My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 73

His words reignited that illicit desire within me. I used all my willpower to pull free, and turning, I faced him. “He commanded you as my bodyguard, which means your job is to follow me around
wherever I go. Right now, I am going to go see Charlene, and then I’m going to visit Raiden. Mess up and interfere in what I do, and I swear I’ll tell the king that I don’t want you as my guard.” I replied,
warning him. Theon frowned, glaring coldly at me. “Yeah, the only thing is the king said you are not to see Charlene until he has had a word with the Luna.”
My heart skipped a beat.
No. I needed to tell Charlene first, before the king.
“Well then, guess what?” I whispered, stepping closer to him, planning to throw him off guard, but he didn’t fall for it, frowning and grabbing hold of my arm and holding me at arm’s length.
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.
Shame it didn’t work.
“What are you trying to pull?” I shrugged, pulling free and turning away. i “Nothing at all, just no one can stop me from seeing Charlene.” With those words leaving my lips, I broke into a run. “Yileyna! This is not a
fucking game.” Theon growled.
“Well then, don’t try to stop me!” I shouted back.
I ignored the looks of contempt, disapproval, and irritation as I rushed through the halls, weaving through other people. Being smaller than Theon gave me the advantage, and I was able to get by a lot easier.
He was pissed, I could hear it in his voice. 2
I couldn’t stop now; I just wish there was a way I could mind link Charlene... I needed to find someone who would do it for me...
I rushed out onto one of the open balconies and grabbing the rail, I flipped over the edge and dropped onto the balcony floor below, quickly pushing the doors to the adjoining room open. I looked around, my heart
thumping, I was in one of the side library rooms. I felt relieved, spotting one of the elder guards looking through some scrolls. He looked slightly curious to see me before it changed into one of suspicion.
“Sir...” I couldn’t remember his name. “Sorry for intruding in like this, I was looking for the princess.” “Hmm?”
“Could you mind link her and tell her Gamma Raiden is allowed to have visitors and to bring the daises?”
Bring the daises – a code we used as a child, I just hoped she remembered it and came immediately.
He looked at me for a moment, and I gave him the most innocent smile I could muster, batting my eyelashes, He cleared his throat, turning a little red before he turned away. “Ok, ok.” He went silent. I knew he was
mind-linking her, but I also knew Theon would find me at any minute. “She said right away.”

“Thank you.” I almost exhaled in relief.
I went back out onto the balcony, gasping as Theon landed in front of me, his eyes blazing gold. My heart thumped, and not wanting to alert the guard, I smiled at Theon.
“Theon! You found me.” I said cheerily. “Come on, let’s go see Raiden at the hospital.”
He frowned suspiciously at me. I knew he wasn’t dumb... He glanced at the guard who was now leaving the room, for a moment
I thought he’d stop him and ask him if I had said anything or that he might make the link... but he didn’t.
Thank the goddess
He didn’t respond, grabbing hold of my arm as he yanked me to the door.
“Do you expect me to actually believe you have suddenly given up on seeing her?” He asked, his voice so dangerously calm that
it made my stomach twist.
“Oh, I’m going to see her, but I think we can stop at the hospital wing first considering you need to apologise to Raiden.”
His hand firmly wrapped around my arm as he scoffed.
“I won’t apologise for something I’d do a hundred fucking times over.” “And that is exactly why you will never get far in life.” I
His grip tightened painfully, but I didn’t react, not wanting to give him the satisfaction. The tension between us suddenly became
suffocating, it felt like it all returned at once...
How had things become so complicated? From those days of Charlene and I sneaking away for a swim... to my parents’ being
framed despite everything they have done for this pack and city. To finding out that they weren’t my birth parents? It didn’t
change anything, but it still hurt to know my life had been somewhat of a lie. Did my parents know the truth? They still loved me
for me... but I knew even if they knew that wouldn’t change, because they were the truest, most loving people I knew. Everything
the King and Theon had said suddenly felt like a huge burden upon my shoulders.
How do I take this all in alone? I felt the familiar sting in my eyes, wishing they were here by my side... There are different types
of parents on this planet, but mine were the type that could never be replaced Theon came to a stop, and I frowned, not even
realising when he had loosened his grip. Once again, he was completely cold and stoic. “You can get changed before we go to

the hospital.” He stated, his eyes skimming over me. If I wasn’t feeling so upset inside, I would have lost my temper, but instead,
I shook my head.
“No, I want to see him first.”
A flash of irritation filled those eyes as he glared into mine. That sexual air between us was still there, even if it felt so confusing
He turned, taking hold of my wrist, and pulled me along to the hospital wing.
I shook my head, glancing at the mark he had left on my arm...
touch me...
I looked ahead, staring at his back.
What did I feel for him?
I still loved him.
My heart squeezed at the thought, and deep down I knew those feelings wouldn’t go for a while, but they were no longer the
same. No longer pure and innocent, no longer clouded by dreams of how I thought I would win the heart of my first love. But they
were now tainted by his betrayal..
I would keep my heart encased in a dome of the strongest armour. I really was done. Yileyna De’Lacor needed no man. 2
We reached the hospital and were instantly directed to Raiden’s bed, a curtain surrounding the cubicle. I tensed, realising his
parents were here... So was his brother.
Goddess, I didn’t think this through...
Neither Gamma Henry nor Andrea looked pleased to see us. A wave of guilt washed through me; this was my fault...
“May we come in?” I asked quietly.
Gamma Henry frowned but nodded as Rhys flashed me a smile. “Hey, Yileyna!” “Hey.” I replied, smiling at him as Andrea tried to
keep her emotions in check. Taking a deep breath, I looked at Raiden. His head wasn’t bandaged, to my relief, and he looked to
be just sleeping.

Thank the gods for healer mages. I walked over to the bed, my heart pounding as I looked down at him. He was still a little pale..
“Did the healer say anything?” I asked quietly. “No, just that he almost died.” Andrea replied. I saw her gaze flit to Theon, who
simply stood there, arms crossed, that mask of indifference plastered on his arrogant face. “He hasn’t awakened yet.” I looked
down at Raiden, gently stroking his hair for a moment. I could still see slight traces of blood that they had not washed off. I
looked down at his bare chest before slipping my hand into his that lay on the bed by his side, and giving it a gentle squeeze.
Forgive me Raiden, because of me you suffered.
I could feel Theon’s irritation, but I refused to give him any attention. Instead, I looked at Raiden’s parents.
“I’m so sorry, I know it’s not enough, but this was my fault... I should never-”
My eyes widened when I felt Raiden’s hand tighten around mine. My attention snapped to his face, my heart pounding as his
eyelids fluttered open.
“Don’t apologise for something that I wouldn’t mind doing ten times over.” Came his raspy reply.
I almost laughed at the irony of his words. Men.
“Raiden!” My heart leapt with relief, and although I wanted to just hug him, I settled for raising his hand to my chest and holding it
close as I kissed his knuckles softly. “Thank the gods and goddesses!”
“Rai!” Rhys exclaimed.
“My son...’ Andrea whispered, jumping up from her seat. I instantly lowered his hand, stepping away to give his family space as they crowded around him, hugging him. I didn’t have that right over him, I smiled
watching them all together. A wave of nostalgia washed over me but I was just glad he was ok.
“I’m completely fine, don’t worry.” Raiden reassured Andrea.
I could feel Theon’s anger growing and I looked over at him.
‘Apologise’ I mouthed to him, but he simply cocked a brow, turning away. “If you’re done, shall we go?” He asked icily. Raiden sat up, seeming only to realise now that he was there. “What is he doing here?” He
asked, his blue eyes darkening as he looked at Theon, his gaze hostile.
“Watching me.” I said quietly, not wanting something to happen again. Raiden looked confused, and Gamma Henry sighed. “Yileyna was found wearing the amulet of House Hale, The Alpha family crest of the
Obsidian Shadow Pack and is awaiting trial... Yet the Alpha is trusting your attacker.” He said quietly,

clearly displeased. “I agree.” I said, although i know no one here really trusted me, Theon did deserve a punishment too. The king favoured him too much. Raiden took hold of my wrist, my heart skipping a beat at the
intimate way he caressed my wrist with his thumb. “What’s going on?” He asked quietly, his eyes flitting from the mark Theon left on my upper arm to my face. I shook my head.
“I bought it in Bellmead... I didn’t know what it was.” I explained quietly.
He nodded. “I believe you.”
I smiled softly and our eyes met for a moment, before I slowly pulled out of his hold.
“Thank you. I’m glad you’re awake. I’m sorry on Theon’s behalf and my own for all of this.” I said, I should give him and his family some time alone.
But where was Charlene...
“Don’t keep apologising.” Raiden replied with a wink, which made me smile. 5 I turned away, frowning as Theon smirked coldly.
“Shall we go, so the Boltons can have some time to enjoy their precious reunion?” He remarked, his voice dripping with mockery.
I clenched my jaw and nodded as I gave the Boltons a polite bow of the head and stepped out. “What’s wrong, wondering why Charlene isn’t here?” He taunted. My smile vanished as I stared at his cold smirk.
He had somehow found out...
“What did you do?” I hissed.
“I just made sure she didn’t leave her quarters... You’re welcome.” His arrogant face was irritating me.
I needed to be the one to tell her... Did he get how this could devastate her? How dare he wear that smug look on his face.
“Calm down.” He warned, his smile vanishing and I realised the temperature was dropping.
“Fuck you, Theon.” I hissed, feeling the painful tug in my stomach before a blast of wind slammed him across the hospital. He flipped in the air, regaining his balance as he knelt on the ground, his claws out, digging
into the stone as he held his ground, the wind whipping violently in the room. Everything was being thrown around, but I was far too angry to care.
His gold eyes were blazing as he watched me without even an ounce of fear. He wanted to play? Then let’s fucking play.

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