The new day broke with the sun shining. The news of the Alpha and Luna returning went through the pack like wildfire. After catching up, Luca, Rosa, Stefano, and Gianna headed toward the dining room for breakfast.

He was happy that everything went okay while he and Rosa were away, but it was good to be home. The only thing to worry about now was the precious baby that his beautiful wife and mate were carrying. Life in the Pack could not get any better, could it? Luca looked around the table at his pack members as they enjoyed their breakfast before heading off to their duties, including himself as the Alpha of the Ferrera Wolf Pack.

Rosa was the hungriest since she was eating for two. With help from other pack members, the kitchen staff served the food ten minutes later. Luca and Rosa ate; pack members asked how the honeymoon went and where they went. Luca answered they went to Hawaii, and the honeymoon was not of their concern, but he said it with a knowing smirk as Rosa blushed at his answer. The members laughed, knowing what the Alpha talked about since they went through the same thing with their mates.

Luca told his pack members that anyone from the pack could go there and stay, as Luna and himself would go there yearly for their anniversary. Rosa then looked at her husband and mate at hearing this news for the first time, but it excited her at the prospect of returning to Hawaii every year, and she was looking forward to returning in a year.

Over the next few months, Rosa's pregnancy progressed quickly, and she always had someone with her if something should happen. A week before she was due, she applied the last changes to the nursery when she felt something trickling down her legs and a sharp pain in her abdomen. She realized she had gone into early labour. The baby was not due for another week. Rosa yelled out to Emma, who came rushing into the room. When she saw Rosa, she immediately jumped into action. Emma linked Arianna and Cristian to let them know they were coming over because Rosa's waters had broken. She also connected with the Alpha, informing him of the situation. He thanked her for letting him know, telling her he would be there. Emma took Rosa out of the packhouse in the car for this exact purpose.

Emma drives carefully to the hospital because she knows she is carrying precious cargo, the Luna, and the pack's future Alpha, even though they do not know if the baby is male or female. They did not care. They want the baby to be healthy. Now and then, Rosa would groan with the pain as a contraction came. They arrived fifteen minutes later at the hospital, where Arianna, Cristian, and Elena waited. They rushed Rosa into the delivery room as more contractions came quicker than the last one.

Arianna prepares Rosa, making the future mum as comfortable as possible. Luca rushes into the room to his mate's side. He kissed Rosa's forehead. He was trying to comfort Rosa between the contractions. Rosa gripped his hands as another contraction went through her, making her grimace with the pain. Luca encourages her that it will be worth it when she soon holds their baby in her arms. Rosa smiled at her husband when Arianna announced she was five centimetres dilated after checking her and her vitals. Rosa just groaned in pain. As the afternoon progressed, so did the painful contractions as Rosa's labour continued into the late afternoon when Arianna rechecked her and said she was ready to push. Finally, after five hours of agonisiagonizingRosa gave birth to a bouncy baby boy with dark hair. Luca thanked her repeatedly for their son. Rosa just smiled at him, exhausted, as the others waited for Luca to cut the cord so they could clean and measure the baby's weight and length measurements. Luca cuts the line as a first-time, proud father does with a smile.

Arianna takes the baby away to measure and weigh it while Rosa rests. Luca holds her hands while someone examines the baby. Ten minutes later, Arianna and head nurse Elena Ricci return with their baby boy, and she hands him back to Rosa and Luca, who smile at their newborn son. Arianna asks them, "What will his name be for the records? Alpha Luna," she inquired. Rosa and Luca looked at each other before nodding in agreement and replying, "His name is Rocco Salvatore Ferrera," he announced to the hospital staff, waiting to hear and see the new Alpha. Elena then wrote the name into the baby's chart before she told them, "Okay, then here are his measurements and weight, she explained to them both before continuing he is twenty-two inches (55.88cm) in length and weighs seven and a half pounds (3.40kgs) in weight. Rocco grew up in a loving home with two parents and an entire pack who adored the next Alpha.

Over the next few years, Luca and Rosa had three more children. Rocco, the eldest at fifteen, came the first of their daughters, Luciana, aged twelve. Next came their second son, Antonio, aged nine, three years later, and their last child, a daughter named Sophia, aged six. The kids are a mixture of their parents; the differences were that the boys had brilliant blue or their father's brown eyes while they all had both of their parent's hair colours.

Each child had a unique personality, and just like any other siblings in a family, they had their disputes with each other, but none that could work out by their parents, who loved them equally.

Luca and Rosa have mated and married for fifteen and a half years and are still going strong, even after having four children.

Luca is a significant Alpha, a mate to Rosa, and even more important as a father. Rosa is exceptional as Luna. She is an outstanding mother to their four kids, a great mate to Luca and a mother figure to the pack, who adores her. Luca and Rosa encouraged their kids to be the best they could be. They encouraged them to be kind, helpful and understanding to others in the pack, especially the elderly and the younger kids.

Luca was preparing Rocco to take over as the Alpha within three years. After he turned eighteen, when he was sixteen, he had already shifted into his wolf's side and was the replica of his dad's wolf. Rosa is still the Luna until Rocco finds his mate.

Luca knew his time as the Alpha of the Ferrera Wolf Pack was nearly ending. It was time for a new era to begin and bring the pack forward. Luca was looking forward to other things. What they might be could be anyone's guess. Time will tell.

Three more years had passed, and Luca was ready to hand over the reins of the pack to his oldest son, Rocco, who had just turned eighteen last week.

The Alpha ceremony would be in the backyard clearing, just like previous pack ceremonies, which were held after the rest of the pack had decorated it. Two hours later, it was time for the ceremony to begin.

Everyone was waiting for the Alpha's family to arrive. When Luca, Rosa and their four children came, the pack members clapped and cheered as they went to the platform and faced the pack. Raising his hands to silence the group, Luca says to them, "Thank you, everyone, and we are here tonight to pass the Alpha title to my eldest son Rocco as he waved him to come forward and towards the ceremonial bowl and knife. Luca then asks his son, ″Rocco, do you swear to the Moon Goddess and this pack to be the best Alpha you can be?" Rocco then replies to his father, "I do." Luca asks, "Do you promise to defend this pack to the death?" Rocco answers, "I will." Luca then announces, "I, Luca Salvatore Ferrera, pass my title as Alpha to my eldest son, Rocco Salvatore Ferrera," he said. He cut his and Rocco's palms with the knife and held their hands together as their combined blood dripped into the bowl. Luca then shouted, "I give you Alpha Rocco Salvatore Ferrera," holding his son's arm in the air.

Everyone stands to clap and cheer their new Alpha. Everyone then comes over to congratulate their new Alpha, and the old Alpha, Luca, looks on when he notices that an exceptional guest has arrived. It was their friend and godfather to their children, Elder Gabriel Lombardi. Luca heads over to the Elder, who sees him walking towards him. When Luca reaches the Elder, he hugs him, who in return hugs him back, saying, "Welcome, Gabriel; thank you for coming on short notice," he said to him, who then replies, "No worries, Luca, as if l would miss this," he said. Gabriel then says to Luca, "I am very proud of you and what you and the pack have accomplished over the years, but mostly how you and your wonderful Luna have raised such wonderful children," smiling as Luca and Gabriel talk. The new Alpha, Rocco, welcomed the Elder, thanking him for coming and supporting his family over the years. The others then joined them.

Suddenly, Rocco's head went up, and he looked around after smelling a new scent not from his pack; his eyes met with two of the most beautiful, dazzling emerald-coloured eyes, which widened in the realization of what it meant, especially when both Rocco and the woman said, "Mate!" together.

Luca, Rosa, Gabriel, and the others gasped in surprise that Rocco had finally found his mate after three years. The woman in question walked over to them and introduced herself as Aria De Marco; when Luna Rosa introduced everyone else, Rocco watched in awe at his black-haired emerald green-eyed mate standing there next to him. Luca then suggests they spend time together to get to know each other. He asked them if they would like him to announce that he had found his mate. They both looked at each other and said yes to him. Then they left.

An hour later, Rocco and Aria are back and ready for Luca to announce. Luca asks for quiet as he tells the pack members, "It is with great honour that l announce as the old Alpha that my son Alpha Rocco Salvatore Ferrera has found his mate that night. Please help me welcome Miss Aria De Marco to the pack." The crowd goes wild at the news as it becomes a double celebration. The celebrations wind down as everyone is tired. They decide to leave the cleaning until tomorrow. Everybody says goodnight to each pack member as they slowly return to their homes or packhouse, including the Elder. Rosa and Luca headed upstairs after saying goodbye to their kids and Aria. They both instantly fell asleep after a big day.

The pack celebrated at Alpha Rocco's and Luna Aria's mating ceremony three months later. The ceremony went off without a hitch. Luna Rosa went up to the platform and said, "Welcome to the Luna ceremony of Aria Ferrera," she said to the pack members in the crowd. "We are here. l passed down the Luna title to Aria Ferrera, and she became your new Luna." She waves Aria towards the ceremonial bowl and knife on the table before them and beside the fire. Rosa asks Aria, "Do you, Aria, swear to the Moon Goddess and this pack to be the best Luna you can be?" Aria replies, "I do." Rosa asks, "Do you promise to defend this pack to the death?" Aria answers, "I will." Rosa then announces, "I, Rosa Maria Ferrera, pass my title as Luna to Aria Ferrera," she said. She cut her and Aria's palms with the knife, holding their hands together as their combined blood dripped into the bowl. Luca then announced, shouting, "I give you Luna Aria Ferrera." Everyone stands up to call, clap and cheer their new Luna, and then everyone comes over to welcome and congratulate their new Luna while the old Luna Rosa looks on.

Then she noticed their special guest of the Ferrera Wolf Pack, Elder Gabriel Lombardi, had arrived, their friend and godfather to their children. She heads towards the Elder and hugs him as she welcomes him. They both head over to the others when they see who has arrived. After multiple hugs and kisses, Gabriel sat at one of the many available tables and chairs. While sitting, he saw that pack members were dancing away with the music while others were huddling in groups, talking when he heard the chair next to him on the left side move, and someone sat down in it. Gabriel turns his head towards the person. Gianna De Luca, Stefano's mate, was sitting next to him. They found each other when she finally got away from work to see her colleague and best friend after hearing about the attack and catching up.

Meanwhile, Gabriel nods at the beta female and asks her how she is doing. Gianna replies as one of her two kids arrives on the scene. Her eldest son Marco is the same age as Alpha Rocco and was his Beta, just like his father was with Luca before they retired. He quietly sits down next to his mother and the Elder while listening and watching over the pack, especially his younger red-haired, brown-eyed sister Seraphina, who is hanging out with some of the other females.

The celebration lasted another two hours after they had eaten all they could see, plus all the dancing that everyone could muster with their energy. It was a glorious night to celebrate but exhausting.

Rosa could not wait to retire for the night. She did not have to wait long before Luca got her. Before they left, they said goodnight to everyone, especially the new Alpha and Luna. Luca and Rosa went to their room before retiring; they changed into their nightclothes, slipped into the bed and under the covers, embraced in each other's arms, and fell asleep immediately after their heads hit the pillows.

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