
Chapter Moon 23

23 Chapter 23 Frustration 


The light shone through the window on my face, waking me up. Zelena was still asleep holding onto my arm. I brushed the hair from her face. She is gorgeous. She has a small purple mark still on her eye lid and the cut has healed over with only a tiny scab left. Her lip was back to normal as are the other cuts and bruises on her face. The healing worked. I lay there admiring her beauty, she is perfect. I leaned forward and sniffed at her hair, she smells so sweet, it’s hard not to nuzzle into her. I want to pull her into my arms and hold her, but I don’t want to wake her. I reached out to stroke the soft skin of her cheek but snapped my hand back. I’d better go before I wake her up. I carefully slid my arm out of her grip and very quietly crawled out of bed, being extra careful not to disturb her. I grabbed some clothes from the basket on the floor and ducked out the door. I changed in the hallway leaving my sweats by the bedroom door. I went downstairs and walked into the kitchen, Dad was already seated at the bench eating some eggs. Without saying anything I made myself a bowl of cereal and sat down beside him. It was quiet for a few minutes, he was waiting for me to break the silence. I gulped and finally spoke, 

“I’m sorry, for the other day I said shoving a spoonful of coco pops into my mouth. 

“It’s okay son, you were in a heightened state” he said with a grumble. We sat and ate together quietly for a while, then dad put down his fork and rested his hands up on the counter. Great, here it comes, the scolding. 

“So, your mother has been talking to me” he said without looking at me, 

“Uh ha” I mumbled through a mouth full of cereal. 

“She believes that this girl is your True Mate and Artemis agrees with her” 


“You think so too then?” 

“I do, yes” I answered without hesitating. He paused for a minute, fidgeting with his fingers 

“Tell me” he said not turning his head but looking at me out of the corner of his eye. This is not the direction I thought this conversation was going. But I do think that he wants to believe. I know he thinks of the Mate bond as sacred and is something to be respected, and like Mum he gives his thanks to the Moon Goddess. He has never been one to speak about his belief or nonbelief in the legends. But he did ask me, so the door is open right? Eh whatever, I’ll just tell him the same thing I told Mum. I took a deep breath and spilled, 

“It started the very first day I saw her, I knew right away that she was different. But when I looked into her eyes, I had a need to know her, and I felt like I had to protect her. Plus, she is beautiful, Dad. The most beautiful girl I have ever set my eyes on. The first time I heard her voice my heart felt full, I knew from then on that she was meant to be my Mate. And she’s strong. so strong and really powerful. And her wolf, wow, her wolf is magnificent. Completely different to any other wolf I have ever seen. She’s special Dad, I can feel it. I know deep in my 


Chapter 23 – Frustration 

soul that this is more than just an ordinary bond. It’s something more, way more“. I looked at him as I poured my heart out, but he didn’t turn his head. He sat quietly and listened without interrupting. After a minute of uncomfortable silence, he stood up and placed his hand on my shoulder. 

“Well okay then” he grumbled. I looked at him confused, I had no idea what he was thinking. Did he believe me or not, is he going to accept her? 

“I would need to meet her” he said raising an eyebrow, 

“Yes of course” I mumbled, my hopefulness increasing slightly. 

“Tonight” he said firmly, 

“T–Tonight?” I gulped, so soon, 

“Yes, dinner, with the others. And just like that, that hopefulness just crashed into the ground in a fiery explosion. Shit, now I’m a little scared. It’s going to be so much to throw on her at once. Not just meeting my dad, her potential Alpha, but his senior pack as well. And what if she is rejected in front of everyone, it will destroy her. Not a lot I can do about it though. I can’t refuse him, he’s my dad but he’s still my Alpha, and what the Alpha say’s goes. 

“O–Okay I stuttered, 

“I will tell your mother. With that he walked out of the kitchen. I slumped my head into my hands, this could be bad. Should I tell her now or just surprise her later I wondered. She’ll probably panic. How would I even tell her? ‘Hey Zee, tonight you’re meeting the Alpha and the pack and may or may not be rejected and forced from our territory‘ I don’t think so. Oh Goddess, what if she tries to leave me? I got up and put my bowl in the sink and left the kitchen. I was about to head upstairs again when I heard Dad talking to Artemis on the porch. I listened to a bit of their conversation. He was back to check on Zee, apparently Mum told him that she was up and about. I better go and get her. I ran up the stairs and slowly opened the door. She was standing in front of the bookshelf looking at my books. She took down the pack histories and legends journal and turned it over in her hands brushing her fingers over the pack symbol. 

“Careful with that one, it’s older than my great–great–grandpa” I said with a smile. She put the book back on the shelf and sat down on the bed grinning up at me. I walked to the edge of the bed and grinned down at her, 

“How’d you sleep gorgeous?” 

“Pretty good actually” she said with a small stretch of her arms. 

“That’s good” I said leaning down to kiss her on the head, 

“Get dressed, Artemis is here. 

“Who is Artemis?” she asked tilting her head

“He’s our healer, he’s the one that bandaged you up when I brought you here“. She was quiet for a minute, looking down at the bed



23 Chapter 23–Frustration 

clothes that Nat dropped off earlier. 

“I sent my sister out shopping for you. She was more than happy to spend my money. Zee’s face lit up with excitement, smiling brightly. I got that urge to pounce on her again. How does she manage to get me riled up so easily. I really need to let off some steam and go for a run. I flashed Cole

**Cole, meet me by the pit, we gotta go running 

**Right now?** 

**I’ll be there in five** 


“I’ve gotta go help dad out with some things. Once Artemis has seen you. Mum will have some food ready” I lied clenching my fists. 

“Okay boss” she said with a smile. Grr. Everything that comes out of her mouth feels like a tease. I leaned down to her lifting her chin with my hand pulling her close to my face. 

“Mm… boss ay? I could get use to that” I growled and snapped my teeth at her. Holy fuck, I’ve really got to go. I walked quickly to the door and turned back to her, 

“Don’t take too long, he’s waiting downstairs“. I gave her a wink and blew her a kiss and ran down the stairs. What the fuck is happening. I think Mum may be right and we need to seal the bond. Every time that I’m near her I’m basically rock hard. Her scent is intoxicating. I got out to the fire pit at the same time that Cole strolled over. 

“What’s going on?” he asked, 

“I gotta let the wolf out for a bit before I go mad” 

“Aw what’s happening? Isn’t the old ball and chain playing with the crown jewels?” he smirked and chuckled. I lowered my head and growled. How dare he talk about her like that. Without realising I snapped my hand up and grasped it around his neck, 

“Watch your mouth” I growled. He threw his hands up with his eyes open wide. 

“Okay, my bad. Shit mate, you really do need a run” he squeaked. I huffed at him with a frown and released my grip. Leaning down to take off my boots, regret filled my stomach, it’s just Cole. He didn’t mean anything by it. 

“Alright let’s go” he said pulling his shirt off with a smile. I guess he was letting it slide then. 


e got undressed leaving our clothes by the fire pit and headed for the trees. By the time we reached the tree line, we were both on 

freedom of being a wolf. I let out all four paws. It felt so good to run, to feel the wild 

a howl as I ran, and Cole howled along too. I ran through the forest at top wolf speed, the trees were flying past me, but I can still see every detail so clearly, every leaf, every branch and every piece of bark. I was jumping and pouncing through the shrubs and over rocks, looking at the flowers and berry bushes along the way. With every stride all my anger and my built–up lust, all of the energy that was overflowing inside me, it all just melted 


< 23 Chapter 23–Frustration 

Eventually we burst through the trees and were on the sandy coast. I looked down along the beach, good, no people today. I scratched my claws into the sand as I walked to the water’s edge. I lay down in the damp sand and rolled onto my back, wiggling myself from side to side, burying 

back and nose into the sand, 


**Feeling better yet?** 

**Yeah I am, thank you brother, for coming out with me** 

– Any time 

We sat quietly side by side looking out across the ocean, breathing in the salty air. Our territory 

is beautiful, both forest area and coastal area. And one day it will all be mine to rule over. 

Something was wrong with Cole, I could sense it. He smelled of frustration and T 

**Now that my mind is clear again, shall we talk about yours?** 

**There’s nothing wrong with my mind** 

**I’m your Alpha–son and your best friend, don’t you think I can tell when something is weighing on you?** 

**Don’t worry about it, it’s nothing” 

**Cole, you are my brother and I love you! 

**I know, I love you as well** 

Cole stood up and shook off the sand turning away from me, 

**I’m hungry, let’s go for a hunt 

**Yeah alright** 

He wasn’t ready to talk to me, but I’ll get it out of him soon, I always do. 


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