
Chapter Mute 22

Chapter 22

Aria’s POV

The kiss took me by surprise, its intensity catching me off guard. It felt different from any other encounter we’d shared before.

There was a depth to it, a rawness that seemed to transcend mere physical desire.

It wasn’t born out of lust but something deeper, something I couldn’t quite decipher.

As Caspian’s lips met mine, I felt a surge of conflicting emotions. Part of me wanted to surrender to the intoxicating sensation, to lose myself in the heat of the moment.

But another part of me remained guarded, wary of his intentions.

Was this kiss genuine, or just another ploy to manipulate me? Not like I even cared if it was genuine.

Before I could overthink it any further, I pulled away abruptly, my heart pounding my chest. I wiped my mouth with the back of my palm, as if trying to erase the lingering sensation of his lips on mine.


I could see the flash of irritation in Caspian’s eyes, his jaw clenched tightly as if he felt insulted by my rejection.

My movements were sharp and decisive as I warned him by signing, ‘Stay away from

  1. me.

Caspian’s voice broke the tense silence, his words laced with remorse. “I’m sorry, I acted

out of line.”


I glared at him, my anger boiling over as I remembered all the pain he had caused me. I signed back at him, my hands trembling with emotion, ‘Do you remember how you rejected me and forced me to accept your rejection while you were strangling me? All because you wanted to break off our matebond just so you could be with Ellen. And now here you are, kissing me and trying to take advantage of me again, like you always did.”

Caspian’s breath came out in frustrated pants as he struggled to find the right words. “You need to respect me, Aria. I am your Alpha,” he insisted.

Ijutted out my chin defiantly, meeting his gaze with a hard glare.

I signed back at him, my voice dripping with contempt. ‘How can I respect you when



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Chapter 22

you don’t respect yourself. Alpha Caspian? One moment you’re rejecting me and. choosing someone over me, and the next youre going behind her back to kiss me.

“Arial” As Caspian’s voice thundered through the air, I couldn’t help but flinch, the sound sending a shiver down my spine. This was the Caspian I was all too familiar with -the ruthless, unyielding man who cared about nothing or no one, who was selfish and self centered.

“Enough!” he bellowed, his words sharp and commanding.

My heart raced as fear gripped me, a stark reminder of his hot temper. This was the Caspian I knew, the one who wouldn’t hesitate to unleash his wrath at the slightest provocation.

“You have gone too far with the disrespect,” he continued, his tone laced with anger. “My father would knock off your head if he were in my shoes.”

I remained silent, refusing to further stoke the flames of his fury. Though I seethed with anger just as much as he did, I knew better than to provoke him further. After all, in his eyes, I was beneath him–an Omega maid unworthy of his consideration.

Despite my resentment, I held my hands, opting not to sign any response. I knew better than to challenge him openly, especially in his current state of


But deep down, I couldn’t shake the bitterness that consumed me. The kiss, fleeting as it was, had stirred something within me–a mix of longing and unease that I struggled to reconcile.

Caspian’s expression softened slightly ashe spoke again, his voice now calmer. “Pit would be dissolved, Lady Agatha would be fired and sent out of the pack for her harsh treatments upon the maids, and no maid in my castle would have to go through so much torture again,” he declared, his gaze piercing mine.

I met his eyes with a firm nod, my lips pressed into a thin line. Despite my reservations, I couldn’t help but feel a glimmer of hope. Perhaps, buried beneath his arrogance and cruelty, there was a bit of decency after all. But I remained wary, knowing all too well. the nature of his temper.

As Caspian’s voice softened, his words filled with remorse, I couldn’t help but feel a surge of conflicting emotions. His apology cut through me like a knife, dredging up memories of all the pain and rejection he had inflicted upon me.

I am sorry, Aria,” he began, his voice heavy with regret. “For hurting and rejecting you. For leading you along and then discarding you. For all the harsh and hurtful things I said to you. For the mistreatment, for hurting you in ways that I cannot remember. I



know that’s why you still hate me.”

His words hung in the air, weighted with the burden of his guilt. I remained silent, my gaze fixed on him, allowing him to continue. His apology was unexpected, yet I couldn’t deny the bitterness that still lingered within me.

Caspian paused, his chest rising and falling as he caught his breath. His eyes met mine, searching for any sign of forgiveness, but I offered none. I couldn’t bring myself to forgive him, not after everything he had put me through.

“I promise to stay out of your way and not trouble you anymore,” he vowed, his words echoing in the stillness of the room. “Because it’s obvious that each time you see me, you can’t forget the pain that I caused you?

His words struck a chord within me, stirring up a whirlwind of emotions. My throat tightened as I fought to contain the flood of memories threatening to overwhelm me. Despite his promise, I couldn’t shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at me.

But I remained composed, my expression unreadable as I met his gaze. Though his apology offered a sliver of redemption, I knew that the scars he had left behind would not easily fade. And as much as I wished to believe him, I couldn’t help but wonder if his words were nothing more than empty promises.

As Caspian continued to apologize, his voice growing hoarse with sincerity. I felt a pang of guilt tugging at my heart. His words seemed genuine, his remorse evident, yet I couldn’t bring myself to fully accept his apology. The wounds he had inflicted ran too deep, too raw to be so easily healed.

“I am sorry, Aria,” he repeated, his voice softer now, his blue eyes reflecting a vulnerability I hadn’t seen before.

It was as if the anger that had consumed him moments ago had vanished, leaving behind a man filled with regret.

His apology hung in the air, lingering between us like an unspoken promise. But I couldn’t dwell on it any longer. I had heard enough, endured enough of his remorseful


‘I have heard you, Alpha Caspian, I signed quickly, my movements sharp and decisive.

We waiting for a response, I turned on my heel and made my way out of the small

house. I couldn’t bear to stay there any longer, to be subjected to his apologies and


As I stepped outside, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief wash over me. It was over, for now at least. But deep down, I knew that the scars he had left behind would remain,

a constant reminder of the pain he had caused me.


And as I walked away, I couldn’t shake the feeling that despite his apologies, despite his remorse, nothing would ever truly c

hange the way he had made me feel small, insignificant, and unworthy of love.


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