My Alpha Mate's Christmas Gift

Chapter 20

Linda Warner

"Is that everything?" Melissa said to Roxanne, who put a large bag in the boot, grunting as she exerted herself.

The bag was quite heavy.

Other than the large bag, there were two boxes which weren't so large and fit into the boot of the car.

"Pretty much" Roxanne said dryly.

She walked past Melissa and entered the car, refusing to make eye contact with her mother. Melissa remained standing as she signed to herself.

"Looks like she's still mad, uhn?" She reasoned within herself.

But, she wasn't going to give in just yet. She had to remain strong and keep up the serious and strict mother vibe. Roxanne would let go of everything soon enough, but for now she needed not to show any weakness in front of her daughter.

She closed the bumper of her car and went to the driver's seat to start the engine and begin their journey to see Roxanne's grandmother in the woods.

"I'm counting on you... Mom" Melissa thought to herself.

Roxanne stared at her mother as she started the engine, though subtly.

"She's not going to try to apologise again? Or try to plead with me? Is this really my mother" Roxanne thought to herself.

Her mother was always gentle, kind and understanding. It was her father who was sometimes rough with her, but even then he always showed restraint. The fact that her mother maintained minimal conversation with Roxanne and even gave her a somewhat cold shoulder shocked her. But...

"This is perfect. If it continues like this, we'll never make up until I've spent enough time with grandma." Roxanne smiled within herself

Unknown to the other, the both of them wished for the same thing, Roxanne spending time with her grandmother. As the awkward drive continued, there was an uncomfortable silence in the car. Of course, Roxanne had her phone with her, allowing her to chat with her friend, Betty, who was still trying to convince her to come to the party by hook or crook.

"Just apologise to your mom already. You're both adults" Betty pleaded in text format, going further to put two pleading eyes emojis as a bonus. Roxanne let out a little laugh as she shook her head.

"Not. Gonna. Happen." She responded.

Melissa glanced over at Roxanne ever so often as she drove and felt a tad frustrated. Unlike Roxanne, she had to focus on driving, and the entire journey was too boring for her. She could try the radio, bu she was never one who enjoyed it in the first place. In fact, their entire family disliked the radio, and so during drives they all talked to keep the other company. But that wasn't possible this time.

"It's fine Melissa. It's fine" Melissa muttered to herself in order to cool her nerves. She had the temptation to talk to Roxanne, but that would defeat the entire purpose of her act.

The drive didn't take more than an hour, but for Melissa it was so stretched that she was already exhausted when she got to the woods. Since there were so many clusters of trees, and people hardly lived around there, a makeshift road was the only path that existed for them. It was too bumpy and small for a car, so from thereon out, they moved on foot.

Melissa parked the car at a corner and came down from it, Roxanne also followed suit. She opened the bumper, revealing the compact luggage they had to carry. In a way Melissa was happy Roxanne packed such a little load. If it was more, she wasn't sure how they would cope.

Roxanne carried her large bag, while Melissa carried her two boxes as they both walked down the path together, with. Melissa leading the way.

After a walk of 20 minutes, breaks included, they finally arrived at the cottage where Roxanne's grandmother lived.

On top of the exquisite wooden house, a plaque which read 'LINDA'S HOUSE' was evident. That was her name, Linda.

"Finally" Marissa huffed, with cold smoke coming from her mouth.

Out in the woods the weather was much harsher than in the town where they lived. The snow was more, and the heat supply was non-existent. Unlike the electrically powered fireplace, one needed firewood and manual labour to be able to generate enough heat to keep warm. There were no electric cables connected to the cottage, so for a moment Roxanne panicked, thinking of how she would charge her smartphone.

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