My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 127

Chapter 127

My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance Chapter 127

37. Down Dark Tunnels YILEYNA. My heart crumbled, even when he had placed a tender kiss on my forehead

before taking my hand and leading me towards Hunter, lhad been unable to think of 'anything else but what he

had said.

I never knew what I wanted, but when he told me we were not meant to be, I wanted to shout andask why?

Somehow we could work, right? A part of me told me he was right, that the kingdom would never accept a

traitor as their king, but was he a traitor? No: He had been misguided and manipulated, just like many...

Sure, it did not make everything he had done go away, but even people like Nikolai Levin were allowed to walk

amongst us, despitetheir sins.

Why not someone who was on the path to redemption? Fighting alongside me, ready to face his father andkill

him for all he has done.

1 It was clear Theon loved his Pack, his family, and his people, but it was his father who had manipulated him.

I understood Theon wouldn't be able to simply forgive himself, but that in itself showed he was worthy of


We continued travelling, and we remained silent as we got closer and closer to the castle, that now came into


It wasn't exactly how I had pictured it.

The entrances were simply gaping tunnels with barred gates.

Naga soldiers guarded the entrances, and although I could see the black stone structure of the ominous

fortress, it was half built underground.

The green lights from the windows cast an eerie light on the land around it.

Dried cracked earth spread around for miles, and the closer we got to the castle of the Naga Emperor, the

dryer and darker it allfelt.

These lands were screaming for water...

If it continued like this, no life would be able to survive living here.

Was their fear of Sirens so strong that they had blocked off all sources of water?

It just felt wrong

' Theland is dying." I whispered quietly, as we continued silently.

I had made a heavy fog fall over the area, however, we were sure they would be on high alertregardless, but

even some coverage was better than none.

I had felt them cutting into the trees to help those we had trapped, but it would takethem time because I had

made sure the trees held.

We paused when we heard a shout in snake-tongue, before a group of Nagas came out from the castle.

The middle one reeked of power and dominance.

His tail was the exact colour of a python and his muscular body looked almost human in colour, save for the

scales on his neck and shoulders.

His black hair was braided from the top, the rest tied back in a ponytail.

He was different.

I could feel it, and when he tilted his head, baring his teeth in a cruel sneer,his eyes glinting, Hunter closed his

eyes, exhaling "We're going to split up." He breathed.

"What?" I hissed.

"That's Xenara Khasorin, the third prince of the empire.

We've met before and he's fucking lethal." Hunter explained quietly, frowning deeply.

"Why am I not fucking surprised?" Theon murmured.

"You two carry on, tonight it's just him and ..." I knew splitting up wasn't a good idea, but ifHunter was saying to

do so...

"The cave of treasures that belongs to the Emperor is rumoured to be down south from here, it's beyond the

castle and I'm sure it will be guarded heavily.

Theon may need to be the decoy, whilst Yileyna goes in and grabs the pearl.

I don’t know how fast you'll find it, it's said to contain many things, but I pray that thepearl calls to you.

Plus, since we mentioned the pearl to the Naga, they may have hidden it, I just hope that isn't the case.

If we end up splitting, we meet by the dead oak tree we saw a while back,but we try not to-he's found us! Run!" Hunter growled lowly.

His eyes blazed as he stared far ahead.

Theon didn't wait for an answer, grabbing my wrist and breaking into a run.

"Well, if it isn't the Naga killing Alpha in our midst!" The deep, dark voice, that reminded me of a stormy night, came.

My heart was pounding with fear.

If Hunter died...

so did Charlene...

Neither was a death I wanted, and the very thought of Charlene dying terrified me.

Stay safe, Hunter.

3 I don't know how long we had carried on, the sounds of the fight behindus had long vanished as we moved fast.

When we had finally reached the cave entrance, that was in the shape of a cobra's mouth, Theon had pointed out the Nagasguarding it.


Hunter may have been right...

From here on, you're going in alone.

I'll keep the entrance clear and kill them all, you go in and get the pearl, I'll join you the moment I'm done with them.

There are chances there may be some more inside." He murmured, turning and looking at me.

Even with the layers of dirt, grime, and blood covering him, he still looked like a God.

"Go when I signal, alright?" I know he said we weren't meant to be...


Our eyes met and I wasn't able to say it...

My heart was hurting but the words refused to leave my lips.

I love you, I still love you.

"Stay alert." He murmured, brushing my dirty hair off my face.

"Stay safe." I nodded, our eyes meeting and that intense pull between us made my heartpound.

He swallowed, forcing his gaze away, and just when he was about to turn, I grabbed hold of his shoulder, yanking him around andgripping his face.

I pulled him down, pressing my lips against his.

Delicious soft sparks of pleasure coursed through me, and it only took him a fraction of a second before he kissedme back with passion.

A soft whimper left my lips.

His heart was thundering and his grip on my hips was firm, pressing me against himself completely.

Oh fuck, he felt so good.

broke away with a shaky gasp and looked into his glowing gold eyes.

"That was for luck." I whispered, before I turned and slipped down the slope, not waiting for an answer.

I was ready to await the first chance I got to sneak in.

My heart was soaring, the feel of his lips lingered on mine, and I slowly licked my lips.

Although he consumed my mind, I needed to focus.

When Theon threw something against the tree, making the Nagas turn, I saw the signal he gave me and I hurried towards the cave entrance.

Slipping inside, I remembered what Hunter had said, that they may know we were here for the pearl.

I'd be careful.

I scanned the darkness.

There didn't seem to be any life here...

I kept walking down the tunnel, which was long and circular, almost like the body of a snake...

It was cold and dark, and the sounds from outside seemed to have vanished.

Was Theon alright? I could only hear my own heart beating.

I decided to try to sense if the pearl was even here.

Crouching down silently, I placed my hands on the floor and closed my eyes, sensing everything through the ground.

Theon, and several other Nagas were far above, rodents...

the insects in the ground crawling around...

The whispering coolness of something deep beneath me called to me, the sound of the ocean and the smell of it invaded my senses.

My heart skipped a beat when I realised what it must be.

The pearl! I stood up, knowing I still needed to tread carefully as I hurried down, letting the pearlguide me to it.

The path became darker until even I was unable to see, it was strange, almost as if there wasnothing at all to see.

I felt the walls to help guide me as I continued, feeling the circular wall become tighter, and the sense of being suffocated grew.

I could feel spiders and other insects crawling over my hands, and the squeaking of rats as they rushedover my feet.

I shuddered as I kept going, soon the entrance became wider and I was in a small opening area.

I closed my eyes, trying to feel for life through the ground.

I was extremely far down now, it was odd that no one had followed, and my worry for Theon only grew.

I could sense life but none was anywhere near, so I kept going, blindly

I could feel that I was getting closer to the pearl, and it was theonly thing fuelling me to keep going.

I had no idea how far or deep down I was, and soon I was on allfours, crawling through the tunnel that was becoming tighter, until I was on my elbows and stomach crawling through the shrinking tunnel.

Breathing was becoming harder, and I shuddered when I felt something crawl down my neck.

I didn't mind insects, but not to see exactly what it was...

I kept going, bit by bit...

I paused when I saw a faint ray of light up ahead, encouraging me to continue going.

I peered out from the tunnel, my eyes widening at the sight before me.

I was in some sort of stone chamber, I could tell from the well-rounded ceiling and the stone pillarsthat this was

a room of some sort.

I looked around, spotting the jewels and gold that lay in a mountain to one side,but it was what was on the left

that made my stomach sink.

I clamped a hand over my mouth, praying it didn't see me.

There coiled up on the dark stone floor, was a huge Naga.

His body was larger than any I had seen.

Scales of pure black covered his full body, and his torso skin was dark with hints of green.

He was curled up and looked to be sleeping, but I couldn't be sure.

I wasn't about to risk it but I needed to get down there.

I was about to close my eyes, to feel for the pearl, when I froze.

My heart thudded as my eyes flew open, and I stared at the Naga.

I hadn't sensed him down here...

I closed my eyes, trying to focus on everything around me, and I realised I couldn't even sense him,nor could I

hear a heartbeat.

Was he dead? As much as that's how it looked, I wasn't going to trust it...

I felt for the pearl, feeling the pull but I couldn't pinpoint it.

Slowly I slipped out of the tunnel.

If he was awake, he'd hear me.

There was no way he wouldn't...

Should I freeze his body? It was already getting harder to use my powers down here...

Maybe I should just try to look for the pearl...

I silently crept over toward the mountain of treasure, doing my best not to make a sound.

It was too silent, so silent I could hear my own heartbeat, it was too loud for the stillness of this cave...

Get the pearl and run back to that tunnel...

I glanced towards the coiled body of the Naga, only for my heart to thump in fear.

Where the body had been moments earlier, was now a huge vast empty space.

I spun around, letting my aura radiate off me just as I saw him with his mouth

• wide open, ready to bite down on me.

A blast of wind pushed him back, and he hissed venomously, his snake-like gold eyes glowing.

"You're fast, siren." He hissed, showing his forked tongue.

'"I come only for what you have stolen." I said, trying to hide the fear that had encased me.

1 I hadn't heard him, nor had I sensed his heartbeat.

This Naga was beyond powerful, and now as he loomed above me.

I saw the rustic crown that sat upon his head of pure black hair, that fell to his waist.

A wave of power rolled off him, and I was thrown to the ground.

I raised my hand, using wind to push him back.

His tail thrashed against the pillars before he was in front of me once again and began to coil his bodyaround


I pushed it aside and jumped up, landing on the pile of gold and jewels.

Pieces of treasure tumbled down from beneath my feet, sending items scattering in all directions,

"Do you know who I am, little one?" He hissed, his voice so deep andcold that I felt as if it was resonating from

within me, just as his tail knocked into my back, sending me flying to the ground once again.

I don't know why my body felt heavy, why were my reactions so slow? "I'm sure you are aboutto tell me exactly

who you are." I replied, looking up at him defiantly.

"I am Kshuryaron, the Emperor of Naran, and you, you are my next feast.".

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