My Bad Boy's Gang

Chapter 14

I woke up and rubbed my eyes, and the sun light shined threw the windows of the cabin room.

I sat up, and looked around; to Liz and Leah weren't in here.

I picked up my phone to see 45 missed calls from my dad. I rolled my eyes in annoyance, as I convinced my brothers that I was staying at a friends house for the weekend and to tell dad.

I called my dad, and he answered "Rain Eliza! Where the hell have you been?!"

I took the phone away from my ear as he yelled, and it's only 8 in the morning.

"Calm" I said.

"Don't fucking tell me to calm! I am your father" He yelled.

"I told Ryan, Jax, and Joel that I was staying at a friends this weekend" I explained.

"What friend"? He asked with anger "Because Alex is here".

"Liz Doyle" I answered, at least I wasn't technically lying.

I mean I did stay with Liz....and a bunch of other people.

"Mrs. Doyle's daughter"? He asked.

"Yeah, Liz and I are friends. I ran into her on the boardwalk, and we went back to her 'apartment'." I lied.

"Alright" He sighed "But you're in massive trouble when you come home".

I hung up, and threw my phone on to the side. I stood up, and fixed my clothes I slept in, which was only spandex shorts and a t-shirt; which Leah claimed 'Is all she had left'.

I stood up, and ran a hand threw my hair. I walked to the door, then turning the knob and walking out to the hallway.

My bare feet touched the cold hard-wood floor. I heard noise coming from the kitchen, and I walked to that direction.

I saw everyone in the kitchen, as they ran around and grabbed food.

I walked in, and Liz smiled "Hey, you're up".

I nodded slightly, and Leah smiled "We'd figure'd we'd let you sleep, since we walked in the woods all night and you seemed tired".

"Thanks....I guess" I trailed off, and took a seat at the bar-stool that was in front of the counter. Leah sat down next to me, and she was drinking a cup of coffee. "Did you hear Liz snore"? She teased.

"I do not snore"! Liz scoffed and threw a small piece of a waffle at her.

"My waffle!" Reece said with sadness then frowning at Liz.

I chuckled and Leah asked "No, seriously. You sleep well"?

I nodded "Yeah".

"Good, because we have a race today" She informed.

I gave a confused look "Thought I was benched"?

"She is" Craig said, leaning up against another counter with a mug of coffee in his hand.

"Really, Craig? She's a good racer, and we have a lot of money on the line for this race" Vince narrowed his eyes at Craig.

"I said she's benched!" Craig said frustrated then muttering "Especially with how she talked to my yesterday" then taking a sip of his coffee.

I opened my mouth to speak, but he looked at me and sent me a look "What? Want to continue? Because every action has a consequence Rain. So if you want the consequence, say it. I dare you" Craig tested.

Everyone watched my in anticipation.

I pressed my lips in a thin line, trying not to say it. There's one thing about me, everyone she know; that if I have something to say, I'm going to say it. And if you offend me, I'm going to stick up for myself. "That's what I thought" Craig said smugly.

"Asshole" I muttered and everyone's heads whipped up to me.

"What did you say"?! Craig snapped.

I ignored looking at him, and stared at the counter. He walked up to me and gritted "What did you say"?!

I looked at him and repeated "Asshole".

Craig became fuming with anger, and all the guys went and held him back.

Someone needs anger management classes...

"Thompson, you better learn your place! And you better learn it fast"!

"That's enough"! Vince yelled.

Craig sent me a death glare, and Ryker grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the kitchen.

"Look, their they go again! Breaking the rules!" Craig yelled after us.

He pulled me into a random room, and said stern "Rain, you cannot keep talking back"!

"I'm saying the truth"! I defended.

He ran a hand threw his hair "I get it. You're right Craig is an asshole, but you need to keep your mouth shut.

"But-" I started.

"No 'buts' Rain. Don't talk back, do you understand"? He said with his voice deep, and his eyes dark and bored into mine.

It felt like he could see into my soul.

Neil walked in and sighed "Craig's ordered me, to chaperon you two".

"Unbelievable" I muttered then walking out of the room.

We were all in the living room, besides Craig; who left to go pick something up I guess.

Alex was currently texting me, about how horrible college life is.

Alex: Seriously Rain, I've been living off Ramen Noodles for the past week!

Me: What a tragedy

Alex: It is! This is not a joking matter, I don't know how much of a sodium intake I've had in the past week. OMYGAWD I'M GONNA DIE!!

Me: XD I think you'll be fine. And you do realize that you have a house that you can go to and eat real food.

Alex: Euck! The whole reason I joined college was to get away from my parents

Me: Your decision making is very concerning

Alex: I'm going to your house to steal food

Me: Whatever. But the whole reason your going is because of Joel ;)

Alex: *gasp* Maybe :)

Me: Okay, well I got to go. Bye

Alex: Bye Bestie!

I put my phone away, and stood up. I started to walk to a kitchen, when a hand grabbed my forearm and whirled me around.

Ryker pushed the hem of my shirt up and his fingers went to my hip.

"What is that"? He asked and everyone looked up curiously.

"A tattoo...." I said in duh tone.

He looked up and his eyes met mine "When you'd get that"?

"My 16th birthday" I answered pulling my shirt down. The tattoo was in cursive writing and said 'Live the Life you Love, Love the Life you Live'

"It's not really that big of a shocker" I said, raising an eyebrow at why everyone was so surprised, that I had a tattoo.

"No...just didn't figure you'd be a type of girl to get a tattoo" Neil said.

"Yeah, well. I'm full of surprised" I said sarcastically then walking to the kitchen.

"Go"! Craig yelled.

"Is this really necessary Craig"? Will and Peter asked.

"Yeah, don't you think you're being a bit harsh"? Reece asked.

"Think"?! Ryker repeated "He is".

"I agree with the guys, why would you make Rain do this"? Liz asked.

"I said there is consequences! And she still talked-back"! He yelled.

I bit my tongue back, and looked up, trying not to get annoyed.

"You heard me Thompson! Go!" Craig yelled.

"This is so uncalled for" Ryker scoffed and rolled his eyes.

The consequence for me 'talking-back' is to run laps. LOTS OF LAPS.

"Go"! Craig demanded.

I rolled my eyes and walked to the path.

I've done probably 50 laps....yes 50 laps.....and they're long...

It's been probably 2 hours; my legs are weak, I have a huge side-sticker, and I can't breath properly. Needless to say it's just straight up cruel.

I was so tired and worn out, and I felt like I was going to puke.

"Let's go Thompson! Pick it up"! Craig hustled.

"And I thought gym class, was rough" I muttered to myself.

I have no idea what Craig's problem is?! He was perfectly nice when I first met him...but now; when he saw Ryker and I and thought it was some romantically involved thing going on, even though thats the complete opposite.

I couldn't carry myself anymore and I stopped to try and catch my breath, and bent over and put my hands on my knees.

"The clock is ticking, you still have 50 more laps"! Craig yelled.

"I can't do this anymore" ! I yelled; which was harder then expected since I couldn't breath correctly let along yell.

"Too bad! Can't do the time, don't do the crime"! He yelled.

"This coming from the guy who's been in jail numerous times" I snapped, and he sent me a warning look.

I was still in spandex that I ended up sleeping in last night, and a plain t-shirt.

"Craig, that's enough, this has gone too far"! I heard Leah say.

"I said there's consequences, now let's go Thompson"! Craig yelled.

My breath was heavy, and I felt like I was going to hyperventilate.

I can run, and I'm not that bad of a runner, but 100 laps?! Is he insane!?

I looked over and the guys were trying to convince Craig to basically stop being a dick, and the girl gave me sympathetic looks. Ryker watched me, and had anger written over his face, and he ran a hand threw

his brown hair.

"Hustle! Hustle! Hustle"! Craig yelled in repeat, and I forced myself to jog.

"This is insane" I heard Ryker mutter with an angered voice.

I couldn't run anymore, I couldn't carry myself on my feet anymore, I couldn't force myself to run; what I've been doing for the past hour.

I collapsed to ground on my knees then sitting down, and clutching my stomach.

Tears pricked my eyes, at the pain from my feet and my whole body that was sore.

Ryker jogged up to me, and pulled my hair out of my face and held back and I ended up puking on to the grass.

"God, Rain. I'm sorry" He apologized and I wiped my mouth, and took off the Nike sneakers I had on and my feet were blistered and a bit swollen.

Ryker picked me up, bridal style and I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head against his chest as he walked back to the cabin.

He stopped at Craig and gritted "Look what you fucking did" then walking inside, where Liz and Leah followed.

"Get water" Ryker instructed them, then walking into his room and over to his bed and sat me down.

"Lay down, Rain" He instructed in a soft voice, and I laid down without a fight.

Liz and Leah walked in and handed the glass of water to me, which I chugged quickly out of dehydration.

"What the hell is Craig's problem lately"?! Liz and Leah exclaimed.

"I have no fucking idea, but he needs to grow some balls and stop acting like this" Ryker stated.

I finally caught my breath, and I stared ahead at the wall, and Neil came in "She okay"?

"Yeah, she's fine" Leah answered.

"Guys give her some space" Liz said and her, Leah, and Neil walked out.

"You okay"? Ryker asked me with concern.

I pressed my lips in a thin line and nodded slightly "Yeah, I'm fine".

He nodded and started to walk out.

My heart was racing and I spoke up "Ryker".

He stopped in the doorway, and turned around to face me.

"Thank you" I said with hesitation in my voice.

He nodded then muttering something a long the lines of "I wish I could have stopped it sooner" then walking out; leaving me there pondering on what he said.

"Rain!" Ryan's voice yelled as he walked in, and pulled me into a tight hug "God, you gave me a heart-attack".

I smiled and pulled out of his hug "Hey Ryan".

I slept for about an hour at the cabin. Then I heard Craig arguing with Ryker in the kitchen and they were yelling about something. I figure'd I leave, and I just climbed out the window and left. I'm the one just causing drama just with my presence being there.

"Rain!" Jax and Joel tackled me into a hug.

I laughed "Never thought you guys would be so happy to see me".

"Well when you leave without telling us, then just texting us that you're staying at some girls house" Jax said.

I chuckled "I'm fine, and if you want to meet Liz; to meet her I can invite her over". The 'I'm fine' part is a lie concerting me having to run 50 laps; which was probably 8 miles...and I ended up having to walk 3

miles of it...

They nodded in agreement and Joel suggested "How about you invite her over tomorrow for dinner"?

I bit my lip and said "I'll ask. Where's dad"?

"Work, he had a court case" Ryan informed.

"Yeah, you're lucky he's not home because he'll kick your ass" Jax narrowed his eyes at me "And you're lucky I'm not".

I rolled my eyes in response. "But he'll be back for dinner" Joel said.

I put my hands in the back pockets of the jeans I was now in "About that.....I won't be home tonight".

"What? Rain, you weren't here for the past 2 days!" Joel exclaimed.

"I know, but Liz invited me out. We're just going to some restaurant" I lied. I hate lying to my brothers; I mean they've been threw everything with me and always stood by me, and how do I repay them? I lie...

"Rain" Jax sighed.

"I'll be home for week-days, so please"! I pleaded.

"Alright" Ryan sighed "But you look tired, you should head up to your room and get some rest".

I nodded and my phone kept vibrating in my back pocket; signaling I had text messages.

My brothers raised eyebrows.

"'s just Liz, talking about the plans for tonight" I lied and they gave suspicious looks.

"Well I'm going to go get some rest" I said then pushing past them and running up the staircase and into my room.

God, how I've missed my room. I plopped on my bed and took my phone out of my back pocket and saw it was text messages from everyone.....well besides Craig; of course.

Leah started to call me and I answered "Hello"?

"Rain! Where the hell did you go"?! She exclaimed, and I could tell I was on speaker by the way her voice echoed.

"I left" I said in a duh tone, and stared at my window wall.

"No shit" Reece's voice said "Where did you go"?

"Home" I answered as I looked down at my bed and traced circles on my comforter.

"Why? We have a race tonight" Peter stated.

"Because I..." I sighed "I just wanted to come home for awhile".

"Next time, tell us"! Vince yelled over the phone.

"Sorry, didn't think it was that big of a deal" I defended.

"Yeah, I was going to sing my remake of If I were a Boy by Beyonce when you woke up" Will laughed.

I snapped my fingers and said sarcastically "Well shit".

"Just be at the race" Ryker said.

"Alright"! I said frustrated at how they don't think I take care of myself.

"Bye Rain" Leah said then hanging up.

I sighed and plopped back onto my bed.

I drove to the where the race was being held.

I kept my eyes focused on the road, and kept my hands stern on the steering wheel. I sped past cars, buildings, and everything I was by.

The lights from; cars, buildings, and street lights went in a flashed by.

I came to the bar with a race track in the back; and this place screamed 'DANGEROUS'.

I parked, and got out.

I tightened the leather jacket around me. I was in the 'uniform' that consisted of; a white v-neck plain t-shirt, jeans, and a leather jacket which I wore with black converses.

I walked threw a crowd of people who were all rallied up about the race. Music was blasting, people danced, drank, and girls were in the skimpiest clothes ever. Oh, and don't forget about the people having dry

sex and making out to the point where they're sucking each other's faces off.

It was a cliche Stereotypical High School Party; that I was dragged a long to by Alex when she was still in High School.

I searched for the sight of anyone from the gang. When a pair of arms wrapped around my waist; making me jump in response.

I turned around to see a smugly smirking Blake.

"Get away from me" I gritted.

"Tsk, tsk, Rain. When are you going to stop being a bitch and give me another chance"? He narrowed his eyes at me.

I scoffed a laugh "I'll give you another chance when I become president of the United looks like NEVER".

"Rain"! Vince's voice yelled and he came over to me. His head snapped up at Blake's and they immediately exchanged glares then Vince wrapped his arm around my shoulders and guided me to another


"Don't talk to him" He warned.

"I wasn't-he came up to me" I defended.

"How you feeling"? He asked concerned.

"Fine" I mumbled, and we came up to everyone. They surrounded the blue skyline which is Ryker's, as all the other 'race' cars were parked behind.

They were repairing the Skyline, and their heads whipped up to me.

"Rain"! Leah and Liz cheered then tackling my into hug.

"Jeez, it's only been 5 hours" I chuckled, and they pulled away and let go of me.

"Yeah, but you just left without telling us!" Leah defended.

"Yeah, we can't let Ryker's future soul mate leave"! Liz teased and I smacked her arm.

"Hey Thompson" Neil smiled and came up to me, pulling me into a quick hug "I'd love to stay and chat but I got help Ryker with the car".

I nodded and he walked away back to the car.

"So, your brothers or dad suspect anything"? Liz asked.

I shrugged "My dad was a work, but my brothers were home. I just lied and said I ran into you and spent the night.....speaking of which...Liz I'm suppose to invite you over for dinner; so my brothers and dad

can meet you..."

She grinned "Really? I'd love too".

"It's really not that big of a deal; there all a pain in the ass anyway" I said.

"It'll be fine" She rolled her eyes "They'll love me".

"Liz thinks everyone loves her" Leah rolled her eyes.

"Because they do"! Liz defended and her voice cracked.

Then they began to argue. I chuckled and waved 'Bye' to them and walked over to the guys.

"Hey" Peter and Will greeted in unison and smiled.

"Hi" I said, then looked over to see Craig and Ryker working on the engine; and they were completely silent; not speaking a word to each other or sparing a look.

I sighed "Here goes nothing" Then walking up.☐☐☐☐☐

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