Mr. CEO, Spoil Me Every Night! By F BOY’s DOLL

Chapter 26

Chapter 026 They Must Die 

The door opened, and several men in suits got out of the car immediately

Then Hogan appeared in front of everyone, he walked quickly toward Stacey, took off his coat, and covered Stacey’s body

The message was for Matthew, but it was Hogan here. Anyways, someone saved her

Mr. Barnes.The moment she saw Hogan, a kind of endless grievance spread in her heart, and Stacey threw herself into Hogan’s arms, crying even more violently

Hogan buttoned Stacey’s trousers and held her in his arms, he was furious now, and his dark eyes were filled with a terrifying murderous look

They had already touched Hogan’s bottom line by treating Stacey like this, if they dared to touch his woman, they must die

The man at the head saw Hogan and immediately pulled out a knife

The man cursed and stabbed Hogan with a knife

When Hogan dodged, the knife missed his chest but landed on his arm

Stacey was terrified. Seeing Hogan hurt, she panicked even more. Hogan helped her up, but her legs were shaking uncontrollably

Who are you?Hogan was followed by several bodyguards, and more bodyguards kept coming over. Seeing this, Jack obviously panicked

Martin.” Hogan almost roared

Martin just walked over. Hearing Hogan’s voice, Martin understood, and then, a pistol was coldly placed on the man’s head

As soon as Martin got out the pistol, the four men immediately froze

They were just gangsters who had done well in this area, but they still didn’t 

even have a gun in their hands

In LA., people who went out with guns at all times were not easy to mess with

The four men remembered that they followed Stacey from the Barnes Group, and thinking of the powerful Hogan in LA, the four men suddenly realized something

Hogan’s bodyguards surrounded them, and several others guarded Hogan

Hogan’s face was extremely ferocious. Stacey was injured, and there was a lot of blood on her body. Those men looked at her body, so they must die

Stacey clutched his hand, sweaty, terrified

Hogan’s voice was even more ruthless, obviously furious to the extreme, if he hadn’t hugged Stacey, he would have done it himself, Kill them.” 

No.Stacey’s voice was hoarse, so hoarse that she surprised herself

Don’t kill them,Stacey spoke, not because of mercy, but because killing was illegal, and even though it was easy for Hogan to deal with this, Stacey didn’t want him to kill because of her

Stacey’s eyes were red, her cheek was swollen from being hit by Kama, the scratches on her body hadn’t disappeared, and there were a few bloodstains on 

her arms

Despite wearing Hogan’s coat, she was still messy

There was a hint of horror and grievance in Stacey’s big eyes, she looked at Hogan, and for the first time, she showed such a vulnerable side in front of Hogan

Hogan drew his pistol, but before Stacey could stop him, there was a bang, and the shot hit a man in the genital, then wailing echoed through the street

Stacey didn’t know that Hogan carried a pistol with him

Please, forgive us. Someone hired us. Please, please forgive me. Please.” 

Those men knelt on the ground, begging for mercy in horror


Hogan put his arms around Stacey, buried her head in his chest, and tightly covered her eyes with one hand. Then his voice rang in Stacey’s ear, terrifying like Shura in hell, You saw what you shouldn’t see, touch what you shouldn’t touch.” 

Stacey didn’t know who Hogan was talking to, but why didn’t he ask them who hired them

There were bursts of painful wailing, and the sound of the steel pipe hitting the ground was particularly earpiercing

Just listening, Stacey couldn’t help shaking

Stacey heard Martin say, Stop,” before the fighting died away

Hogan took away his hand covering her eyes, and she opened them. There was a lot of blood on the ground, and the four men were lying on the ground in pain, their arms twisted

The men closed their eyes, blood was all over their faces, and even the wailing seemed so weak

Enough.Stacey didn’t expect that Hogan meant that, they had their arms broken and their eyes blind

Enough?His angry eyes turned to Stacey’s face

Stacey nodded, and his anger calmed down a little when Stacey said enough

I want to get out of here.” The pungent smell of blood filled her nose, and because of being overly nervous, her body was very uncomfortable, and now that she smelled the blood, Stacey’s stomach churned even more

He and Stacey met seven years ago, and at that time Stacey was already

stubborn kid

He liked to bully her, and she dared not disobey what he said, but Hogan knew that in her heart, she had never really admired him

She had just returned here not long ago, and when she saw him again, although she was panicked and wanted to escape, she was so full of vitality

What about her now? Like a lifeless rag doll whose soul had been taken away

Chapter 026 They Must Die 

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Hogan picked her up, turned, and walked away from this place, only a few steps, but he stopped again, Stalking is not a good habit.” 

Stacey’s hands tightened again, did he want to break their legs

Although they hurt her, these punishments are enough, Mr. Barnes.” 

One more word of nonsense, and I’ll throw you to death.” 

Stacey hesitated to speak, and the words she wanted to say were choked in her 


Stacey was carried to the car by Hogan, and then he wiped the blood on her body with a tissue

The cut on Stacey’s arm was not deep, instead, Hogan’s arm had been cut, and the bloodstained his white shirt

You’re injured.The tears on her face were still wet, and her red eyes looked really pitiful. 

Stacey raised her hand to see his wound, but Hogan stopped her, Don’t touch 


Stacey froze, and Hogan yanked her other arm

There was no light in Stacey’s eyes at all. Although Hogan had a bad temper, he saved her after all. If he came one step later, the consequences would be 


Stacey let out a long sigh of relief. The heat in the car made Stacey feel a little 


Even though Hogan was treating her wound, he still had great strength, so Stacey gritted her teeth. Compared to the pain she felt before, this was not a big deal

Why are you here?” 

Stacey couldn’t believe his arrival was a coincidence

Hogan looks up suddenly, staring at Stacey with black eyes

How dare this woman ask him why he appeared here

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