My Bad Boy's Gang

Chapter 11

I walked down the hall at school, and felt like shit.

I'm currently on that last day of the freaking time of the fucking month!

I walked to my locker and opened it, and grabbed my books.

"Rain"! Blake came up to me.

"Not in the mood Monroe" I gritted.

"Damn. What happened to you"?

I flipped him off "Go the fuck away".

He put his hands in surrender and the bell rang, I walked to Mrs. Doyle's classroom.

I took my seat and took out my books and she took attendance.

I zoned out and tapped my fingers on the desk, as I ignore the thought of me internally bleeding currently and the feeling my stomach's going to explode form an atomic bomb also know as cramps. "Rain! Rain! Rain!" Mrs. Doyle snapped her fingers.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her "Uh, yeah"?

She narrowed her eyes at me "Pay attention".

I rolled my eyes and tied my hair up into a messy bun quickly as she began to teach a new lesson, that I had no idea what it was about.

Then my stomach, obviously started to hate me again, I wrapped my arms around my stomach and squeezed my eyes shut "Shit" I muttered under my breath.

"Rain" Mrs. Doyle scowled.

"May I please go to the nurse"? I asked.

"What for"? She asked.

"Uh..........." I trailed off, not wanting to say I had cramps in front of the whole class. Yeah I'm that girl that always is embarrassed about talking about a period, probably because I grew up with guys..... She sighed "Go".

I picked my stuff up "Thank you" I said and walked out.

I dropped my books on the ground in the hallway, and ran down the hallway to the nurses office. "Hi Rain. What's wrong"? Nurse Terri asked.

I explained and she nodded "Okay, lay down in here for awhile and drink this" she had me a cup of water and I took a seat.

"You can be dismissed by an adult" Nurse Terri said.

I nodded and she handed me the office phone.

Who can I call, that's over 18 that's not my brothers or dad? Because I really don't want to have to deal with the awkwardness.

Alex is away at class, so I can't call her. I bit my lip and dialed Liz's number.

"Hello"? She answered.

"Hey Liz, I'm at school and sick. Can you pick me up"? I asked.

"Yeah, be there in 5" She said.

"Thank you, bye" I said and hung up.

I walked to the office and Liz was in there, and smiled "Hey Rain".

"Hey" I said softly "Thanks.....for picking me up".

"Yep, no problem" She said and signed me out.

We walked outside and I got in her white Dodge Rover, and she started to drive down the street.

"You want to tell me why you're sick"? She asked narrowing her eyes at me, then turning her eyes back to the road. "Fucking cramps" I muttered.

She chuckled "Well I'm sorry. We have to head over to the warehouse everyone else is there, but I'll give you Advil".

I nodded in response "Okay".


I walked into the warehouse behind Liz, and I felt like I was going to pass-out.

We walked in and the big red door shut behind me and I felt a shiver go up my spine, and everyone's heads snapped up towards us.

Liz walked to the kitchen section, and I walked over to the empty couch and plopped down and buried my face in the couch cushion. "Aren't you suppose to be in school"? Vince asked.

I waved him off and Liz said "Catch" then throwing me a bottle of Advil pills.

I caught it and opened it, taking a few according to my age and put it in my mouth, squeezing my eyes shut and swallowing.

"What happened"? Craig asked.

I said "I'm not telling".

"She has cramps" Liz shouted.

"Why not shout it to the whole world, while you're at it"? I said sarcastically.

She laughed "Fine" then shouting "Rain's on her period"!

The guys all looked at me amused and my cheeks flushed red and I buried my face in my hands "Really, Liz"?

"Gross" Will and Peter said in unison.

Ryker rolled his eyes "What are you guys 13 year-olds? If you haven't noticed Leah and Liz deal with it too".

Everyone, including myself looked at Ryker shocked.

He shrugged "I hear Leah complain about it all the time".

"Oooo, Rain! I have an idea! Let's go swimming"! Liz chirped coming and sitting down in a chair.

I glared at her "Not funny".

Leah laughed "Oh, or we should wear all white"!

I glared at her too, and the guys seemed confused.

Ryker Anderson

Rain, fell asleep on the end of the couch with her head on the arm rest and her knees pulled up to her chest and arms wrapped around her leg.

She looked so peaceful, and pretty.

Her eyes were lightly closed and her hair was tied up in a messy bun, and she still had her school uniform on.

I stood up and walked over to her.

I untied her Converses, and took them off her feet and grabbed a cover and put it over her since she had goose-bumps on her.

She mumbled something in her sleep.

I walked to the kitchen and Leah, and Liz had grins plastered across their faces.

"What"? I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Do you like her"? Craig asked.

"What? Thompson?! No"! I stated.

They all narrowed their eyes at me, and didn't believe me.

"I barely know her" I stated.

"Okay, well you know the rules" Neil said.

The stupid rules: No dating within the gang. As in no dating any other members or having sexual relationships or there are consequences.

Leah and Liz frowned at me "You don't like her even a little tiny bit"?

I glared at them and stated stern "No".

Rain Thompson

My eyes fluttered open and I looked around to where I was, and I realized I was in the warehouse. I rubbed my hands up and down my cold arms trying to get warmth.

I rubbed my eyes and picked up my phone, and saw it was 10 A.M.

I grabbed my phone and saw I had numerous texts from my brothers, I told them I stayed at a friends house and they barely let me off the hook.

"Morning Thompson" Ryker's voice said as he came in.

"Morning" I mumbled standing up, and asking "Did I sleep here"?

He nodded "Yeah, you crashed and you seemed tired so we just let you sleep" he sat down on the couch opposite from me.

Liz came in "Hi! Good Morning Love Birds"!

I raised an eyebrow at her "Love Birds"?

"Well duh....Everyone ships it" She said in a duh tone.

I looked at Ryker and he put his hands in surrender "I don't know".

"I have brought you clothes" Liz cheered throwing me clothes "We're going down to the pier and My mom's today"!

I groaned in response, and she threw the clothes; which I caught easily.

"Do you know how awkward it is to go to your teachers house"? I stated.

"You're going to be graduating soon; so let's go" She clapped her hands together.

I walked to the bathroom and quickly got changed; which was a white muscle tee with some band on it, jean-shorts, and a gray snap back which I set backwards on my head.


"Hey Rain" Vince greeted as I walked inside the Doyle's house.

"Hey" I smiled slightly.

"Everyone is in the kitchen" He nodded towards the kitchen, and walked in.

They were all talking and eating as they stood around the kitchen.

"Hi Rain. How are you feeling"? Mrs. Doyle asked as she poured a cup of tea for herself.

"Fine" I answered and Liz shouted "Rain had cramps"!

"Oh shut up"! I glared at her.

She and Leah laughed in response as most of the guys made disgusted faces.

"You guys going running today"? Mrs. Doyle asked curiously.

"Ryker is, we're not" Peter said.

"Speaking of which....Rain how about you join" Craig suggested.

"Fuck no"! Ryker and I both said in unison.

"Language"! Mrs. Doyle scowled "It scares me how much you two are alike".

I scoffed "Alike my ass".

Ryker rolled his eyes "Yeah, right".

"Alright you two!" Craig warned "You're like a bunch of 12 year olds"!


We walked down the pier, and Liz was talking about what we were going to do, as the guys talked about some street race tomorrow.

I felt someone grab my butt, and I jumped and turned around to see Ryker with a smirk on his face.

"You fucking asshole! You did not just grab my ass"?! I gritted, and he leaned closer to me and his peppermint breath was on me "What you going to do princess"?

I tensed up, and my heart slammed into my rib-cage at him calling me 'princess'. I looked up to meet his blue eyes that bored into me.

"Don't do it again" I warned then turning around and continuing to walk.

"You good"? Leah and Liz asked and I nodded "Yeah, fine".

"Rain! Rain Thompson"! A bunch of teenage girls about 14-16 ran up to me.

Everyone stopped walking, and I raised an eyebrows at the girls. I swear if my brothers have something to do with this-

"O my God, we love your modeling pictures"! They all exclaimed as they grinned ear to ear, and were very jumpy and excited.

"Oh." I said shocked "Thank you"?

"Can you sign our phone cases"? They asked and I nodded slowly. They started rummaging threw their phones, and I looked over at Leah and Liz and they chuckled.

They handed me a sharpie, and their phones and I signed my signature on all of them, then handing them back.

"Thank you"! They said in unison, then chuckling.

"You're welcome" I answered. One girl asked "Are you going to model for Victoria Secret"?

"Oh, I'd love to see that" Ryker smirked, then slinging an arm over my shoulder.

I sent him a glare, and the girls stared wide-eyed at him.

"I don't really know right now" I shrugged then unraveling from under Ryker's arm.

"Okay! Well's it great to meet you, we're big fans! Bye"! They said then running off happily.

"You're famous" Peter said as he put his hands on my shoulder and kissed my cheek, I laughed "Ha. No."

I looked up to see Joel with Alex, and I jumped and muttered "Shit"! and his behind Vince and Craig.

"What"? Will asked as they all looked at me confused.

I pointed over "That's one of my brothers Joel, and my best friend Alex. They'll both kill me, if they see me out. I'm suppose to be at the Library or something; I don't know what lie I used".

"Nice" Neil laughed and rolled his eyes, which made me roll my eyes in response.

"Okay, I'll meet up with you guys later in case he sees me" I suggested and they nodded and started to walk ahead.

We started to walk by, when a hand grabbed my wrist, and I was whirled around to see Joel.

"What the hell are you doing here"?! He gritted with anger taking over his voice.

"Oh....nothing" I trailed off.

"Rain" He warned narrowing his eyes at me.

"Oh come on, Joel! I'm not doing anything wrong...I don't listen to was a joke...I'm not doing anything wrong" I started to ramble, and he cut me off.

"Dads going to kill you" He said letting go of my wrist.

"Jee thanks. I feel the brotherly love" I said with sarcasm filling my voice.

"Rain" Alex sighed and rubbed her temples.

"I'm 18! I can do whatever I want, I'm an adult"! I exclaimed "I don't need another set of parents!"

"Alright, fine" Alex sighed.

"Alex she can't-" Joel started but Alex narrowed her eyes at him "Joel, she's right. She's 18; she has freedom".

"Alright!" Joel gave in and clenched his jaw.

"Thank you" I said directly towards Alex and hugged her.

She hugged me tightly "Hey, what are best friends for"?

I smiled and pulled away and turned to Joel "I'll see you, bye" then jogging off.

"God Damn it, there you are" Craig said as I walked up to them on the beach.

"Sorry I got interrogated by my brother" I defended.

"Must be rough, growing up with all brothers, and your mom not being around and all..." Liz said.

I shrugged "Yeah it sucks at times, but I wouldn't trade them for dad on the other hand...."

"Yeah, what's your relationship with your dad anyways"? Neil asked curiously.

"Abusive" Ryker muttered as he kicked the sand.

I glared at him "Don't. He's not abusive"!

"He hit you! In front of me, and you want to say he's not"! Ryker scoffed "Because maybe Rain if you realized your abused, you should fucking report him"!

I rolled my eyes "He does not abuse me"!

"Thats what abused kids say" He pushed narrowing his eyes at me.

Ugh! He's so aggravating.

"Alright you two, again!" Will warned "Stop arguing, or will make you two sleep in a room together".

My eyes widened and I put my hands in surrender "Okay, okay!".

"Whatever, I'm going for a run" Ryker said annoyed and pulled his shirt off.

Well there go my ovaries.....

Liz and Leah looked at me amused, and Liz whispered "You said that out loud".

My eyes widened and I started to choke, over my own cough.

Leah laughed "Don't worry the guys didn't here, only we did".

I buried my face in my hands as my face flushed red from embarrassment.

"Rain, go with Ryker" Craig nodded and Ryker gave an Are-You-Serious look. "What? Why"? I whined.

"Because you need to train, now go" He sent demanded and sent me a look.

I huffed and stood up from the towel I was sitting on between Leah and Liz. I grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it off, then un-buttoning my shorts and pulling them down my legs and throwing them off.

I was left in a white bikini top, and black bikini bottom shorts, and I tied my hair quickly up in a ponytail.

"Lets go jackass" I said to Ryker, and took off, and he followed.

We ran down the beach where the water and sand met.

My feet crashed into the sand and I breathed in the thin air.

I stared ahead and passed a bunch of people, as the beach was pretty crowded today, but it is also Saturday.

I avoided the shells since I was barefooted, and knowing me I would trip and fall; bleed to death and die and my tombstone it say 'Rain Thompson 1997-2015. Died of running on beach, stepping on shell and

bleeding external and internally to death'.

I don't want that on my I'm just going to avoid the shells.

My mind ran threw thoughts, as I ran down the beach and I felt a bunch of guys eyes on me; suddenly feeling self conscious.

I picked my feet up, and glanced at Ryker to see he was just running casually, without a care in the world.

We finished up the 5 mile run, and I was about to pass out.

"Alright, you can take a break" Ryker said, and I clutched my stomach which had massive side-sticker at the moment and I sat down on the hill of sand.

Ryker grabbed his phone and started to type something, as I tried to catch my breath as my lungs were flaming.

"Oh God, I'm going to die" I said breathlessly, as I continued to clutch my stomach.

Ryker rolled his eyes and put his phone away "Just wait until next weeks run" he winked.

I groaned "What's the point of this anyways"?

"I do it for fun, but you need it for training, because if you're in a gang you need to be able to fight, princess" He stated narrowing his eyes at me.

I frowned and clutched my stomach.

"Come on, I'll get you water" He said sticking a hand out to me, which I took and he pulled me up off the sand.

I wiped the sand of my butt, and we walked towards the board walk, where it was crowded with loads of people.

We went up to a small shack type food place.

There was a line, and I stood next to Ryker. I took my hair out of the loose messy ponytail it was in and it fell down, and I ran a hand threw my long brown wavy hair.

"Your hair looks prettier down" Ryker said as he watched me with his jaw clenched.

"Thanks...."? I trailed off.

I stared down at my bare feet that had a bit of sand on them, from running.

Ryker grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him, and wrapped his arms around my waist, and pushed me up against his bare chest.

I froze and electricity shot threw me.

"What the hell are you doing"?! I asked.

He whispered into my ear "There's the Crisis'; there a gang from Connecticut, and their staring at you".

I glanced over and saw a group of guys staring at me intensely, and you could see they were just thinking dirty thoughts in their minds by their facial expressions.

I quickly caught on, and wrapped my arms backwards around Ryker's neck, as he still had my half naked body pushed up against his.

I could feel his smirk and he rested his chin on my shoulder, and for some reason I had this weird sensation of feeling safe, and I couldn't figure out why..

His fingers traced up my waist and side of my stomach, all the way up to the end of my bikini.

When we came to the front of the line, I got out of Ryker's grip, and he ordered a water bottle, then quickly paying for it, and grabbing my hand and pulling me down the boardwalk.

"Anderson"! A voice yelled.

"Shit" Ryker muttered under his breath, and I gave a worried expression.

He put his lips to the top of my ear and said "Do not do or say anything".

I gulped and nodded slowly, as we walked up.

The guys had smirks appear on the faces, and they scanned over me.

"Oh this should be fun" One guy smirked as he looked at me.

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