Another twelve months passed, and Alpha Rocco Ferrera and his mate Luna Aria were not looking forward to going through his parents' belongings at their old property. After procrastinating for six months, he ultimately decided it was time to take action. He had gone through their things long enough. It had been six months since they passed away and left. The pack was still reeling from their old alpha and Luna; it felt like it was only yesterday when he and the entire pack had spoken to his parents.

As they both made their way down the passageway to his parent's old bedroom, Aria went straight to Rosa's wardrobes, pulled out her old clothes, and carefully folded and placed them into boxes as she slowly went through the clothes. Next, Aria went through Rosa's drawers, taking her time and carefully emptying the contents into other boxes. While she had been doing Rosa's side of things, Rocco organised his father's belongings and put them away in different boxes as he went through his late father's belongings. They placed the filled boxes in the living room to put into the back of the van they had driven over.

Next on Rocco's list was his father's safe, hidden behind a framed family photo in the study. He walked towards the class with trepidation going through his body. As he made his way through the door, he could still smell his father's scent as it lingered, even though he was no longer there. He went to the desk to retrieve his late father's keys, Luca Ferrera, which were locked in a drawer for extra security. The only people to have access to open the drawer beside himself were his Beta. Rocco opened the safe and went through the contents slowly. He found papers, money and two piles of letters, each wrapped in different coloured ribbons. Curious about what they were, Rocco opened the last one with his mother's name. After he opened the letter, he read it. His mother's letter, they found, had been dated three months before she passed. It reads:

To My Darling Mate, husband, and father to our four beautiful children,

Luca, I could never imagine how l would meet my future husband by how we met for the first time. Even now, we mated for sixteen and a half years, married for fifteen and a half years, and had our four beautiful children together. I still remember that day, or should l say night, as if it was yesterday, remembering seeing those gold eyes peeking through the lower branches of the bush you were hiding behind. When l heard the tree branch behind me break, I turned around and saw those memorising gold-coloured eyes. It scared me that night. Who would not be?

Still, l wondered who those eyes belonged to over the next few days and could not wait to find out. When l finally met the person to whom those eyes belonged. Never could l imagine someone could turn from being a wolf into the most handsome man. I have never seen you with brown hair or warm brown eyes. Even under the circumstances after the attack, that's when l fell head over heels in love. Most of all, l remember how you stayed by my side as l healed from my injuries. Ensuring l was comfortable and informing me of what was happening. You also told me who l was, not understanding that l was a werewolf. I also remembered the day you were there when l shifted for the first time. I was so grateful you were there with me, comforting and encouraging me and giving me the encouragement I needed to go through the shift.

Everything after that was a blessing to me. Luna, wedding ceremonies, the births of our four beautiful children, and all our friends and family in the pack are the ones I will cherish the most. That one person I love with all my heart and soul is you, my darling Luca, and until my last breath leaves my body, I will be forever yours.

Love from your loving mate, wife, and mother to our four beautiful children,

Yours Forever, Rosa.

Rocco then realised this letter was a love letter his mother had written to his father and the other letters throughout their marriage. He then noticed the other pile of letters was the same but to his father from his mother. He picked the last one, opened it, and read the message. It dated the same as his mother's letter. It reads:

To My Beautiful Mate, wife, and mother to our four beautiful children,

Rosa, the day l met you was the happiest day of my life. Why? Because l had finally found my mate after seven long years of waiting. All l could see when l looked at you were those brilliant, vibrant blue eyes looking scared at the way we were standing there, and time had just stood still as we looked at each other, with neither of us willing to make the first move. You looked so beautiful in the moonlight that night with your long chocolate brown wavy hair flowing down your back and your lovely, vibrant blue eyes sparkling as you stood there with a frightened look. I thought you were an angel, but how wrong l was to believe that. You are the love of my life.

I am so proud of you, how far you had to come, and what happened to and around you, especially how accepting you were of what you are, even though you did not know you were a werewolf. I am incredibly proud of you for how you approached and accepted everyone in the pack even before becoming our Luna, but you took everything into your heart as the group took you into their hearts.

When I saw you coming down the aisle on our wedding day, no words could express how proud I was of you as you walked towards me. You looked like a queen, my queen, magnificent in your wedding dress. It was breathtaking as you walked down the aisle.

I was frightened when Emma called and told me you had gone into labour a week early with our first child. My mind was racing with the thoughts of something happening to either of you. To lose either of you would be my death because l would not survive if anything happened to you. I love you that much, and l would go with you even if that means giving up my life to be with you. I could finally relax and rejoice when you gave birth to our firstborn son, Rocco Salvatore Ferrera, only to do it again three more times for our two daughters, Luciana Sophia and our second son, Antonio. No words could describe how l felt the moment they were born. Feeling so blessed as a mate and a husband, and now even more than a father. I cannot tell you how much you all mean to me, sincerely, giving me our four precious children and making us a family. I love you all.

But most of all, l love you because you supported the pack and me throughout our years together. The collection and l are so blessed to have you as our Luna.

Every day, I thank the Moon Goddess for putting the ad in my brother's real estate office and bringing you into mine and the packs' lives. I will be forever thankful to her for reuniting us.

No words can describe how l feel now, but know this: you are the love of my life, heart, and soul until my last day. I am proud and honoured to be your mate, husband, and father to our four beautiful children.

Yours for eternity, Luca.

Rocco was beside himself, sobbing after reading both letters. Aria found him crying while studying on the couch. She sees the two of the pile of letters that her mate had read and reads them for herself. After finishing reading them both, she joins him in crying. After composing themselves a few minutes later, they hugged and comforted each other while contemplating that his parents' love for each other could not be equal. Still, others could try to until they die, even after re-joining the Moon Goddess. She certainly hoped so. She told her to mate her thoughts, hoping to give him even more comfort with her thoughts about his parents. Rocco agreed they could be like his parents and be in love with each other, just as his parents were. Aria told him that his parents' love for each other could never match, but others, including them, could undoubtedly try to. Hard as he tried to think of something else to say but could not, Rocco agreed with his beautiful mate as he put the letters back into their rightful envelopes, placed them into the correct piles, tied the banks up, and placed them into the special box they had brought with them.

They quickly went through everything else before putting the slipcovers over the furniture to keep any accumulating dust off the table until they decided to use the house again. They placed the boxes into the back of the van and then locked the front door before leaving. Someone could use the house as Rosa wished, as a home away from the packhouse and for future generations. They headed back towards the packhouse, the pack and the rest of their lives, hoping they would thrive and grow under their care until their last dying breath.

Over the next few years, the Ferrera Wolf Pack grew thanks to all the past, present, and future Alphas and Luna's capable hands. But no pack member, new or old, would ever forget the story of Alpha Luca Ferrera and his Luna Rosa. Why do you ask? Because after being separated for six years only to find each other all those years ago was indeed an absolute miracle. Even with the help from above, all because of medication that Rosa took when she was thirteen. But because when she became the Luna by the Moon Goddess herself. The Moon Goddess blessed Rosa, Luca, and the Ferrera Wolf Pack.


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