My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 56

56.A Sacrifice
I entered the king’s office, trying to do my best to remain emotionless. The burning rage of resentment and hatred bubbling
beneath the surface of my skin was growing ever stronger.
I couldn’t remove the image of her from my mind, in that thin white shirt, as she stood in the cold with concern and fear clear in
her grey eyes... I hated it, hated that I had left her when I could see her breaking before my very eyes. She had only wanted one
small gesture of reassurance that I wasn’t leaving her, but I was, and I couldn’t string her along any longer than I already had. It
was one of the hardest things I have ever done in life, but I had to. She was a distraction from my goal.
“Theon, are you alright?” Andres asked, frowning as he looked up at me from behind his desk I gave a curt nod.
“You wanted to see me?” I said. Never had I detested him as much as I did at this moment.
He was the reason for all of this. “I did, but if now isn’t the right time, we can postpone our meeting...” “Just carry on. I’m fine.” I
said through gritted teeth. He observed me for a moment before he nodded.
“It was regarding your Beta position; I was thinking about the upcoming ceremony... I wanted to ask you a final time... Are you
I looked into his grey eyes coldly, and frowned. It was the first fucking time I realised his eyes weren’t much of a different shade
than Yileyna’s. The only difference was I hated this pair with the same vengeance as I did the man they belonged to. A
“Sure about what?”
I had a feeling he meant if this was the position I was happy with. Dad’s words rang in my head, but I felt sick at the very thought
of having this man’s daughter as my mate.
Remember the goal.
“About my offer, Charlene may not be the same as Yileyna, I know she is very popular when it comes to the terms of her beauty
and personality, but Charlene would make a good mate. Besides, I know you are very chivalrous, Theon, and this is for the
betterment of the kingdom. We need someone worthy of being Alpha.”

Alpha., it was the position I needed... I could take her as my mate and then, with me as Alpha... no one would be able to
disobey... The plan was for the attack to happen before this winter passed... That wasn’t too long a time... If I just... The unage
of Yileyna flashed through my mind; her blonde hair, her soft plump lips, her
gorgeous grey eyes... and with it, the clarity that I had indeed strayed hit me like a fucking avalanche.
She was ruining everything. “You are right. This kingdom needs a strong Alpha, and despite Charlene being your daughter, she
doesn’t have the will of an Alpha.” I said coldly. “I guess I will accept this deal.” ; The guilt that washed through me as those
words left my lips was suffocating. Andres didn’t do anything to hide his happiness, his eyes lighting up as he let out a raucous
laugh, standing up and slamming his hand down on the table. “Are you agreeing?! Ah, you are! That’s my son!” He walked
around the table, wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug, only making my hatred flare through me viciously. I was no fucking
son of his. The day I killed him, and his fucking daughter, would be the day I’d be happier than ever.
I clenched my jaw, my eyes flashing as I did my all not to shove him away from me. He patted my back, his happiness as clear
as the blizzard outside. “I’m doing this for the kingdom.” I said coldly, looking into his eyes. “Of course! Theon, you know you can
keep Yileyna on the side if you so wish-” 2 “Keep her as a whore and humiliate her in the process? I don’t think so.” I clenched
my jaw, unable to hide the venom in my voice.
Andres’s smile vanished as he looked at me with concern that almost looked real. “Do you love her?” He asked after a moment.
I stared at the wooden table in front of me, I knew enough to know that if an Alpha didn’t want something or someone in their
way, they got rid of it. He could do anything to Yileyna... just as Dad could... “No.” I replied without hesitation, instantly seeing
how he relaxed. “She’s nothing to me, but I prefer not to humiliate her.”
“That’s understandable. Fear not, I’ll keep her busy with work. I realised I haven’t really assigned her anything, and after talking
to you about it last time, I have decided I will make her a Zeta rank; a warrior. I’ll make sure she gets her pay and everything on
time. She’ll be happy, and she’ll have the chance to keep busy. I have already talked to Raiden to have this all in order by the
end of the week.” I
Zeta rank... just below the royal guards... so she won’t be around the palace... I guess that was better... Being Zeta ranked
would mean she had some level of protection from bastards like Levin,
I nodded.

“That sounds ideal. We will continue with the princess’ training as planned, and hopefully, soon her abilities will break free. What
exactly are we looking for? What kind of ability is the heart meant to possess?” I asked,
The prophecy never said more than the one that held the heart possessed the ability to control the middle kingdom. “We aren’t
sure, it has never been said anywhere, but whatever it is, it will bring great power and prosperity.” It was too vague... Far too
vague for me to know if I needed Charlene alive and by my side or if I could just throw her in a cell and use her as a weapon.
Although I still had no idea what kind of weapon she would be, she was plain useless. A sudden thought came to me, and I tilted
my head, looking at the king calculatingly. “Charlene knows of the relationship I had with Yileyna. Do you think she will agree?” I
asked. 1 She didn’t have a spine; she was meek and pretty much useless, but I had seen her anger when it came to Yileyna. I
was sure the one person she wouldn’t want to hurt was Yileyna... “Charlene will agree. Before a friend, her duty is to her pack
and kingdom.” Andres replied dismissively. “She and Yileyna are close.” Charlene was the only person Yileyna had left, but I
guess we all know that even the closest of friends can betray one another. I was letting Yileyna come in the way of my revenge...
“I will talk to her. Fear not, she will agree. We need to do this for this kingdom. She will understand. We will make the
announcement at the planned ball at the next full moon.” 1
I gave a curt nod.
It wouldn’t be for long... Soon this kingdom will bend its knee to me. This pack would become mine and the Obsidian Shadow
Pack would take its rightful place as the ruling pack, and then, everyone who had wronged us would pay.

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