My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 60

60. Refusing To Believe
After meeting Charlene, we had gone our separate ways. I had first walked around the city for a while trying to relax my mind
before I requested a meeting with the king. I now waited patiently for the guard to tell the king that I had requested an audience.
“The Alpha said he is busy, but what is it regarding?” The man asked me coldly.
“I wanted to see the evidence against my parents.” I said quietly, knowing the king obviously didn’t want to see me anymore. I
just wasn’t worthy of his time.
The man quirked an eyebrow before looking at me scornfully.
“Are you actually wasting the Alpha’s time with your pathetic requests? You should be grateful he hasn’t demoted you to an
omega.” He muttered scornfully.
I frowned, about to reply when I heard footsteps.
“That is not your place to decide, Gerald. I’ll let the Alpha know and I will take miss De’Lacor where she needs to go. You are
speaking to a Zeta rank guard, even if you are an Epsilon... treat her with respect.” Raiden’s smooth, calm voice came, yet it
held a clear warning. 1
I turned, feeling relieved to see him. Although I don’t think he realises I’m nothing, not a Zeta rank or anything, so I had no idea
why he said that.
He gave me a small smile before motioning for me to follow him. I gave Gerald a small nod before following Raiden. He was
quiet, and I had a feeling he was mind linking the king.
“Come on, he said I can show you the proof.” He said, giving me one of his killer smiles.
I forced a smile back, not missing the concern in his eyes. “Thanks, did the king agree?”
“He said you can take a look, besides, I was actually going to come find you later. The king has decided to make you a Zeta rank
warrior. Congratulations. I think your wit onboard The Siren Killer must have reached him.” He said, giving me another smirk.
I nodded, wondering why the king had done that. It wasn’t like him to care. Had Theon said something? Maybe I was being
hopefully, but it just felt too coincidental... I followed him through to the wing which had our old quarters, the Gammas’ quarters,
as well as the king’s personal library, office, and other important rooms. The wing next to this one was the Alpha’s personal living

quarters. “So, the evidence is kept in the restricted area, but I will have to stay with you whilst you check it.” Raiden explained.
“Oh... I’m sorry, you probably have a lot to do, right?” “It’s not much, I’ll get it done. Besides, I didn’t have to come find you
myself. That saved me time.” He winked at me, and I nodded as he entered the library.
There were many people scattered around, some searching for books, others mulling over maps and records. Far more mages
than werewolves. They all lowered their heads to Raiden, I remembered a time I had been shown that same respect.
I looked down, thinking I was ok with the insult and rejection, but I wanted at least my parents ‘names to be cleared.
Raiden told me to wait before he went over to the desk, the man behind the table was a serious elder mage and his hard eyes
turned on me before he nodded to whatever Raiden had said. He took out a key from his huge ring of keys, as well as taking
another bunch and removing one small one from it.
Raiden thanked him before returning to my side. “I got the keys, come on.” He said, leading the way. Once inside, he shut the
door after us. The room was a lot smaller, yet it was far fuller. Boxes and chests were also stacked to one side. The shelves and
cabinets were all locked and labelled.
I turned to look at him and he walked over to me, making my heart skip a beat at the seriousness on his face.
“Raiden.” I said, narrowing my eyes. He chuckled before crossing his arms. “Tell me what’s wrong? You aren’t your usual
sparkling firework self tonight.” He said softly. I shook my head.
“I am fine, really. They say you reap the consequences of your actions. I paved this path for myself and now I’m walking it.” I
replied with a humourless smile.
“He hurt you again, didn’t he?” He questioned sharply, his eyes flashing green. 1
“It doesn’t matter, can we get to the evidence?” I asked, turning away.
I looked back at him, and he frowned slightly. “What is it? I said I’m fine.” I said, trying not to sound irritated. “Hmm you did, but I
just wanted to say, I’m here even if you just need a friend to listen. No judgement, no expectations, just someone to listen.” He
said quietly. My heart squeezed and I looked down at the ground. “I’ll keep it in mind, but I’ll be ok.” I said, turning away. That

was a lie I was telling myself again and again even when I felt like I was crumbling inside, I wouldn’t admit it... “Alright, let’s get to
this.” He said, briskly walking past me and unlocking one of the small metal cabinets.
The mood became darker as he took out a bunch of letters, maps and reports. “It’s all here, from the letters he received, and
sent, as well as the blueprints and maps of the
city and castle.” He said quietly.
“He didn’t do it.” I replied firmly. “I know my parents.”
I took the things from him not wanting to hear anything more, and turned my back on him Walking over, I sat down at one of the
three tables in the room and placed everything down carefully.
I could feel him watching, but I refused to look at him.
I came here for a reason...
I looked at the letter’s Dad had apparently received; plans for an attack, plans to usurp the alpha from the throne, to take over
the middle kingdom...
Lies. Dad considered Alpha Andres his best friend, there was no way that he would have done this.
I stared at the letters, taking a calming breath before I picked up the first letter. Although I knew it just couldn’t be Dad, the fact
that everyone said it was him made my stomach churn.
I looked at the letter I had just unfolded. This was a letter he was meant to send soon it seemed. It was Dad’s handwriting, or
extremely close... but, no Dad couldn’t do this.
I skimmed the letter, a letter that stated he was enclosing the maps and a clear route into the castle. Stating that he needed more
time, and that the planned attack needed to be delayed.
I read it quickly
“We need to hold out... I fear that the king may know something... Yours W...’
I frowned, staring at the last part.

It just didn’t make sense. If Dad was planning to send this letter out to tell them to hold off the attack, then why was it even here?
Shouldn’t he have posted it as fast as possible?
I know one could argue he didn’t get the chance, but... but still, something wasn’t right.
I stared at the writing, trying to find even one small sign to tell me it wasn’t Dad’s, but even after staring at it I found nothing. It
looked just like his...
I folded it away, picking up the letters that were sent to Dad, not that even one was addressed to him. They talked of plans to
storm the capital from the sea, how the king’s time had come and how the Obsidian Shadow Pack would take their rightful place.
There wasn’t much, as if they were speaking about casual topics, but there was no deeper evidence, none that referenced any
solid plans and dates.
Maybe they were destroyed, but if that was the case, why would Dad even keep these? He was a Beta rank, he wasn’t stupid
enough to get caught... “If Dad did this, he wouldn’t keep such files in our home.” I said, my voice coming out icy and angry.
Raiden was silent for a moment before he sighed,
“They said it’s the one place that would never have been raided or found.”
“Yet they somehow received a tip-off? Do you know who it was or how?”
“That’s classified information I’m afraid, my ice queen.” 3
1 glared at him before sighing. I felt guilty, I was taking my frustration out on him. “Probably one of the king’s own spies.” He
replied after a moment, “but it’s not something we should be discussing.” “I still don’t believe my father did this.” I said, standing
up. I wanted to swipe a letter. Raiden might be charming, but he was sharp, and his eyes were currently on me.
“Me neither.” He said quietly, a small frown on his face.
I looked at him, my heart skipping a beat, and I gave a small smile.
“Thank you.”
He gave a curt nod before we put everything away and we left the room.
“So... I’m assuming you don’t have a date for the upcoming ball?” I frowned, Theon becoming beta was becoming a grand affair,
wasn’t it?

“No, I don’t,” I said quietly. “I won’t attend.”
“But as a Zeta rank, you should be there; besides, I don’t have a date either. Want to go with
“Really? Have you already been through all the single women in Westerfell?” I remarked with a smirk
He pouted. “I’ve been behaving rather well actually, especially since that voyage.”
I couldn’t resist a smile.
“Oh, have you now? I’m proud of you, but has that changed since we returned?” I asked, slightly amused.
“Yeah, I even refused the she-wolf on board. However, on a serious note, I realised that there’s a huge difference between love
and lust.” He winked at me and my smile faded.
Love and lust...
Had I been blinded when it came to Theon? Was there really nothing more than lust between us? My heart sank and Raiden
“Come with me to the ball, if not as a date, as a friend. You don’t need to suffer alone, Charlene will be at the Alpha’s table. You
need someone by your side, and I’m sure my brother would love to see you again. So, what do you say?”
I hesitated, before sighing in defeat.
“As a friend. Don’t expect more.”
He smiled and nodded.
“I won’t.” He winked, before taking my hand and placing a soft kiss on it.
“Raiden.” I warned.
“As friends, I promise.” He became serious, letting go of my hand. “Besides, I won’t take
advantage of your emotions and try to pull a move.” “Thank you. I don’t want to hurt you or use you.” I smiled softly, his words
making my heart skip a beat.

“What if I want to be used?” 2
“Raiden!” “Sorry.” He chuckled “Anyway, I’ll send a messenger with your duties from Monday. Make sure you go to the pack
tailors and get your uniforms.” I nodded before he paused, clearly being mind linked. “Everything ok?” I asked when he frowned.
“Yeah, I just need to go, Dad and the king want to see me regarding some security plans. Will you be ok going from here?” I
nodded. “I grew up in these halls too, remember?” “Yeah. I know, we played together, remember?” He replied in the same tone
that I had used.
“Yes.” I smiled slightly.
He gave me a final smile and wink before he walked off, and I decided to take the shortest route out of here.
I didn’t want to go anywhere near Theon’s room. I made my way down the hall, passing some guards, and took a left from the
gamma quarters.
It was a lot quieter here; I was about to open a door that led to a staircase, which led to a side exit, when I paused hearing
familiar voices talking. My heart skipped a beat when I realised who that was...
“... you please.”
“I’m done with Yileyna. I think it’s high time we told the entire kingdom about us, that we are to be mated. Don’t you agree,
Charlene?” Since when did Theon call Charlene by her name?
Wait... mated?
I calmed my heart, realising what was happening. Charlene must have come to try to talk to him for me.
Goddess, didn’t she realise he’ll just be mean to her? Worried for her, I made my way towards the room where the voices were
coming from. I stopped at the door, shocked to see Theon was holding Charlene’s chin. Confusion filled me and I looked at the
side profile of the man before me, having to confirm if it really was Theon. “Theon, we need to-” Charlene was cut off when
Theon bent down and claimed her lips in a

deep kiss. Shock slapped me in the face, accompanied by the sharp pain of rejection and betrayal. I wasn’t able to stop the
sharp intake of breath, my heart pounding as I backed away.
He kissed her...
What was going on?
I.... No... he...
Nothing made sense... My head was about to burst, I turned and fled, unable to stay here any longer. The pain in my chest was
overwhelming, crushing me painfully. Theon kissed Charlene...
I was halfway down the stairs, when I froze, turning back towards the open door at the top, fear enveloping me. I knew my best
friend enough to know she wouldn’t do that... but what if Theon forced her?
He isn’t like that...
But still, I was scared, I need to make sure she is ok. I heard the sound of a door slam, my heart pounding in fear, then hearing
Charlene’s sobs as she ran down the hall.
I pressed myself against the wall, hoping she wouldn’t sense me. Thank the goddess she was ok... I looked down at the stone
steps, trying to fight back my tears. Theon really was done with me...
The urge to comfort her was overwhelming, but I knew she’d also feel terrible if she knew that I saw what had happened...
I couldn’t go to her... Theon, of all women; my friend?
I won’t cry.
After a moment, I quietly made my way down the steps and out into the cold.
My heart was racing painfully fast, and I felt that sharp pull within me once more.
It hurt.
The image of Theon kissing her was screaming in my head, and my eyes prickled. ‘It’s high time we told the entire kingdom
about us... that we are to be mated?’ Confusion was bubbling within me but the pain that was overpowering everything was

The howling wind and the vicious rain that began pouring down drowned out my soft sobs as I rushed toward home...
A home that wasn’t mine... Would I ever find where I truly belong?

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