Mr. CEO, Spoil Me Every Night! By F BOY’s DOLL

Chapter 16

Chapter 016 I Am The Boss I Call The Shot 

Hogan’s series of movements were chic and lavish, but in Stacey’s eyes, her heart hurt slightly

After paying, Hogan went out on his own, and Stacey followed behind him, somewhat uneasy in her heart

Mr. Barnes” 

In the middle of her words, Stacey suddenly stopped. She realized that she couldn’t mention the money thing, otherwise, Hogan would be even angrier

I’ll send you home, you don’t have to work tomorrow.” 

He pressed the car key in his hand, and the car beeped twice

Stacey stopped and asked, Mr. Barnes? Am I fired?” 

Although she couldn’t believe it, Stacey still had a hint of joy in her heart

Hogan opened the door and got in the car, then he said in a cold voice, Nice try.” 

Stacey breathed a sigh of relief and stood where she was

Standing there waiting to die?Hogan’s car reversed and stopped in front of her. He rolled down the window, and Hogan’s cold eyes met hers

Stacey reluctantly opened the car door and sat in the 

passenger seat, Mr. Barnes, Mr. Butler, and Molly are a great team of lawyers. You are running a law firm here, so you don’t 


Chapter 0161 Am The Boss I Call The Shot 

need so many lawyers.” 

1288 Vouchers 

The workload of the Barnes Group and his four lawyers could totally handle it

The company is mine, and I am the one who pays the wages.” 

That was all Hogan said, but Stacey already understood what he meant. What he meant was undoubtedly, I’m the boss and I call the shots.” 

Stacey remained silent. Now, she understood the sentence more deeply, All the rich are selfwilled, and all the handsome are insane.” 

I keep you in the company because I want to torture you.” 

Hogan’s words kept hitting her eardrums, reminding her over and over again that Hogan was a demon. She wanted to escape, but he reminded her again and again, You can’t escape.” 

There was nothing else to say along the way

After returning home, Stacey lay tired on her bed. She turned off the lights and the room was dark, then sleepiness swept 


She kept dreaming one after one, until the next morning, Stacey felt much better 

According to Hogan’s orders, she would take one day off today and continue to work tomorrow

After watching the case all morning, Stacey received a call from Matthew in the afternoon

She put away the files, and sat on the bed, said sweetly, Matthew?” 

When she talked to Matthew on the phone, the corners of her mouth raised slightly unconsciously

Stacey, Norma says you don’t feel well.” 


Stacey was stunned. When she got home last night, she didn’t seem to tell Norma that she was sick

I didn’t tell her!” 

You cough so loudly, of course, she can hear you.” 

Hearing what he said, Stacey suddenly realized that her throat was very uncomfortable last night, but it was much better 


It was just that Norma found out that she was sick, why didn’t she come to ask her, and why did she call Matthew

I’m better now. I had an IV and took medicine yesterday.” 

Having said that, Stacey paused for a moment, and the image of Hogan suddenly appeared in her mind

She had no memory of how she got the IV, but fortunately, she fainted in time

Really?Matthew was still worried, after all, Stacey always didn’t take good care of herself when she was alone in Paris, and even endured illness

Sure.” Although Matthew couldn’t see, she still smiled and 


nodded foolishly

Well, take care of yourself and take your medicine. obediently.Matthew didn’t forget to remind her because Stacey was really not a girl he could be reassured

I know, grandma.” 

Stacey said so, but her heart was warm

Are you at work?” 

No, today is off.” 

Hogan gave her a break out of the blue. Stacey rubbed her temples, the Barnes Group really didn’t seem to need her very much

Is that so?Matthew suddenly fell into deep thought, and for a moment, he said, Since you’re not working, I’ll take you out for a meal!” 

Aren’t you working?” 

After returning to LA., Matthew also inherited his family 


The Rogers Family was also big. If he tried hard enough, his company completely had the chance to compete with the Barnes Group

Stacey had seen how busy Hogan was at work every day. Matthew just took over the company not long ago, and the workload must be even heavier, so Stacey didn’t want to disturb him in many cases

I’m the boss, I have the final say.” In Matthew’s heart


business was not as important as Stacey’s. He could fight again if his career was gone, but there was only one Stacey

It’s settled like this. You wait for me at home, and I’ll pick you up.Matthew did as he said, turned off the computer, and got up to get his coat

Don’t drive so fast, I’ll wait for you anyways.” 

I will.” After hanging up the phone, Matthew immediately left his office. Although he agreed, it was impossible for him to drive slowly. He couldn’t wait to see Stacey

Stacey let out a long sigh of relief. After she received a call from Matthew, her mood immediately changed from cloudy 

to sunny

Walking to the closet, she chose a piece of clothing to change into and combed her jetblack hair into a ponytail casually

Then Stacey went out and went straight to Norma’s room. Norma was talking on the phone. When she saw Stacey, a meaningful smile rose from her face, and she hung up the phone

Be honest, when did you file a complaint with Matthew?Stacey was sitting by Norma’s bed, raising her hand to pinch her neck. These two best friends were already used to fighting when they were together

I’m doing this for your own good. Women need friends when they’re sick, a boy friend.” Norma deliberately emphasized the word boy‘. Even a fool could see that Matthew’s feelings for Stacey were not just friends. Stacey refused to take the initiative, so, as her best friend, she was always ready to help


Chapter 0161 Am The Boss I Call The Shot 

I just had a slight cold, and I’m fine now.Stacey snorted, it was not a big deal, why bother him

You dress up, where are you going?Norma sat up from the bed and pulled Stacey’s clothes

Dine with Matthew, do you want to join?” 

Uhuh.Norma shook her head, wouldn’t she be the extra one if she went together, You two go on a date, what am I going to do?” 

It’s not a date, it’s just a simple meal between friends.” Stacey flatmouthed

You know it’s a date, Matthew knows, and I know too.Norma stretched out a finger and poked Stacey’s heart

Then she smiled triumphantly as if she had already mastered everything

Chapter 017 | Must Be Your One And Only

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