More Than Lust

Chapter 34) Nightmares!

Grace's pov

"C_Chief p_please..."

I sobbed and he dragged me somewhere by my hair. My scalp is burning like he will rip it apart.

"It's h_hurting... Please..."

He didn't paid attention and continued dragging me. We passed by through deserted hallways, I screamed and thrashed but his hold only tightened on me.

I hit my toes on the floor while struggling and it created bloody footprints on the white marble floor.


I screamed.


He growled at me. I landed on the floor when he slapped me making everything spin for a second.

I fell at his feet to beg.

"Please don't do it... Please. I'll do anything you say but not this..."

He clenched his jaw and grabbed me by hair making me stand.

"You should be grateful bitch..."

He spat.

He pushed the big door and threw me inside making me land on the floor.

My white gown sprawled on the floor which is covered in my blood.

I looked at the aisle and another level of fear crawled inside me. I can't marry this monster. I will kill myself but i will never do this.

Stood up while shaking my head furiously.


I turned around to run but he grabbed me by waist.

"NO... NO...NO..."

I screamed and thrashed.

My whole body trembled furiously as I woke up from the sleep with jolt.

I looked around scared and wiped my sweaty face. I am not in wedding hall but in his bed.

It was just a dream!

He turned on the lights and sat up looking at me.

"What happened?... Why you screamed?"

He asked and tried to touch my hand but i flinched back.

This is the worst nightmare I have ever had. I can happily accept death from his hand but not marriage. I will end my life if that time ever comes.

"I asked you something"

He said frowning at me.


I rasped.

He looked at me for a second and nodded in understanding.

"Go back to sleep"

He ordered.

"C_Can i sit outside... I n_need some a_air"

I asked and he nodded.

I stood up while covering my naked body with silky bedsheet and walked towards the balcony. I sat on the chair while Wrapping the bedsheet around myself.

It's still midnight, moon is shining in the sky.

I don't remember when I fell asleep. Last thing I remember is, he talked about punishment because I tried to take mobile from his pants.

Did i fainted? Yes, because I don't remember anything after that.

I am still shaking due to that nightmare. Why I dreamt like that?

May be because those maids filled my mind with trash when I was talking to them.

They said Chief has never brought any girl here, not even Leena. He only comes here to relax and rest. They think that he is into me which i think is totally rubish. It can't be true. It's impossible. The man like Dominick Moretti or Marino or whatever his real name is, why would he fall for a average girl like me when he can have any girl within snap of his fingers.

They were amused that I was wearing his shirt.

'I was working in his mantion, he never let any girl touch his clothes, not even miss Leena, you must be special for him.'


them said which filled my heart with terror.

May be they have some reality in their words.

Why is he suddenly behaving good with me?

He is feeding me, giving me pleasure, making me laugh and trying to make conversations, he didn't punish me, why?

He punched his brother because of me, why?

He bring me here, on this island where no one is allowed. He is giving me his clothes and security. All these things are not feeling right.

It's making me scared. I don't want to become special for anyone and definitely not for Dominick Moretti.

I wiped my sweaty face and gulped to sooth my dry throat.

May be i am thinking too much, it's stupidity. Of course he brought me here so he can satisfy his needs. That's the only reason why I am in his life.

He has beautiful fiance like Leena, why would he pay attention to me, an average girl?

No, it's impossible. I am thinking too much. May be it's happening because I have never spent this much time with any other man. No one has done something like this for me.

How can I be so easy to make fool, just few good things and i am ready to think that he is into me.

He is my biggest nightmare. I should keep my emotional distance from him otherwise after 8 days i will be in mental hospital.

Just eight days!

I don't think i am going closer to him emotionally. I am keeping my distance. My thoughts and opinions for him are strong, no one can change it.

My eyes started drooping again. I walked towards the bed and slide beside him.

I turned my back on him and closed my eyes which soon got snapped open when he placed his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to his chest. I visibly stiffened, i know he noticed it but he didn't react. He switched off the lights and covered our bodies with bedsheets.

"Was i the reason of that nightmare?"

He asked while placing his chin on my head.

"There is no one else to give me nightmares."

I mumbled and after that deadly silent engulfed both of us.


I woke up in the morning, just like yesterday I was in his arms. His hands are wrapped around me like i am his most precious possession.

This is disturbing.

It feels like things are changing rapidly and i have no control over it.

I lifted my face from his chest and got out of the bed carefully, not wanting to wake him up.

Getting inside the washroom i locked the door and washed my face, i sighed when cold water sooth my face. He asked me about my nightmare last night.

Does it matter to him, does he care?

He is aware that I am scared of him, i getting nightmares because of him.

I shook my head when i remembered that bad dream. Marriage! No fucking way.

Anything but that.

I sighed and turned on the shower, i am already naked and i don't want to imagine why. From last four months i have no control over my body.

I closed my eyes and stood under the cold water until i felt presence behind me and gasped.

He grabbed my arms from behind when i flinched. I locked the door, how did he get in?

I kept my eyes closed because i know I can't change anything. It's better if i stay calm and let him finish.

When I think about my situation, it feels like it's all my fault. I am the only one who is responsible for my situation.

I shouldn't have sacrifice myself because of my father's mistakes. I shouldn't have let him touch me. I could have escaped when he left the door open at first night but i didn't. I gave him permission to touch me It's not his fault, it's mine.

My fist tightened when he kissed my neck and squeezed my breasts gently, sparks travelled through my entire body.

My breathing quickened when his hand travelled down, towards my private part.☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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