My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 90

Chapter 90

90. His Vengeance


Just then two men of the Silver Storm pack attacked him. It was a suicide mission, but it gav me the time I needed. “Run, Princess!” I nodded, my heart squeezing as I knew their fate was death… I turned and ran through the flames, refusing to let their sacrifice be wasted. Stopping suddenly at the sight before me, there in the middle of the clearing were the king and queen, tied and mortally wounded. The queen was near dead, laying in a pool of blood, whilst the King was on his knees, breathing raggedly as he kept his head raised. “So, you managed to escape…” Theon’s cold, emotionless voice came. My heart thudded as I stared at the hooded man that now circled the king and queen, the sword in his hand dragging along the ground, grating against the stone. My stomach lurched as a strong sense of Deja Vu from the day at the hospital returned to me. Somehow, I had been forewarned of this moment… When Theon had touched me… Fire… Death… Goddess… “Don’t do this, Theon.” I whispered pleadingly. “Please, you have won, don’t taint your hands with the blood of so many.” I wasn’t close to either the king or queen, but this was wrong. “I have waited for far too long for this moment to stop. Bow to your new king, Yileyna.” I was about to speak when the huge black wolf approached, blood dripping from his sharp fangs. His aura surged around him, and when Theon looked at him, I realised who it was.

Theoden Hale. Before my eyes, he transformed into a tall muscular man, scars littered his body, and his muscles rippled with every step he took. A man that oozed of power. Grabbing a discarded cloak and wrapping it around his waist, he approached the king. “I told you, you would pay for your betrayal, Andres.” His voice was harsh and cold, yet held vast power. “Theoden…” The king spat coldly, his own aura swirling around him even if he was weakened. The two men who had started all of this… but what was the truth? What do I do? Theon’s eyes were on me, and I shook my head pleadingly. Don’t do this… “You didn’t even recognise my son.” Theoden smirked coldly. “The power of a simple enchantment…” + “It’s a shame… a shame that I let someone like him into our pack! You will suffer for this, Theon! And you, you will never be the king, Theoden.” Andres growled. His breathing was heavy and laboured as he glared at the man that stood before him. Theoden smirked, yet it lacked any glimmer of emotion. “I already am.” He said, holding his hand out for the sword Theon held. “Don’t do this, Alpha Theoden!” I shouted suddenly, running forward. “You don’t need to kill him, you have Westerfell in your grasp-” “Do not talk to me, wench!” His eyes flashed, his aura radiating off him. “Stay silent.” The king growled, looking at me warningly. Despite his harsh tone, I saw the glimmer of fear in his eyes as he motioned toward the gates discreetly.

Run. He was telling me to run. I couldn’t… “Yileyna!” Andres growled warningly. I told you… I don’t need a man… I will protect my people. I don’t know how but I will try my best. 2 I said nothing, simply shaking my head at the King. I’m sorry, but I am no coward. Theoden raised the sword, and with one swift move, beheaded Soleil in the blink of an eye. The king flinched and I ran forward. Another bolt of lightning struck the ground inches from where Theoden stood. 1 “Control her!” He roared at Theon, who was behind me in a flash, his arm tightening around my throat

and waist. Theoden let out a terrifying roar of power, as he beheaded the king right before my eyes. In the same moment, with his other hand, he tore his heart from his chest. My heart thumped as I stared at the horrifying scene before me. I felt a huge wave of power within me, the transfer of the Alpha position. If there was any doubt that I was not the Alpha’s daughter, it was now gone. I froze in Theon’s hold as I stared at the King’s head, that now lay detached from his body. Dead. Suddenly, it felt like everything was lost. I felt lost, scared and defeated. The King was the most powerful in our pack… A raucous laugh left Theoden’s lips, he slammed his foot down on the king’s face as he bit into the king’s heart, making me sick. – This was a nightmare… This could not be true… “You picked the wrong side.” Theon whispered in my ear before throwing me to the ground roughly. The sound of heavy footsteps approached, and to my horror, I saw the guards that I had ordered to take Charlene and the others being thrown to the ground by a group of Obsidian Shadow warriors. They were bloody and injured, but when Valen gave me the tiniest of nods, I felt a wave of relief flood me. They had managed to get the others out… or so I hoped… “We saw these two bastards trying to escape!” One of the men shouted. “I ordered them!” I hissed before Theon or his monster of a father could speak. “I’m the one who should be punished!” “Then it’s time you were taught a lesson. Theon.” Theoden commanded dangerously, I glared up at both him and Theon. “You’re right.” Theon said coldly, his eyes boring into mine and crushing my heart in the process. Theon… There was no love nor emotions in the eyes of the man before me… Only the flames of hatred burning brightly, consuming those amber orbs. 13 Was I nothing to him? “Tell me… What are we?” I asked softly.

Please… The pain in my body was suffocating, and no matter how strong I tried to remain, I couldn’t keep the pain from my voice. “Nothing more than Heaven and Hell.” His voice was equally cold, destroying the last of my resolve. “Then kill me.” I whispered hoarsely, trying to ignore the pain of betrayal that was tearing me up from within. A ruthless smirk graced his handsome face. He crouched down, his fingers curling under my chin and making the sparks from his touch rush through me; pleasurable, yet equally painful. He was so close… yet so far away… “That would be far too easy… but I assure you, when I’m done with you, you’ll wish you were never born.” “You don’t mean that…” “Watch me.” He turned away, pushing me back onto the ground roughly. My head hit the ground as he gave the command. “Burn her.” My heart sank, my head hanging as the pain of his rejection tore through me. Even when I was doused in gasoline, I didn’t move, trying not to gag on the strong pungent smell that now cloaked me entirely, keeping my eyes clamped shut. Didn’t he realise I was already burning in agony from the pain he had inflicted within me? My eyes stung as I forced them open, watching him retreat, hoping… praying… that he’d turn back and change his mind. That perhaps deep inside of him, the man that I loved still existed. He once said that I was his kryptonite… Was it all lies? He paused, my heart leapt with a glimmer of hope, but then I saw it, the blazing match in his hand as his eyes met mine. “Burn.” He tossed the match, and I watched as if in slow motion as the match came spinning through the air, straight towards me. Memories of our time together… Him rescuing me from Nikolai and Kyson… 1

Him making me coffee… Kissing me… Complimenting me… Promising me he would destroy me… And my innocent willingness, not knowing he had always meant so much more… My vision blurred as the pain became unbearable. He betrayed me… Goddess, he betrayed me… The emotions were too much… I let out a scream of anguish as I felt the searing pain of something breaking within me. Suddenly a blinding, iridescent light blazed around me, obliterating the match before it even touched me. Blasting everything away from me, a violent wind beat against everyone there, making them struggle to keep their balance as they shielded their faces from the storm that now swirled around me. I felt something snap, and several fearful voices filled my head. ‘What’s happening… help us…. Goddess…’ The mind link… Somehow, I had gained access despite not having shifted. This power… It ran through my veins like a charge of energy, my seal had broken. My heart pounded as Theon looked at me sharply, his eyes cold and indifferent, yet my stomach sank as the most delicious intoxicating scent filled my senses and I felt the intense pull of the mate bond snap into place. with it came the birth of a dark, twisted truth. Theon was my fated mate. END OF PART 1 9 A/N – Fear not, this is not the end. However, I needed to split this book for when it goes onto paperback. I will be back tomorrow with the next chapter… unless I decide to leave you all hanging for a few days… (Smiles sneakily) Lol. If you are enjoying this book so far, please do leave a review on the main page and vote by leaving a gem. See you all tomorrow!

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