My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 63

63. Zarian’s Training
I had managed to secure myself a small room and bathroom at the new inn, which was called The White Mist. The inn owner
had simply given me a once over before telling me he expected me to pay the rent on every full moon. He warned me that if I
was even a day late, he would boot me, and so I had paid for six months in advance, which appeased him greatly.
The room was nice and clean, with simple furnishing and an adjoining bathroom. It was warm too.
I had gotten all my things brought over for me. I had placed the keys to the cabin with a small note into an envelope and I had left
it on the table at the cabin.
That moment had felt like a resolution. When I had left my childhood home, I had promised to be strong, yet I had fallen so
deeply into things with Theon that I once again let my heart be broken. Losing sight of what I wanted.
It still hurt, every night he lingered on my mind; his gaze, his touch, the comfort and emotions he awakened within me, but I
refused to let it overpower me.
The following day after securing my room I had gone for my uniform fitting. The Zeta rank wore a dark grey uniform with black
accents to it. None of the standard sizes fitted me and so the tailor had told me to come back to collect it in three days’ time.
It had now been four days since the day Zarian had agreed to train me, and he did so every day. Sticking to his words and the
only promise he had asked of me was to stay committed.
“Again.” His smooth voice came as I breathed heavily, I was bent over on all fours, fighting the fatigue that consumed me
Zarian may not be a warrior, but he knew how to push me to my limits until my body screamed for reprieve. He was good with
weapons and with his element, using them both together in a way that intrigued me greatly. I wondered what he was back in his
own kingdom, or what he once was long ago. He was a mystery that I knew nothing of.
There were two training sessions, the morning one was lighter, and I was able to function after, but the evening training was far
more extreme, leaving me exhausted. It required trust and when Zarian had asked me that first session if I trusted him, I had said
yes. I had to because when he was done, I often held no power to even move.
Right now was the evening session, and we were far away from the safety of the walls of Westerfell as Zarian stood over me,
arms crossed as he stared down at me. His wind element whipping around him powerfully, and I could feel it swirling around me.

There were eight elements; wind, water, fire, earth, ice, lightning, shadow, and light. Each one powerful in its own right. 1 “What’s
wrong? Feeling useless?” His hard, cold voice came as I struggled to pick myself up.
It wasn’t even our second lesson when he realised that only when I was emotional could I call forth my powers, and I had
managed to do so in last night’s session. But it was only a small display of power, similar to the ice I had created in the hidden
area of the castle.
“I’m not useless.” I said coldly. “Really? Then why are you not beta? Why were you unable to keep your rank? You really are a
I knew what he was doing, he was trying to trigger me off, but even then, it did hurt. I could handle insults.
“I’m not.” I said despite trying to push my emotions, the pressure of his powers pushing me to bow my head before him. He
crouched before me, taking hold of my chin and forcing it up to look into his violet eyes.
“Really? Then why did Theon of Westerfell cast you aside? Even he did not want you. Tell me my beautiful student, aside from
your beauty, is there anything more to you?”
Anger flared through me, and the crushing reminder of Theon’s betrayal rushed through me. “You were nothing more than
something to use and cast aside, if he really cared, he wouldn’t have left you... But that is all you are worth, nothing more. You
are a shame to the De’Lacor name.”
“I am not a shame to my parents’ name!” I snapped, the pressure of his power was crushing me and I pushed against it with all
my will, it was all I had.
“You are. Right now, despite being a beta rank wolf, you are bowing before a fae. I wonder what your parents would think Would
they be disappointed in the daughter they had high hopes for?”
My anger flared and I glared at him. A sudden painful pull ripped through my stomach and I gasped as lightning flashed in the
sky above.
“Useless, pathetic and wolf less.” Zarian said, his eyes glinting with scorn. “You can’t even withstand the small amount of my
powers that any wolf would be able to.”
I’m not weak

I am not pathetic! “I don’t blame Theon for leaving you, no one wants such a weak woman by their side.” I wasn’t weak or
“You’re wrong! I was foolish to fall for Theon, but I am not worthless! I am worth more, far more. A man’s opinion counts for
nothing!” I snapped pushing against his power, my patience snapping. Using all my will I managed to stand up, pushing his
powers back. A flash of lightning illuminated the sky, striking the ground inches from where Zarian had stood moments earlier. A
swirl of wind whipping around him in a protective shield.
A blast of wind knocked him off his feet and I felt the temperature drop. Looking at the ground I saw the ice spreading from
beneath my feet and out across the ground. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Zarian regain his balance, crouched on the
ground holding his stance as I felt my anger swirling around me.
I was going to hurt him.
I gasped and the flashing lightning in the sky vanished. The whipping wind around me stilled and I staggered back from the ice
that was beneath my feet, but in every direction as far as I could see there was a layer of ice covering the ground. I suddenly felt
as if I had been hit by a huge boulder, feeling exhausted, the agony in my stomach easing up and I fell to my knees, shaking.
Zarian waved his hand getting rid of his own barrier created by his element and stepping closer to me.
“Impressive. How do you feel?”
“Annoyed.” I glared at him, my voice coming out as a hoarse murmur.
“My apologies, you really are hard to rile up.” He smiled sexily, and I simply made a face, feeling drained. “Where are you
drawing your powers from?” He asked, crouching in front of me as rain began pouring down, drenching us both.
“It feels like my stomach...” I whispered, clutching my stomach. He nodded, “And do you feel it spread through you when you
summon it? “Summon? No... I just feel a pull and intense pain, like something is being ripped inside of me.
He frowned, “That doesn’t sound right... may I take a look at your stomach?” I nodded, reaching for my shirt with shaking hands
when I realised, I was wearing a corset. “Allow me.” Zarian said, and reaching over he began to undo my corset. I knew if I
wasn’t feeling so exhausted, I would feel very self-conscious but I didn’t. Once he had removed it, he pulled my shirt up to my
breasts, looking at my stomach. “Hold it.” He commanded. I nodded as I tucked my legs under me and sat up straight, holding
my shirt up from my stomach. Even that felt like a task.

He placed his hand on my stomach, closing his eyes and I felt pressure in my stomach. He glanced up at me, as if trying to look
for a reaction.
“Does that hurt?”
I shook my head. “It just feels like a pressure.”
“Strange... I might need to do some research... Something isn’t right.” “Great, now I’m a malfunctioning hybrid too.” I sighed
unable to keep the bitterness from my voice.
He smirked as he looked up at me.
“You are anything but malfunctioning, it’s almost as if something is blocking you from using your abilities.” He said thoughtfully.
I frowned, “Like a seal?” Wasn’t that the same issue that Charlene was having? “Yes, which makes me think someone wanted to
keep your... other side a secret... How many
people know of your abilities?” “Just you, Charlene and Theon. Oh and maybe Madelia, one of the royal mages. She saw I could
withstand a very low temperature.” “Make sure you don’t tell anyone further, at least until I find some answers.” He said brushing
his fingers down my stomach, making a tingles of pleasure rush to my core. I blushed as I realised he was still touching me and
swatted his hand away. Before I quickly pulled my shirt down, making him laugh. “I was enjoying that.”
“You’re a pervert.” I frowned, but I didn’t feel angry. “What element do you think I have? Ice?
I think it was anyway.
I looked at the ground, staring at the ice that was melting away due to the rain.
“Ice, water, so much more... I don’t really know, but it’s definitely not just one, which is very unique...” 1
I looked at him curiously as he brushed back his soaking hair, looking at the rain that was pouring down. “Sit back, calm yourself,
and clear your mind.” He said standing up. As much as my body was groaning for rest, I wanted to learn and do the most I
possibly could. If Zarian was taking the time to train me then I would be the best student.
And so, I didn’t question him. Sitting down on the cold wet ground, I crossed my legs and took calming breaths, clearing my
mind. Focusing on nothing but my own heartbeat.

Emptying all thoughts from my mind... “That’s enough, well done.” I opened my eyes, I don’t know how long I had been
meditating for but the rain had stopped too. He gave me a small smile and offered me a hand.
“I admire your resilience.” He said quietly.
“Thank you.” I replied.
He bent down picking up my corset, and without asking, slipped it around my waist, swiftly tying it up. “Who knew you were such
a good help at getting dressed too.” I teased, adjusting my soaking shirt.
“I admire this waistline.” He joked before a faint smile crossed his face. “My mother was a tailor, and I was often given the job to
adorn the mannequins.” He added, surprising me.
“Oh? That’s an interesting little piece to learn about you.” I said, staring into his gorgeous violet eyes.
“If you want, I don’t mind sharing far more with you.” He winked, giving me a seductive smile.
My heart skipped a beat, and no matter how much my heart yearned for the attention of an
amber-eyed heartbreaker, I couldn’t deny that the man before me was very handsome and charming
That doesn’t sound like a bad idea.” I whispered softly, knowing I was playing a game I would lose. A hint of a dangerously sexy
smile crossed his lips, and he slowly reached up, brushing my wet locks from my face. He cupped the side of my face, stepping
closer until my chest brushed against him, both of us were soaked by the rain, and the heat from his body was inviting.
Our eyes remained locked, our hearts beating in rhythm. I leaned up, closing the gap between us when I suddenly felt a
dangerous aura swirl and surge around me. I felt Zarien tense ever so slightly, his hand going to my upper arm protectively as
we both turned to look at the intruder.
My heart was thundering as I stared into the shimmering gold eyes of none other than Theon himself. Eyes that were full of
burning hatred as he looked at me with such rage that I felt a sliver of fear rush through me.
“If you’re done being a whore, I need to have a word with you.”

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