My Alpha Mate's Christmas Gift

Chapter 37

The words he longed to tell her for so long, but constrained by his incompatible vocal chords and undeveloped brain. The words... "I love you too"

That day, her lover died to protect her, and she swore to live on for him... For his feelings.

Months passed and that was when she realised it, she was with her child. A feeling of both fear and exhilaration filled her up as she felt the proof of their love blossom within her.

After a while, she gave birth, not just to one, but four children. Thus, just like that, he mother, alongside her four children became the first Werewolf family. They grew up together, loved each other and cherished themselves, separate from the humans. They were happy, and once again, the woman wished the moment of bliss lasted till eternity.

Once again, she would be proved wrong by the cruel workings of fate.

As their mother raised them until they became grown, nearing maturity, the children became adventurous. Having the ability to freely alternate between their wolf and human forms, they started to visit the nearby human settlement without the knowledge of their mother.

The thrill of interacting with humans was new to them and they enjoyed every moment of it, playing with children their age during the day, then retreating back to the mountains they lived in before dark. This continued for a while until...

"Where do those children come from?"

"Whose kids are they?"

"They ain't mine, that's for sure..."

"They feel weird"

"They talk strangely"

"Where are they from?"

"Let's find out"

The adults became suspicious and so tracked them to a secluded place. That was when they witnessed it... The little and innocent children transforming into wolves. As these men saw this, a deep fear was planted in their hearts. Even more than fear... was bloodlust!

"Spawns of the devil, they are!"

"They are not human, I tell you"

"We must purge them... Immediately!"

And thus began the crusade to once again eliminate the unholy abominations which roamed the wild. The humans tracked them down and began the hunt. Faced with yet a similar persecution as she had endured in the past, all for wanting to be happy, the mother fled with her children.

However, they were small and weak, unable to match their mother's speed or keep up with her pace. Something about this reminded her of the last as the waves of nostalgia hit her. It was finally her turn... Her moment of sacrifice to protect the ones she loved, just like her lover did for her.

The children have no choice but to separate from their mother as per her instructions. They kept running forward while she stayed behind to protect her loved ones. Their mother sacrificed herself for them, falling into the hands of their pursuers, unable to be seen again.

The little kids did not have anyone. They were all alone, though they were together. They missed the warmth of their mother and the happy times they spent together. However, due to the features they inherited from their parents, they possessed the ruggedness to survive the harsh conditions of the weather. They possessed the instincts to hunt their prey so they never starved. Using the final gifts of their parents, they made sure to live on. But more important than survival, was their hate for the human race, the ones who took everything from them... The ones who hated them and betrayed them when they never did anything wrong.

Their mere existence garnered the hate of the humans who sought to hurt and kill them. So, in order to survive in such a cruel world... They would also need to hurt and kill the humans. Such began the endless cycle of violence between the man-beasts and the man.

After some time together, the siblings decided to part ways, bidding farewell to one another and journeying far and wide across the world to build their legacies and start their werewolf families there. These four became known as the pioneers of the four clans of werewolves that exist. One of the wolves settled in North America, and he became the patriarch of the North American Werewolves... The ancestor of their kind.

Such ends the sad little tale of the love that was never meant to be, and the tragedy that came from wishing for more.☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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