More Than Lust

Chapter 62) It's ok!

Authors pov

"You can't become a Mother"

Dominick said. He wasn't happy with this news either, when he received the report it left him very disheartened.

Grace looked at him for a second trying to understand what he exactly said and what does he actually mean by it.


"They did tests because of your irregular periods and find out that you can't conceive..."

He sighed.

"I a_am Infertile"

She asked mixed with shock and disbelief and Dominick nodded.

Her eyes watered, of course she wasn't ready for the child at this moment but it doesn't mean she didn't want it. She loves children and she wanted to experience motherhood.

This news broke her heart from the core.

"E_Excuse me"

She mumbled and walked towards the railing. She took a deep as tears escaped from her eyes.

Now she regret crying about being pregnant, she wish it should have been opposite of what she heard now. She thought she is pregnant but it turned out completely different.


Dominick gently placed his hands on her shoulder and turned her around.

He himself had no idea how to deal with this news but he quickly made peace with it because he knew it will be big stroke for Grace.

He wiped her tears and made her look at him.

"You don't have to cry"

He assured.

"Come here"

He sat on the chair and made her sit on his lap.

Grace looked at him as he cupped her face.

"It doesn't mean we can't have a baby... There are so many ways. We can surrogate when it's the right time... You shouldn't give up hopes."

Grace wiped her tears.

"I thought I was pregnant"

She mumbled.

"I did too but we can't control it."

He caressed her cheek.

"I wanted to experience it..."

She mumbled.

"I always dreamt about happy and simple family... Where I have loving husband and children. Small but happy... When I learnt that my biological parents abandoned me, i promised myself that i will become the best mother possible... But it never goes according to plan. God always does something to disappoint me..."

"It will be your child Grace, only difference is it won't grow in your womb, that's it? You will experience motherhood, i promise."

He kissed her forehead.

"Why do you want Infertile wife?"

She asked and he sighed.

"I didn't marry you for your fertility or for children... Of course I want child but you are more important than that... I fell for you and your simplicity. All these things are bullshit... And how can you even ask me this question. Is your identity depends on how many children you birth? Don't you have life beyond that?..."

He asked and she shook her head.

"I love you, bunny... And I mean it. Nothing can change that, not even child which isn't even in existence... There are so many ways to have children, we can adopt if you want but before that i need to fix our relationship... So don't think that your Infertility makes you inferior."

Grace couldn't believe that this soothing words are coming from him. Since this man has started talking to her, it's doing something with her heart. And whatever he said now was sweet like honey. He was definitely changing his image in her mind and heart.

Dominick sighed when her sad expressions didn't change, he was trying but he is not used to deal with sad person it's difficult for him, he can make people cry not laugh. But he can understand that it will take time for her to heal from this.

He wiped her tears.

"Do you know something interesting about stars?"

He said trying to distract her. She looked at him confused and shook her head.

"My mother said that people who dies becomes stars, it's Belief"

He said.


She asked amused.

"Does it mean my mom has become star too?"


He smiled when she asked curiously.

"Look at the sky and if star twinkle then it's someone you know."

Grace looked at the sky trying to find twinkling star. She gasped.

"That one twinkled"

She pointed her finger towards it and smiled.

Dominick smiled when she finally smiled. His trick worked.

"Me, Alex and dad never look at the sky... Ask why?"

He questioned.

Grace looked at him.

"Because you kill people and they might have become stars too."

She replied and laughed.

Dominick chuckled.


"I didn't know that you believe in things like this"

She said.

"I usually don't but sometimes it feels good to live in a fantacy... Afterall i am human too."

He sighed.

"Why did you choose to become mafia"

She asked.

He wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I didn't choose this life, this life chose me... I was born as a mafia prince, it was my destiny. Not only mine but Alex's too."

"You always talk about Alexander"

She can see that he loves his brother.

Dominick smiled.

"Yes, afterall he is my twin. He is walking defination of trouble."

He chuckled.

"You know, we used to play pranks on dad's men... Alexander was mastermind behind it... It was fun, we were inseparable, we still are. Maa was in constant alert because of us. We were always upto something..."

He smiled at old memories.

"You were happy with family"

She said.

He nodded.

"Very much... Dad used to save us from maa's anger. Indian mother! She used to punish us for our bad behavior but she loves us more than that. Alexander has got more punishments than me, he was unstoppable and maa used to get very frustrated because of him. But she knows how to control us, she was always one step ahead like she knew what we were going to do next... I miss those days" "Then what changed?"

She asked and his smile fell.

"Time changed... We grew up and it was time to take responsibilities..."

He sighed.

"Dad wanted us to take over... But we had some disagreements. He wanted me to marry for business and i was against it. We had argument and I left the house, Alex had to marry because of me... He blamed me that i broke our family... Misunderstandings build up filling the gaps of broken relationships and everything became weak. Now dad doesn't want to see my face... With time i realised that I shouldn't have leave my family but it was too late. Dad will never forgive me and i don't have courage to go in front of him..."

Grace can see the pain in his eyes.

"He always used to say that alex and I are his pride and I let him down... He will never forgive me."

"It's never late to apologise... He is your dad, he will forgive you."

She said.

"I don't know... Aren't you hungry?"

He changed the topic.

Grace shook her head, her appetite was long gone after hearing that news.


"Don't think about it, bunny... It's okay"

He pulled her in a hug.

For the first time Grace hugged him back and cried.

"It's hard..."

She sobbed on his shoulder. Dominick rubbed her back gently.

He can feel that she is getting comfortable around him, it's too soon to assume it but things seems to change between them.

He hugged her back tightly, at least something good happened tonight.


Grace finished her breakfast in the morning, it was cloudy outside. And she was still in Grief.

"Can I go outside, I need a walk"

She looked at him.

Dominick placed his coffee mug down.

"I'll come with you"

He said.

"A_Alone... I want to stay alone for sometime, please."

She requested. No doubt he was changing but still she wanted to spend some time in solitude.

Dominick looked at her in disapproval but he understands that she is in pain. He nodded.

"Fine but guards will come with you..."

He demanded and she agreed.

He gave her cellphone back.

"Can I trust you Grace?"

He asked looking into her eyes. He was scared that she will go away from him.

Grace nodded.

"I have nowhere to go"

She mumbled

"Call me if something happens"

He kissed her forehead and walked away.

Grace went outside the mansion, she sat in the park. Her bodyguard were watching her from distance.

She sat on the bench, looking at kids who were playing in front of her. Her heart saddened. She felt like something is missing.

She never expected this to happen but now a days her life is taking unexpected turns.

She wasn't expecting that kind of reaction from Dominick, he completely surprised her. She has seen people divorcing because of this issue.

She was in dilemma. She can see

that this man is changing for her, when he talked about his family she felt that he has feelings too. He isn't arrogant like she thought him to be. He is regretting many things. But will it be easy for her to forget everything and embrace his love. It's been just two days that he has married her forcefully.

Two days are too soon. She sighed.

"You look worried"

Grace's eyes snapped towards the voice. She quickly got up when she saw Anamika.

"Newly Wed girl shouldn't be wondering alone like this, where is love of your life."

Anamika crossed her hands.

Grace can sense the hint of madness and mockness in her voice.


She couldn't understand how to reply her mother-in-law low who looks beyond mad.

"Are you happy? Do you love him? Did you wanted to marry him?"

Anamika asked her.

"Answer me honestly Grace... Otherwise I can't help you. I really want to help you so please be honest with me, my child... You don't have to be scared of him when i am with you"

Anamika pleaded.

"He forced you to marry him?"

She asked again.

Grace gulped but nodded.


She answered and Anamika closed her eyes in disappointed. She wasn't expecting this from her son.

"You are coming with me"

Anamika declared.

Grace looked at her tensed.

"But he won't like it"

She quickly answered.

"I don't give a fuck about what he likes and what not. He can't ruin your life like this. What does he think of himself to force a girl in marriage."

Anamika said madly.

"Do you want me to make it right?... I promise I won't let anything bad happen to you, you can trust me."

Anamika assured her.

"Dominick need to realise his mistakes and i can't do it if you won't let me..."

Grace agreed with her, Dominick

doesn't regret forcing her in this marriage. He proudly said that he

takes whatever he wants. Of course he is changing but he doesn't see anything wrong in forcing her in this marriage, not to mention he still

won't let her step out of the house alone. In some way he is still controlling her life. And if Anamika can make it right then she won't

stop her.

"Do you trust me?"

Anamika asked and Grace nodded.

"Then come with me, you are coming to my house"

Before Grace follow her, bodyguards came rushing towards them.

"Ma'am you can't take her with you... Chief won't allow."

One of them Said.

Anamika glared at them.

"Stop me..."

She challenged.

Those guards couldn't say a word after that. They knows consequences. Dominick himself will kill them if they touch his mother.

Anamika made Grace sit inside her car and took her away like she promised Dominick.0000

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