My Alpha Mate's Christmas Gift

Chapter 116

Now that Roxanne gave it a second thought, wasn't it strange... Her suggestion? Celebrating a season invented by humans, the very same humans who despised them and took away 11 members of their pack. But, what matters wasn't the ones who made the season, but what it represented... Hope... Life... Love... Sacrifice... Giving... Salvation... Happiness.

Roxanne only hoped that everyone else would see things from that perspective.

"Now, what say ye?! Are you for, or against this proposal?" Asher asked the stunned crowd.

He was going to force them. They had been through enough already. It was a choice they had to make. Everyone had to choose... Whether to remain miserable or to give joy a chance. Suddenly, one person raised his hand and yelled out

"I am for!"

Everyone looked to see the one who had done this thing. His name was Daniel, he had lost his son to Hunters. It was only a month ago that his son went through his Awakening, and now he is dead. But why was his hand raised? Shouldn't he be one of the most miserable?

"If Lady Roxanne says so, then I agree! After all... Even though my kid is dead... She protected my remaining two daughters!" He cried out.

The man's statement stunned everyone. And before they knew it, hands started to get raised as well. The werewolves in support increased every second. It continued until everyone's hands were up. From the crowd, Larry smiled as his own hands were raised as well.

"Why not? After all, it's a good thing to celebrate in the season... I've always wondered what Christmas would be like here." He grinned to himself.

Everyone's hands were raised, they

all looked at Asher expectantly. Asher looked back and his eyes met Roxanne's. He gestured for her to come to his side so she could

address everyone with him, pole

felt nervous by this, but the

reassuring look on Asher's face, plus Rita's nudging, made her step

forward and face the crowd below.

They all cheered as they saw her. Their pained eyes lit with hope as they cheered on. Roxanne blushed with happiness.

What she didn't realise was that

because of her wild attacks on the Hunters for their sakes, she had won over the hearts. They all loved and deeply respected her now. Not just as Asher's mate, but now as an individual... They recognized her as their Luna.

She took a deep breath and addressed them.

"Everyone! I know we have all

suffered, the state of devastation in our hearts is beyond what words can convey. However, we must not give in to despair. We must win against I'm the despondency that wishes to swallow us whole. I

consider all of you my family, and even the fallen ones... You al mean the world to me. That is why... I want us to celebrate this season. We lost a lot, but not all. Some were lost, but many more were saved. We are alive, through their sacrifice, we lived in their stead. They wouldn't want us to be sorrowful and spend the very last days of the year moping about and living in misery, no!"

"In order to honour the memories of the ones we lost, and be grateful for the ones that remain... Hopeful for the ones that will come... Let us celebrate Christmas!" Roxanne declared. The deafening noises of everyone's cheers warmed Roxanne's heart as she panted with happiness. She felt a thrill unlike any other. This was it, the answer that would raise the spirit of everyone. She looked beside her and Asher smiled at her, nodding his head.

"I don't really understand your rationale, but I am in full support... Just one thing, though... How do we go about celebrating this?" He asked her.

Even Asher had no idea. After all, they had never celebrated such an event before. But, that was no problem for Roxanne.

"Don't worry! Just leave it to me!"

She would guide them, lead them, and comfort them. It was her turn now, to give back to them what they gave her... The warmth of happiness!☐☐☐☐☐

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