My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 119

Chapter 119

29. Terrifying Truths

*Trigger warning – mentions of sexual assault and abuse, it is a small part but for those who may find it triggering please skip. I will put a double line *************** ** before and after the worst part, please proceed with caution* YILEYNA

Her ominous words made my stomach twist, and Theon looked over at me. My heart skipped a beat, my cheeks heated up and I looked away. I had no idea what we were... but... those emotions... those feelings... Now that my cravings were satiated, my mind was clear, and although looking at Theon didn‘t make me want to scream and shout, I was still confused. I loved him, I still loved him, and it made me feel guilty.

He was the one who sent my parents to their deaths. Was I an awful daughter for somehow still loving him? I had almost kịlled him too... In fact, he was dying with each passing day... I knew what a siren‘s touch of death was... I needed to ask Lavina if there was anything to help, but for that, I needed to be close to water.

I forced my attention back to Thea, who was lost in thought.

“Theon, do you remember that witch, Arabella?”

“Obviously, she‘s in Westerfell with him.” “Do you know what the rumours are? Do you know what she is?”

Theon and I both exchanged looks once again.

“What is she?” He asked.

“She is a Dark One. When Theoden and Andres conquered Westerfell, I heard they killed them all, but one. The rumours are that Andres didn‘t trust Theoden after that fight because of the darkness within

him. Because he had bound himself to a Dark One and so he refused to allow him to lead, feeling something odd about him... but it‘s just rumours. Anyone who may know the truth was killed or were dead... Beta, Mother... anyone who questioned him is killed.” 2

“A Dark One...” Theon mused. “The Dark Ones were born from the darkness within the people, entities who fed off anything good. They were not beings but entities of discord and evil... The rumours... there‘s worse Theon.” Thea seemed to hesitate; her heart began thumping. “What is it, Thea?” Theon asked warningly. “They said, those who wish to attain control over a Dark One must fulfil some tasks... dark tasks.” She whispered.

My heart thundered as I looked at her sharply. Theon was watching her sharply, his entire body tense. “What are you saying?”

Thea shook her head.

“I don‘t know but I‘ve heard dark, dark things Theon. I heard that they included the death of six of your beloved, bathing in the blood of six children you are to sacrifice, and having sex with six menstruating virgins before killing them.” She shuddered and curled up, wrapping her arms around her legs.

“That‘s... so messed up.” I murmured, feeling sick. My own body shuddered with the chill that crept up my spine. “That doesn‘t even fucking cover it.” Theon stood up, running his hands through his hair.

“Once upon a time I wouldn‘t have believed it, but Theon, when he started selling our women. I questioned him but he simply beat me and told me I‘d be next. Do you know what he did to the women who no one wanted?” Thea was fighting her tears, her eyes blazing green with disgust and hatred. “Do I even want to know?” Theon murmured, his eyes flashing.

“He–he humiliated them publicly, made them serve his men and say they were better for nothing more than to be slaves. Even those of our ranked wolves. The Obsidian Shadow Pack is gone, Theon, dead, sold, or those few who were smart enough ran. We are finished.”

Theon‘s heart was thundering as he stared unseeing at the ground. I could only imagine the turmoil that was going through him. That was his pack.



“He didn‘t spare anyone Theon... The children... he sold them too... even... even me, he didn‘t care. When the Alpha tried to rape me, I bit his cock off and killed him. The Alpha out there was his brother, and he locked us away. He came to beat us daily but after he didn‘t go as far... but I guess I was one of the luckier ones... he came to abuse the Luna every day, then allowed others to do so before they laughed and left. He told me when I was a bit older it will be my turn and consider it gratitude for killing his brother.”

I wrapped my arms around her, my heart beating with anger at her father. How could he be so cruel?

The haunted look in her eyes showed that she had been through a lot. She witnessed things she never should have.

“Theoden didn‘t care, and the new Alpha enjoyed the women even more... Even the young ones, he was happy to take them and groom them. Saying they will help grow the pack when they become women. But it was a nightmare, day and night they assaulted. them all. Even some of the men, some killed themselves because of it... I heard them laugh and joke about it... hearing their cries and pleas through the bond for mercy and help, but no one came...” Her voice broke as she tried to contain the pain.



Theon‘s aura was blazed around him, and the anger in his eyes was clear. The weight of his wrath weighing down on us.

“Then, one thing is clear. We make Theoden pay for the crimes he has committed. Not only to those in Westerfell, but for the atrocities he has committed upon his pack and upon Astalion.” I said quietly, standing up and crossing my arms. Never have I felt this much hatred towards someone. “Andres may have been a bad person, but he was nowhere as bad as Theoden. I will kill him myself.” “I will be the one to kill him.” Theon said, his eyes meeting mine.“‘I will kill him and make him pay for it all.”

He left the room without even casting a glance back, and I knew he just needed some space to clear the raging storm within his mind. I knew he didn‘t want to let his sister see his pain...

“He‘ll be ok.” I said to Thea, who gave me a half–smile. She was so brave despite how much she had suffered.

“It‘s going to affect him because he has always obeyed Theoden... He‘s always treated that man as the person he wanted to be when he was older... Theon always had a good heart... He… There was this… friend of his–“.

“His first love, Iyara?” I offered, and she looked at me in surprise. “Y–you know of her?” She looked surprised.


“He even walked away from her, so she wasn‘t hurt in his conquest of revenge. Theoden – that man who doesn‘t deserve the title of father, abused that. He changed Theon, teaching him to be heartless, telling him that showing emotion and caring would make him weak. I didn‘t want Theon to leave because he was stronger than our father... Theoden feared no one, but deep down I feel he feared Theon… Theon holds the special ability of our mother‘s heritage. The Moon Flame.” “Moon Flame?”

I had never heard of it...

She nodded.

“Mother was from the Della Luna Pack... A pack that is said to be direct descendants of the Moon Goddess herself.”

I stared at her in surprise.

“I‘ve never heard of it...”

She shook her head.

“No, they were massacred years ago, but my mother was from the Alpha line...and Theon holds The Moon Flame, something Theoden could only wish to attain. He used Theon as a tool, and the saddest part is... Theon will never be able to forgive himself for everything he has ever had to do thanks to Theoden‘s web of lies.” +

An hour had passed, and Thea had fallen asleep, looking closer there were still many bruises on her. She would heal, but if it wasn‘t for her fighter‘s spirit, I feared what may have happened to her. I just prayed that in time, those internal scars healed too...

I stroked her hair until her breathing became calm and rhythmic.

Theon hadn‘t returned, and I was beginning to worry.

Where was he?

I stood up and walked out into the night, Theon‘s scent reached me and I saw him sitting on the low wall, one leg up propped up on it, with his arm resting on it. A piece of straw between his teeth, staring at the sky.

He was so handsome...

My heart thundered, and for a moment I remembered the time when all I saw was the sexy man that I had always been so infatuated with... but he was so much more… far more complex than I could ever imagine. Carrying the burden of sins that he had been manipulated to hold.

He turned his gaze upon me and it took me a moment to clear my head. I crossed the rocky–uneven ground, wishing I had put my shoes on. Feeling a few sharp pieces of slate and rock cutting into me. I finally reached him and looked up at the sky, the stars were twinkling in the deep midnight blue sky. It was a beautiful night...

“What‘s on your mind?” I asked softly, looking at him. “Everything.” Came his reply, after a few moments. My heart clenched and I sighed. “The past is behind us. One should be recognised for who they are today, not yesterday.

You are on the path of redemption... Theon, you regret your actions, and the veil of lies has been lifted from your eyes. What you did was in the hands of a puppet master, but you are no longer under his control, so come on... We can do this. Let‘s fix his wrongs.” 4 He looked down at his hand, flicking out the piece of straw as he frowned.

These hands have taken the lives of far too many... there may be no redemption for me, but I am ready to deal the hand of retribution upon all those who have done wrong. We head to The Iron Claw Pack tomorrow, we get that pearl, returning it to the imperial ruler of the seven seas and then we take that bastard down.” His eyes were cold and dangerous when they met mine, his powers rolling off him in waves, that for a second even I felt breathless at the sheer power of it.

I nodded, and Theon stood up. “Let‘s get to bed.” He bent down and lifted me bridal style, and I yelped in surprise. “You‘re injured! You shouldn‘t be carrying me.” I scolded. He raised an eyebrow. “You didn‘t seem bothered when I carried you to bed earlier.” He remarked, making my stomach flutter. I pouted, embarrassed. “I can walk...”

“You will get hurt.” He replied without even looking at me and carried me inside. My heart thundered and I didn‘t know what to do. A part of me was ready to tell him I would sleep with Thea, and another part of me felt he needed the comfort he would never ask for... Then there was the deep, dark part, that somehow wanted him close... but when he lay me on the small bed we had made love on earlier, he simply bid me goodnight and left the room.

What are we?

The following day, after we had restored some order, made sure the people were safe and had some care and someone to guide them, before we left on our journey. Thea kept us occupied, and things were a bit tense between Theon and I once more, with the weight of the world weighing on us. Yesterday was a moment of weakness... but... it was a moment I couldn‘t get out of my mind either...

We returned to the ship and sailed towards the border of Astalion. It only took us halfway, and the rest we would go on foot.

I had contacted Lavina, but the truth was nothing but the pearl could heal Theon, and only when it was set in the trident of the imperial emperor of the seven seas. Would he agree to heal Theon? I wasn‘t sure, but I would try with everything I had to make sure he didn‘t die.

He couldn‘t

He deserved a chance at a normal life...

Webid the crew of the Siren Killer farewell, where Captain Flynn said he might consider changing the name of his ship and hoped the Sirens would let him travel the seas in peace.

The journey had taken us two days on board the ship, and then we travelled on foot or in wolf form, although Theon always shifted out of sight and I was certain it was because he didn‘t want his sister to see his wounds.

It was now the second day of us travelling by foot, with Theon hoping we‘d get there by tomorrow.

“The Iron Claw Pack...” Thea mused. “Isn‘t that the pack Theoden hated with vengeance?”

“Yeah.” Theon replied curtly. Thea frowned as if she was thinking something over. “Theon, is it true that‘s the pack mom came from?”

Theon tensed, and I looked at him sharply. “Yes.” He replied curtly. “She had a chosen mate there.”

“Wow.” Thea murmured.

“It‘s where you will remain until this issue is solved.”

“What? Why?! Do you think the pack where Theoden practically stole Mom from would even consider accepting me?!” “They will.” Theon replied, frowning at his sister.

I almost smiled. They argued like a normal pair of siblings. I missed Charlene, and I hoped wherever she was, she was safe...

My beautiful queen...

“How can you be so sure?” Thea protested. “Because the current Alpha is Mom‘s first son.” Theon responded. Both Thea and I took a second to understand what he had just said, and we both stopped in our tracks, staring at him. “Alpha Hunter is your brother?” I asked stunned. “I have another brother?” Thea added at the same time, completely shocked. “Yes. You and Thalia were younger, and Da– Theoden didn‘t want you two knowing about him, or me for that matter...” Theon replied, his voice cold.

Now that odd exchange at the engagement made sense.

“Wow...” I murmured.

“So I have another brother... Ooh, Theon tell me, is he nicer than you? Is he sweet? Wait, does he even know we exist?”

“Yes he does, and he will take care of you because he loved Mom.” Theon answered quietly.

There was something more to it, but I didn‘t push it because suddenly I sensed a large number of people approaching. They were far but they were gaining on us fast.

I looked at Theon, my heart skipping a beat, and I realised he had already picked it up.

My eyes blazed as I created a heavy fog around us...

“We got company.” I said quietly, turning towards the trees, readying myself for whatever was approaching... 4

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