
Chapter Moon 29

29 Chapter 29 Selene & Her Human Lover 


We headed back over to the fire and stood behind Zee and Nat. Keeping one arm around Cole, I put my other hand on Zee’s shoulder. She pressed her check into my hand and lifted her head back to give me a smile. I leaned down and kissed her forehead. Nothing and no one could ever compare to her. 

“How’s about a nice campfire story?” Dad called out to the pack. 

Excited murmurs and calls of agreement rang out, and they all began to move in close to gather around the fire. 

“My love, will you do the honors?” he smiled, reaching for my mother who was sitting on a log. She smiled and stood up, taking my father’s hand. 

“What would we like to hear?” she turned in a circle asking the gathered pack members. 

“I think in honor of our newest wolf and pack member, the sweet Zelena” Dad spoke looking over at Zee with a soft smile. She squeezed my hand and shifted nervously in her seat as the eyes from the other pack members looked over at her. 

“And of course, the new pairing between her and your Alpha–Son. Tonight, we should hear the story of Selene and her human lover” he continued. 

He turned in a slow circle looking at the waiting faces of the pack. 

“Any objections?” Mum asked. 

No one refused, and instead they all cheered and called for her to begin the story. 

“Okay, now remember, no interruptions” Mum smiled looking around the fire at her pack. 

Dad sat down on the log that Mum had been sitting on, everyone began to get comfortable and settled in for the story. 

“A long time ago, before the time of the wolf, the world was quiet and peaceful. During the day the human folk worked hard to farm their land and sow their crop. The children would run and play in the sunlight and the humankind thrived. Though, alone in the sky sat the beautiful 

Selene, the Goddess of the moon. Every night she would ride her chariot across the sky to bring the moon to the people. But as the sun fell and the night sky spread across the land, she became lonely, as the humans would sleep through her glorious night sky. Night after night she searched the land for signs of any human that would splendor in her night time, but none did. 


one night she came across a lonely shepherd, sitting on the top of a hill with his flock, gazing at the night stars. His name was Endymion. Selene became overjoyed by the sight of this lone human man enjoying her creation. Selene searched for Endymion night after night, and without fail she would find him, gazing up at the stars. Selene began to long for the mortal man, she found comfort in his peaceful gaze and wanted to know why he found such solace in her stars. 



29 Chapter 29- Selene & Her Human Lover 

After many nights of torturous desire and having to watch him from afar, Selene made the decision to visit Endymion on his hilltop. She appeared to him in her long white robes with the bright light of the moon, shining all around her. At first Endymion was frightened, but he quickly became captivated by her beauty. Each night after their first meeting, he would wait for her visit. The two fell madly in love and wanted to spend every moment together. But Endymion becoming distracted by their love, and his flock began to fall prey to foxes and other predators. Endymion was saddened by his inability to take care of his flock and spend his nights with Selene


As a way to end her human lover’s confliction and to assist him with his shepherd duties, Selene blessed the mortal man with many gifts. One such gift, was the ability to transform his human shape into that of a wolf, becoming stronger and faster. The ultimate predator. In doing so he was able to fend for his flock against the creatures they had fallen prey too. After many, many nights together Selene bore Endymion a son, Lycaon. The first werewolf. He was a beautiful and happy child, but he grew cold and angry at his mother Selene. Lycaon resented the fact that his mother had to leave him at the rising of the sun. As he grew into a man, Lycaon’s anger turne d sour. One night in a fit of rage, whilst in his wolf form, he fatally wounded his father. Selene was heartbroken by the actions of her son, and so she took Endymion to a hidden cave. There she laid him to rest in an ageless sleep for all eternity, so that she might still visit and look upon her beloved’s peaceful body. In a bid to warm the cold heart of her son, Selene blessed him with a lover, a Mate made just for him. Lycaon’s heart was thawed by the love of his Mate, and his cold anger melted away by her touch. They were happy together for a great many years and their union spawned many children. It is said that one of those children was a young daughter, given the name Selena. The daughter Selena shared a great likeness to that of her grandmother the Goddess. Therefore, Selene favored the young girl and blessed her with great power. The other children of Lycaon spread across the globe far and wide, and the lines of their children now make up the packs you know today. But Selene’s namesake and favorite grandchild, forever remained close to her heart. Those daughters are still blessed by the touch of the Goddess today. And so you see, the wolf was born of a great love, full of heartache and happiness. It is because of that love that Were–kind are emotionally driven creatures. Without the sacrifice of the Goddess’s true love, and the gift of a Mate for her son, no Were would be here today“. 

Mum turned slowly around the fire pit, looking at all the faces captivated by her story. No one dare speak or interrupt her as she went. As the story drew to the end, the emotions around the fire were obvious. All stories about the Goddess lead to heightened emotions. 

Mum smiled brightly and lifted her hands to the sky as she got down on her knees. 

“We give you our thanks Selene, and we recognize your sacrifice” she called out. 

My father joined her on his knees and raised his hands also. The rest of the pack followed the lead of their Alpha. Zelena turned to look at me and I nodded at her to follow. We got down on our knees and lifted our hands to the sky. 

“In the Goddess we love” we all chanted together. 




The pheromones in the air were thick and tense. Everyone’s emotions were running hot. My father picked up my mother and sat her straddling his lap. Other pack members begun to pair off and go their separate ways. Some didn’t bother to leave the fire and started roughly kissing and groping in full view. Lust filled growls and groans echoed through my ears, and I could smell the desire and heat all around me. Zelena stood and looked up at me with confusion. I wanted her, now. I grabbed her hand and pulled her off to the side. I could feel my own heart starting to race and my desire growing. I dragged Zee behind a cabin and lifted her up, pinning her against the wall. I was panting heavily and my skin was burning. I smashed my lips into hers. She wrapped her legs around me and took my tongue into her mouth. I kissed her hard and fast, tasting every inch of her mouth. I pulled her dress up and slid my hand up to her breast, squeezing it in my hand. 

“Gunner” she moaned into my mouth.. 

Not taking my lips off hers, I slowly glided my hand down her stomach to her crotch. I pressed my hand against her pussy. The heat coming from her was maddening. I could feel her juices seeping through her panties. I pulled her panties to the side and stroked her wet lips. She shuddered and moaned loudly. I breathed in deeply through my nose, taking in her delicious scent. I growled lowly, letting it vibrate through my body. 

“I want you too” she breathed out. 

Fuck, what am I doing? Get a hold of yourself Gunner. I’m letting my wolf take control. I let go of her panties and pulled her dress back down. I kissed her a few more times and then pulled back, resting my forehead on hers. Taking long deep breaths I forced myself to calm down. I let Zee down and stood leaning over her with my hands either side of her head. 

“Why’d you stop?” she panted. 

I looked at her beautiful face, her cheeks were flushed, and her lips were swollen. I gently brushed my fingers over her plump lips. The soft feel of them under my thumb sent a burning sensation back through my chest. Stop it Gunner. 

“I’m sorry, I wasn’t in control” I said standing up straight and running my fingers through my hair. 

She looked at me disappointed with a pout on her lips. She is too damn cute. I chuckled and gave her a quick kiss. 

“Come on my love, it’s late, let’s go to bed” I said, taking her hand in mine. 

We walked back around the front of the cabin and towards the main house. Zelena looked over at the fire pit and noticed the scene there had changed a bit. There was a lot of kissing and growling and some very sexual grinding. They were all well on their way to a steamy night. She watched as I led her back to the porch. We stopped at the door and she turned to me and giggled with a blush across her cheeks. 

“Not so kid friendly huh?” I joked, 

“No, but it’s kind of hot” she squeaked with a giggle. 




I looked at her in shock and held her face between my hands. 

“You are full of surprises, little wolf” I smiled kissing her sweet lips. Keeping my hands to myself tonight is going to be very difficult. 


What do you think about the history of the Weres and how they came to be? 



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