
Chapter Moon 27

27 Chapter 27 – Dinner 


“Did I just get accepted into the pack?” 

“You sure did, baby” he kissed me hard. 

I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I have a pack now, I have a family. This is all I have ever wanted. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. 

“Come on you two” shouted Lupus. 

“There’s time for that later he roared with laughter. 

I blushed bright red as we sat back down. There were more trays of food on the table now, all filled with vegetables and meats and bread, and so much of it, I’ve never seen so much food. Before now, I would only have whatever Hank didn’t eat, and that usually wasn’t a lot. Gunner started filling my plate with food until it was nearly overflowing. 

Everyone was eating, laughing and having a good time. They all looked so happy and so comfortable with each other. There were too many conversations happening at once, it was hard to follow. Mazz, Julian and Spartan were on the other side of the table down from me, they were all talking together. Cole and Smith were across from us and a seat down, Nat was next to Gunner, and they were all talking and laughing. Roc and Deena were deep in conversation. Lupus was at the head of the table right next to me, he ate quietly observing everyone else. I was slowly eating as I gazed at each person at the table. 

“They can be a lot to handle Lupus said leaning over a little, 

“This lot, and the pack” he nodded down the table. 

“I kind of like it, I’ve never had a family before” I said with a shy smile. 

He frowned a little putting, a piece of meat in his mouth. 

“Where’s your mother?” he asked mid chew, 

“She died when I was a baby, I don’t remember her” 

“And your father, he’s just a human, right?” 

“Yes. As far as I know” 

“So, your mum was a Were then?” 

“Uh, I guess so” 

“Your father never told you?” 

“Nah, he wasn’t big on talking with me” 


yes, I’m very sorry you had to go through that” 

“It’s okay, I was used to it” 



27 Chapter 27 – Dinner 

“Hmm” Lupus huffed as he placed his hand on top of my hand squeezing it softly. 

“That is not the life a little girl should have to be used to“. 

I looked up at him, his light blue eyes were full of pity and pain as he stared into my eyes. I could tell he was genuinely sorry for the way I lived and all for I had to endure. A tear rolled down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away. He let go of my hand and cleared his throat and went back to eating quietly. Gunner put his hand around my waist and pulled me close to him, kissing me on the cheek softly. 

“Are you okay?” he whispered. 

I looked at him and smiled with a closed mouth, 

“I’m better than okay“. 

I leaned forward pressing my forehead against his. He grabbed my neck and kissed me. I turned back to my plate and noticed Roe and Deena looking at us and smiling. Roe had one hand on her chest and the other fanning her face. She was smiling and crying at the same time. 

“They are just so perfect” she blubbered to Deena. I put my head down and smiled to myself. Yes, the mother and the father like me, winning! 

Everyone slowly stopped eating, I didn’t even get halfway through my plate, but I thought I might burst if I ate any more. The same two women that brought the trays in, they came back and cleared the table. Lupus stood up. 

“Let’s go sit by the fire” he announced. 

Everyone stood up and started making their way out the door. Gunner grabbed my hand as I was about to stand 

“The rest of the pack will be out there, are you sure you’re ready for this?” he asked with 


“Of course I am. I’ll be fine” I said kissing his nose and standing up. 

We followed everyone outside. There was a raging fire burning in the fire pit, and a lot of people sitting and standing around it. The night air was cool, but I could feel the heat of the fire all the way from up here on the porch. We walked down and headed for the fire. People looked at us and said their ‘hello’s‘ and ‘nice to meet you’s: Three young boys that were sitting on one of the logs got up to let Gunner and I sit down. He put his arms around me and kissed my cheek. There were so

many people out here, all of them looked happy and content. 

“Where’s the music?” Lupus bellowed through the large clearing. 

Some thumping rock music began to play loudly from the closest cabin. Lupus grabbed Roe’s hand and twirled her around dancing. They were beautiful together and anyone could see how much love they shared. I felt happy as I watched them dance and laugh together. Another pang of jealousy hit me as I wondered what my own mother was like, was she a Were like Lupus said, and what really happened to her. As I looked around at everyone dancing and enjoying the night, one girl on the other side of the fire caught my attention. She was tall and thin, with dark brown 


hair tied up on top of her head. She wore very tight blue jeans and a small white singlet top that accentuated her large chest. As she caught my eye, her top lip curled into a snarl. 

“Who’s that?” I asked Gunner nodding my head in her direction. 

Gunner looked over at her and his body tensed. He was quiet for a moment, then he tightened his arms around me and kissed my cheek. 

“No one important” he snarled. 

She threw her drink into the fire and stormed off in a huff. I watched her walk away into one of the cabins. She was definitely someone, important or not. Why else would she react like that? Gunner stood up and held his hand out to me, 

“Come on kid, let’s dance” he said smiling down at me. 


I mocked, and he chuckled at me. 

“Just get up off your sweet little ass and come dance with your Mate“. 

I stood up and reluctantly took his hand. I’ve never danced before, I don’t know how to dance. Gunner twirled me around and then pulled my body into his, and then began moving his hips from side to side. I blushed as we twisted and twirled together laughing. The song slowed and he pulled me in again, I wrapped my arms around his waist as he rested his head on the top of mine, we swayed slowly from side to side holding each other. 

“I love you” he breathed heavily. 

Wait, what did he just say? I pulled my head away and looked up at his face. Did I actually just hear that, or was I imagining it. He looked and me and bit his bottom lip, he was shocked. I don’t think he meant to say it, at least not out loud. 

“What did you say?” I asked up at him. 

He closed his eyes and gulped. He then leaned down and looked me directly in the eyes, 

“I love you, my little wolf” he said strongly and with a straight and certain face. 

My heart exploded with happiness. I had never felt such warmth and acceptance before. What an odd feeling it is. I wanted to dance and shout face and kissed his lips. 

I sing. He loves me. He loves ME. I grabbed his 

“I love you too” I said with a smile so big that my cheeks hurt. 

Gunner gleamed at me happily. He picked me 

up and I wrapped my legs around his hips. He kissed me on the mouth and then again on the nose and cheek and back to my mouth again. He kissed my face all over, mumbling ‘I love you‘ as he went. I have never felt something like this, it was like the sun was shining inside my chest. I thought my heart may break through my ribs and start dancing on the dirt. I grabbed his face and pressed my lips against his. He licked my lips. softly and I opened my mouth. He flicked my tongue with his and I rubbed the tip of his tongue with mine. I moaned quietly at how good he tasted. I bit down softly on his bottom lip and he growled at me. I opened my mouth again and our tongues continued to dance together. I could 

D– Li… Blam thin foemine 


body flush against his, and grabbed a handful of his hair in my hand. He withdrew his tongue and kissed my lips softly a few more times. He pulled his head back and smiled. 

“You’re going to get me all excited” he said resting his forehead on mine, 

“I’m okay with that” I whispered, giving his lips a quick lick. He smiled and huffed, 

“I don’t think the rest of the pack want to see that though“. 

I completely forgot that we weren’t alone. Looking out of the corner of my eye, I saw that there were eyes on us from all directions. My cheeks burned with embarrassment. 

“Later” I whispered. I gave him one last kiss as I jumped out of his arms, and went and sat back down by the fire next to Nat. She put her arm through mine and snuggled in close to me with a big smile on her beautiful face. Her warmth and friendliness was a little alarming. I’ve never had a girl treat me nicely before, besides Roe of course. But I welcomed her affection. 

“So” she smiled enthusiastically 

“Tell me everything“, 

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