My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 117

Chapter 117

27. This Fire


Yileyna being there had been enough to control me from unleashing hell worse than I did. The moment she told me she sensed some life force, I left. I nee ded to find Thea, if she died… once again I’d have failed. I was meant to protect her but I didn‘t. I only ever make matters worse. :

I wouldn‘t forgive Dad, and when we came face to face, I was going to kill him. Iyara… Thea… Yileyna … every single person that he had hurt. He would pay for those fucking crimes.

I recognised some of the women he had sold, girls of our pack… We were meant to protect them, and instead he sold them for power.

I had been around Andres for two years and he had come to trust me, but although he was a fool, he w as nowhere near as twisted as Dad is. A man who I no longer wanted to refer to as my father.

I reached the rocky terrain, and it took me a while to locate the narrow entrance. The moment I manage d to squeeze in, my heart thudded as a familiar scent hit me.

“Thea!” I shouted, my voice ringing off the cavern.

“Theon?” A hoarse whisper came. 2

I looked around the dark cavern as I went further in, only to see two women bound in silver as they lay on the floor, beaten and bruised. One woman I didn‘t recognise… but the other…

Even bloody and older than how I last remembered her, was none other than my sister.

“Thea…” I rushed to her side, summoning all my strength and tearing the chains from her, feeling blood seep down my chest from my own wound but I didn’t care, the physical pain was nothing compared to the pain inside of me.

“Thea, thank the goddess.” I whispered, pulling her into my arms. 1

She was skinny, beaten, and bloody, but she was alive.

“Theon!” She gasped, clinging to me tightly as she kissed my shoulder and cheek. “Theon you‘re here… you came for me.”

I looked into her bloodshot amber eyes and saw the tears she refused to shed, her black hair a matted mess. I knew without her having to say anything she had been through hell.

“I should have come sooner.” I whispered before pulling her close once again.

She clung to me, her entire body shaking from emotions. Emotions far too strong to put into words.

All that mattered was that she was alive. Fuck, she was alive.

With the relief came the cold reminder that she could have been killed.

“Come on, let‘s get you out of here.” I said, looking at the other woman who lay unmoving.

“It‘s the previous Luna. She has a heart of gold,” she explained quietly.

I frowned as I broke her free and stood up. Thea got to her feet, and I lifted the woman, who was in a far worse state than Thea, placing my free arm aro und my sister‘s waist to support her.

Theoden was fucking dead. 5

Three hours had passed, and the fire had been doused. Everyone had been tended to and was now re sting. Thea had fainted halfway out of the cavern, and I had carried her back to Yileyna. When I had tol d her it was indeed Thea, the happiness on her face made something inside of me stir. I wanted to yan k her close and tell her how fucking thankful I was for her.

She had grown. She truly was no longer the girl she once was, but a strong woman, who was facing th e fucking world.

We were now in one of the houses that the Luna had offered us. She was still weak, yet she had

submitted her allegiance to Yileyna.

I was sitting on the bed where Thea was sleeping, stroking her matted hair, wondering what she had be en through, when the bathroom door opened and a thick wave of steam escaped.

But it was the woman who stepped out that made my breath hitch.

Yileyna stood there, towelling her hair, dressed in red panties which I could see through the oversized white cotton shirt, which outlined her breasts, her stiff nipples clear against the cotton of her shirt, maki ng me throb…


Her gorgeous eyes flicked up to me and our eyes met.

“Want to take a shower? I‘ll watch over her.” She offered, placing the towel down.

I stood up, walking over to her, only for her heart to begin racing.

“Why so nervous, Little Storm?” I asked huskily, taking hold of her chin.

I had washed up and bandaged myself earlier, but I still had stains of blood and ash on me.

“I’m not…” She denied, with a roll of her eyes, but her heart still raced.

My gaze went to her gorgeous neck, that long chain she had been wearing was around her once more.

I swallowed hard and the urge to wrap my hand around her slender, smooth, creamy neck overtook me. I grabbed hold o f it, making her heart pound.

“No matter how much time goes by… you still can‘t resist my touch.” I whispered.

I don‘t know why I said it… But with everything that had happened, I didn‘t want to lose her…

I was waiting for her rebuttal, but it never came, as she simply stared at me through those gorgeous ey es. Although I missed the soft grey they once used to be, I realised neither of us

was who we once were… 1

We had changed, everything that happened had changed us… Where she was becoming the queen sh e was destined to be, finding, and creating her path, I was walking away from mine; from here on my p ath was to walk by her side, to make sure she was safe… to deal the hand of punishment upon those w ho deserved it, because I didn‘t want her hands to be tainted with the blood of many… 1

As for my punishment… with time… When this was all over… it would come.

“Theon…” She whispered, her hands going to my waist as she stepped closer. Her breasts grazed agai nst me and my eyes blazed gold.

I can‘t hurt you again.

Our hearts were thundering, and when she tip– toed, closing the gap between us, I found myself pulling her closer.

I shouldn‘t be doing this…

Her scent was fucking driving me nuts.

Just one taste…

“Wow… This was not what I was expecting to wake up to.”

We both froze, turning sharply to see thea sit up, a smile on her lips as she blinked her amber


“Carry on, I don‘t mind the show if the couple is appealing, just keep Theon covered, I don‘t want to see anything of his.” She shuddered. “But you are a beauty, and look at Theon‘s goo goo eyes.”

I frowned, letting go of Yileyna who moved back swiftly, blushing lightly.

“Thea. It‘s nice to meet you, I‘m Yileyna, Theon‘s… comrade.”

Thea frowned slightly, confusion flickering in her eyes as she looked at me and back at Yileyna.

“Oh. I thought you two were mates… The way you were looking at one another…”

Neither of us spoke, a tense silence falling between us. We may have destroyed our mate bond, but the feelings between us remained… Feelings created before a bond… 1

I walked over to her and sat down on the bed, brushing her hair away from her face.

“What happened?” I asked.

“Or would you like some food first?” Yileyna offered.

“I think I want a bath first.” She looked down at herself with an expression of disgust on her


“I‘ll run you one.” Yileyna made to turn away, but Thea waved her hand.

“I‘ll manage, you two can carry on, I‘ll just shout when I‘m ready to step out.” She added slyly, before sh e got off the bed with a smirk.

Yileyna glanced at me as if expecting me to deny it, but I remained silent as Thea chuckled, going into t he bathroom.

I didn‘t know what she‘d been through, but at least she was still herself. Somewhat. Or at least she was trying

The moment the bathroom door shut, Yileyna tucked a strand of her long blonde hair behind her ear and turned her back on me.

Wrong move.

From the low bed, I could see the curve of her ass sticking out from under her shirt, her tiny panties cov ering nothing…

“Theon…” Her voice was breathless and when she pressed her thighs together my eyes flashed, the faint scent of her arous al reaching me.

My own dick hardened, and when she spun back to me, her breasts were heaving.

We were fighting for control…

I stood up, knowing I couldn‘t be alone with her, or I‘d lose it.

“I‘ll go get food.”

Twenty minutes later I returned to the hut with food, Thea was still in the bathroom and Yileyna must ha ve gone to the other bedroom.

“How long?”

“I‘ll be a little while… my hair is knotted…” Her unhappy reply came.

“Got it… I brought food.”

I placed the cloth bundle of food, that the pack cook had given me, on the table and left the room. Altho ugh I wanted to avoid Yileyna, I just needed to make sure she was ok. The door to the room was open and Yileyna was sitting on the small bed, her head resting against the wall as she gazed out of the window.

“There‘s food.” I stated emotionlessly.

To my surprise, she rolled her eyes, giving me a dirty look before she fixed her gaze out the window on ce again.

“I don‘t want food.” She almost growled, shocking me even more.

This was not what I was expecting.

“Wow… ok. Do you want a drink?” I asked.

Her gorgeous eyes turned back to me, and she glared at me once more.

But it was her next words that rendered me speechless.

“No, I want you to find me a handsome man to satiate my desires.” .

We stared at each other. There was no embarrassment in her expression, just irritation and the subtle h of hunger. Although her words sent a flare of jealousy through me, I kept it


I frowned ever so slightly, wondering what had made her say that.

Was it her siren side? Their hunger for sex was something that was rumoured about, it was said to be th

“I‘m afraid this place lacks handsome men.” I remarked, trying to keep the irritation and jealousy from my voice.

I didn‘t deserve her, remember? Yet just thinking of another man with her was fucking pissing me off.

She raised an eyebrow and stood up.

“Fine, i‘ll find myself one.” She said, and to my surprise, she slid her shirt off and dropped it onto the floo


She stood there in nothing but those tiny red panties, her breasts fucking begging to be worshipped and

She advanced on me, every sensual sway of her hips, the way her smooth creamy breasts moved, with

“Oh look, I found one.” She whispered seductively when she reached me. The moment her hands touch those delicious sparks, I lost all control. 3

She wanted me.

Fuck everything I wanted her.

“You asked for it.” I growled, grabbing her throat and pushing her up against the wall, kicking the door shut.

A moan left her lips, her heart pounding as she grabbed my hips, yanking me closer.

“Oh fuck, Theon.” She whimpered, making my own pleasure rush through me.

Our eyes met and I wondered if this was a fucking dream?

No matter what was happening in our lives… the pain, the regret, the guilt… this moment… This momen

A part of me told me I shouldn‘t do this, because it would only make it harder for her, but I was still human, and her touch.

I looked into those vibrant eyes, tightening my grip around her waist.

“Are you sure about this?” I asked huskily.

“Yes.” She replied, her hands grazing my hips.

I leaned in, despite the urge to ravage her, I wanted to cherish this moment, I never thought I‘d ever hav

Our noses brushed against one another, her scent clouding my senses. Our hearts pounded, and for a m

It seemed too fucking good to be true…

She tilted her head up slightly, her grip on me tightening, her lips so close….

The emotions that coursed through me were intense… so many things… was it possible to feel so stron

I loved everything about her… her strength… her kindness… her selflessness… her love… her beauty… her smile… the way her presence kept me sane

I had hurt her, yet she still showed me compassion…

I knew that she had become my priority, she was the one thing that mattered the most.

I‘ll kill for her… I‘ll fucking fight for her… and without a fucking doubt, I will die for her… 4

Our lips met softly, so tenderly as if we might break this if we moved faster… Pure heavenly euphoria combusted within me, and thousands of tingles ran th of all times…

I let go of her neck, admiring her face for a second; her parted lips, her eyes that were shut, her lashes b

One sentence burned in my mind as I kissed her deeply and slowly. 1

I fucking loved her.

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