
Chapter Mute 10

Chapter 10

Caspian’s POV.

As Ellen’s accusatory words pierced the air, I felt a heavy sigh escape my lips. I knew her relentless questioning wouldn’t cease until she had satisfied her curiosity, no matter how uncomfortable it made me feel.

“What business do you truly have with the mute omega if you aren’t sleeping with her, Caspian?” Ellen’s voice rang out through the room, laden with frustration and jealousy.

The tension in the air was evident as my men exchanged uneasy glances, but I remained silent, my jaw clenched in response to Ellen’s probing inquiry.

But Ellen wasn’t finished. Her voice rose in volume, each word dripping with disdain as she continued to question me.

“Why would you go out and bring back a useless Omega who is mute and has no value, when you are an Alpha?” Her accusation hung in the air like a dark cloud, casting a shadow over the room.

I felt a surge of anger and frustration bubble up within me, but I forced myself to remain composed. I hated the fact that she talked about Aria like that, as if Aria meant nothing. When in fact I shared more connection with Aria than her.

Not wanting to let Ellen’s words get through me, I focused on the task at hand, my fingers deftly working to fasten the buttons of my shirt as if it were the most important thing in the world. I couldn’t afford to let Ellen’s words distract me, not when there were more pressing matters at hand. Seeing Aria was all that mattered now.

But Ellen’s relentless tirade continued, her voice growing louder and more demanding with each passing moment. It was like a relentless onslaught, and I felt myself growing increasingly weary of her accusations.

And then, just when I thought I couldn’t take any more, Ellen paused, her widening in shock as if she had stumbled upon something horrifying.


“Don’t tell me you….you got attacked and hurt simply because you were out saving her!” Her words hung in the air, heavy with disbelief, and I felt a knot form in the pit of my stomach.

A surge of frustration welled up inside me, causing my fists to involuntarily clench at my sides.

She had figured it out so quickly, she was way too intelligent for her own good.

12:29 Wed, Aug 14 7 7.

Chapter 10

But as I open


mouth to respond, I faltered at the sight of tears welling up in her

“Ellen,” I began, my voice barely a whisper as I took a hesitant step towards her. But she remained stiff, her gaze fixed on me with an intensity that made my heart ache.

“Tell me the truth, Caspian,” she demanded, her voice trembling with emotion. “Who is Aria to you?”

I felt a pang of guilt ear at my conscience as I struggled to come up with a response. How could I possibly tell Ellen the truth, knowing how much it would hurt her? And so, I did what any coward would do – I lied.

“Aria is an orphan,” I said, my voice barely audible as I forced the words past my lips. “She’s mute and fragile, barely able to look out for herself. I’m just helping her out of pity.”

But Ellen wasn’t convinced. Her eyes narrowed in disbelief as she shook her head, refusing to accept my explanation.

“I don’t believe you, Caspian,” she said, her voice filled with accusation. “You’re risking your life for a mute? A mere omega at that? How many people have died in this pack, and you couldn’t save them? How many good people who were close to you and your family?”

I clenched my jaw, because I was exhausted from the pains radiating from else I wouldn’t let her continue berating me..

my bruises,

But as Ellen’s anger threatened to consume me, I found myself drawn to her, unable to resist the magnetic pull of her presence. Because at that moment she seemed way too damn hurt which was all my fault. She didn’t deserve any of this. No.

And so, I reached out to her, pulling her close and pressing a gentle kiss to her hair.

“I’m sorry, Ellen,” I whispered, my voice barely audible above the sound of her ragged breathing. “For making you worry this much. For putting you through so much stress,” and I meant every word.

Ellen didn’t respond, she just sniffed and clenched her jaw.

“Ellen,” I continued, my heart heavy with the weight of guilt as I faced her. “I know I’ve given you reasons to doubt me, but please believe me when I say that I’ll make it up to you. I promise.”

Ellen’s silence spoke volumes, her eyes reflecting hurt and uncertainty. Despite my



12:29 Wed, Aug 14

Chapter 10

efforts to reassun

I could sense the doubt in her gaze.

As I held her chic

a my hands, her skin warm beneath my touch, I couldn’t shake the image of Aria from my mind. Her haunted eyes, her silent plea for understanding on the night I was being mean to her, on the night I strangled her just so she could accept my rejection.

Those tearful haze eyes…they haunted me, even in this moment with Ellen.

With a low sigh, I pressed a gentle kiss to Ellen’s lips, a silent apology for the turmoil! had caused. But even as I sought solace in the embrace of my fiancée, my thoughts strayed back to Aria, a reminder of the emotions that threatened to consume me.

I couldn’t help but feel a sense of dread creeping over me. I knew that sooner or later, Ellen would discover the truth – that Aria was more than just an orphan, more than just a mute. She was my mate, the one I had betrayed in a moment of weakness, and now I was consumed with regret for the pain I had caused her.

Ellen/suddenly pulled away from our hug, her gaze determined as she tilted her head to face me. “You’re off to meet with the mute omega, right? I’ll accompany you.”

I hesitated, a flicker of reluctance crossing my features. Of course, as the Alpha, I had the power to forbid her from joining me, to order my men to escort her back to her room. But in that moment, faced with her defiance and mistrust, I found myself conceding. “Fine,” I replied, though my tone betrayed a hint of reluctance.

Ellen flashed a smile at me, one that I knew all too well meant trouble. Hooking her hands around my arm, she said, “Let’s go then. We wouldn’t want to keep the mute omega waiting, since she’d be expecting the visit of her Alpha and future Luna of the pack.”

I clenched my jaw, feeling a sense of unease settle in the pit of my stomach. This was bound to complicate things further.

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