead silent; since everyone left already.

I walked out to the parking lot, and grabbed my keys from my backpack and I heard a voice yell "Rain! Rain!"

I turned around to see Ryan and I smiled slightly and walked up to him, and he sighed then pulling me into a tight hug.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry" He said into my hair.

"It's fine Ry" I smiled, and he chuckled "You haven't called me that since you were 8".

A small laugh escaped my lips and I pulled back out of his grip.

"You look...fine" He said shocked as to why there was no marks or cuts on my face, and I ran a hand threw my hair and admitted "Leah and Liz covered me in foundation to cover up the bruises and cuts".

He nodded slightly and clenched his jaw "Are you the Crusades gang"?

I bit my lip and nodded "Yeah, I am...".

"Rain" He sighed looking off to the side then looking back to me "What happened? Why are you doing this? It's dangerous! Are you going threw some rebellion stage or something?!"

"Ryan" I narrowed my eyes at him "A rebellion stage, really?"

"Well I don't know" He shrugged as he shoved his hands in his front pockets of his jeans then sighing "Fine. Just answer this; Are you dating Ryker Anderson"?

I rolled my eyes "No. I don't like Ryker; I don't even know if you can classify us as friends; he can be nice when he wants to me, but we're not dating".

"Good" He nodded "Now I can sleep tonight. Come on let's go".

He slung an arm over my shoulder and we walked to the back of the parking lot.

I came to a warehouse and parked then my phone rang.

I picked it up, and saw it was Alex; and I answered "Hey".

"Hey Rain, how are you"? She asked.

"I've been better....I've been worst".

"Such an optimist" She chuckled and I laughed "Yeah right".

"So what are you doing"? She asked curiously.

"Well I'm at the warehouse...I just got done with a photo-shoot" I said and unbuckled my seat-belt.

"Okay...I'll call you late then"? She asked uncertain.

"Yeah, talk to you later" I said and she bid her 'goodbye' and I hung up, then getting out of my truck and shutting the door.

I walked into the warehouse, and pushed the door open and walked in and it shut behind me slowly, and I walked upstairs silently.

I came to the main floor, and stopped outside the door to see Ryker the only one in there and he looked frustrated as he rubbed his temples and paced back and fourth.

I walked in and his head whipped towards me and I asked "Hey, you okay"?

"I'm fine, Rain" He muttered and I dropped my backpack down and asked "Where is everyone"?

"I don't fucking know! So don't ask my fucking questions I don't know the fucking answers too!" He yelled.

I blinked slowly a few times and ran a hand threw my hair "A simple 'I don't know' would have done".

"I don't need your bitchy remarks right now" He snapped.

I walked up to him and said "Alright Ryker, you're not fine. What happened"?

He looked up me; in there was pain and sadness in his eyes that bored into me and it felt like he could see right threw me and my soul.

"None of your fucking business" He gritted, then pulling a box of cigarettes and lighting one and sticking it between his lips.

I gave an annoyed look and said "I thought you said you wouldn't smoke".

"Fuck off! Would you"? He snapped, and I rolled my eyes "What the hell is your problem"!?

He looked at me and his look was warning and seemed dangerous....."You" He stated "You're my fucking problem!"

"Oh and why is that"? I asked.

"Because you won't shut the fuck up! And I don't need you're stuck-up bitchy rich-girl attitude right now, so I mean it Rain; lay off"! He warned.

"Fine" I said walking backwards and grabbing my backpack "Talk to me when you get your shit together. I'll just go see Blake".

I turned around and went to push the door open when a hand clasped around my forearm and I turned around slowly to face Ryker.

His blue eyes were dark; to the point where they looked black, his jaw was clenched, and his whole body was tense.

He grabbed me by my wrist and gritted "You're not fucking going to see the dip-shit".

I raised an eyebrow and gave an amused look "Why? You don't want me here anyways".

He pushed me back and up against the wall "Don't push me, Thompson".

My breath hitched at how there was NO space between us, and our bodies were pressed up against each other, and his eyes were set on mine as I stared at the collar of his shirt.

I looked up to meet his eyes and I gulped silently, as his eyes narrowed to my lips and he licked his.

I wanted him to kiss me! No, I needed him to kiss me!

He backed up and looked at me with intensity in his eyes then tearing his eyes away from me and going to light another cigarette; since he put his other one out.

I felt a pang in my chest, and I tried to avoid it, but couldn't.

I grabbed my backpack again and slung it over my shoulder then walking out with the door slamming shut behind me and I ran down the steps.

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