
Chapter 5

Chapter 5 – Retaliation


When we reached the school, the lot was empty, meaning everyone was already inside. We followed Cole and Smith through the doors of the school, still hand in hand. As we entered the hallway an eerie silence befell the halls, they all turned and stared at Gunner and me. My eyes darted around the hallway, seeing everyone whispering to each other and looking at me with disgust. It’s the most visible that I have ever felt, and I hated it. I dropped my head and pulled my hoodie up. Letting go of Gunners hand I made a beeline for my classroom, leaving the three boys behind me.

“Zee wait!” he called after me, but I didn’t stop.

I passed whispering faces and dirty looks as I made my way down the hall.

“There’s no way”

“She’s dreaming”

“Is this a prank?”

I kept my head down and avoided eye contact. The looks and the snide comments were nothing new, I got them every day. But I was so stupid to think that Gunner and I could actually be together. He was high class royalty, I was dumpster smut, and everyone knew it. I reached my class and hurried to my usual seat, in the back corner of the room. I sat down and leaned over to put my bag on the floor, when I sat up again, Smith was sitting next to me. He smiled and pulled his calculus book out.

“I hope you’re good at this crap, because I suck” he said with a crooked smile. I half smiled back at him with a shrug of my shoulders.

The tiresome Mr Phillips was our math teacher. He is a middle-aged balding man that always dressed in beige khaki shorts with colourful tartan socks pulled up to his knees. He was boring at most, but with the wit and sarcasm that could floor most of his students. In the middle of class Smith plopped a folded-up piece of paper on my desk, he looked at me with anticipation. His cheeks were red and bursting with his barely held in giggles. I unfolded the note and studied it. A smile crept across my face as I started to understand what I was seeing. It was a terribly drawn picture of who I assume to be Mr Phillips, wearing a bikini, with pigtails in his hair and riding on, what I think is a dolphin. I glanced at Smith, and he was nearly crying from his silent laughter. He had his hand over his mouth to muffle the sounds. He then pretends to push up his boobs, flick his hair over his shoulder and gallop away on his dolphin. It was funny, and I couldn’t help but giggle with him. I gave him back the drawing and looked back down at my book, still smiling to myself. Is this what having a friend feels like? Joking and giggling, having a reason to smile. I like this feeling, this blissful comfort. I like having a friend.

The lunch bell rang, and the students all got up and left, except for Smith, he waited for me to put my books in my bag. He stood by the door with a smile

“Ready for some grub?” he asked with his hand rubbing his stomach. I smiled and nodded,

“Just got to drop my bag off” I squeaked.

“Want me to come, or shall I meet you there?” he asked with his thumb pointing down the hallway towards the cafeteria.

“I’ll be okay” I said pulling my bag onto my shoulder and sliding through the door around him. He smiled and wiggled his fingers at me and took off down the hall.

I walked to my locker with a smile on my face. This is turning out to be a good day, for a change. I got to my locker and started to put in my combination, when I was violently yanked around by my shoulder. I put my hands up to cover my face, ready for whoever it was that was about to hit me.

“You don’t actually think that he likes you, do you?” Demi’s high-pitched voice snickered at me. I dropped my hands to my side, bowed my head and said nothing. It’s always best to just let her get it out, when I speak or try to fight back, it’s worse.

She slammed her palm into the door beside my head, which made me flinch and turn away.

“Oh my god” she huffed,

“You’re seriously so pathetic, why do you think everyone is out to fight you?” she snarled at me leaning closer to my face.

My face was turned away from her and my eyes closed tight, just waiting for her to hit me, kick me, pull my hair, do something. I could smell her perfume, the overbearing floral scent burned my nose. But I could smell something else as well, it was a cold bland smell. Something I would relate to fear or anger. That couldn’t be right, how could I smell fear, emotions don’t have a scent. She grabbed my shoulders and shoved me hard against the locker, my tender back burned from the sudden burst of pain.

“Gunner doesn’t want you, why would he want a pig like you?” she spat at me, only inches from my face. I whimpered at the feel of her hot breath on my cheek.

“Stay away from Gunner, okay bitch, he’s mine now”.

I nodded my head quickly. The sharpness of her words sliced through me. Of course her and Gunner would get together, they’re both ridiculously beautiful, and beautiful people tend to stick together. She let go of my shoulders and took a small step back. I didn’t dare lift my head to look at her, but I can picture her evil smirk in my mind, I could basically feel her heated glare burning my flesh.

“What a useless waste of space” she laughed turning to her minions and the crowd that had gathered beside her.

Even after she turned away, I could still feel the burning from her glare. It was like a wave of heat burned through me, engulfing my arms. I clenched my fists, digging my nails into the palm of my hands. Those hot pins, the same from yesterday in the forest, I could feel them running up my legs and into my chest. Without a second thought, I stepped forward and slapped Demi clean across her face. I hit her so hard that her head snapped to the side and the sound echoed through the hallway. Everyone fell silent, surprised to see such an outburst from me. For years I have sat quietly and taken their abuse without a word or any show of retaliation. Demi grasped at her face and turned to look at me. Her upper lips curled up into a snarl and fiery hatred filled her eyes. She lunged at me grabbing my wrist with one hand and the other hand around my throat. She shoved me against the locker, slamming my head into the door. I let out a small squeal of pain.

“Who the f**k do you think you are? You filthy slut!” she screamed at me whilst slamming me against the locker again. I tried to take a breath but her grip around my neck was too tight. I could feel her fingers tightening around my throat and I closed my eyes to prepare myself for more pain. Desperate for air, I pulled at her hand around my neck, to no avail. I could feel my head starting to spin and a fogginess clouded my vision. Demi’s grip suddenly released, and I fell to the floor coughing and struggling to breathe. I stayed crouched on the floor on my hands and knees, frantically trying to catch a breath. My throat burned and the air felt like knives as it began to fill my lungs.

When I was finally able to breathe again, I managed to register the sounds of yelling and screaming in front of me. Hesitantly, I looked up. Cole and Smith were both struggling to hold back a violent looking Gunner, who was desperately trying to lunge at Demi. Demi was clutching onto Brian’s arm trying to shield herself from Gunner. Brian, Demi, her minions and everyone else in the hall were staring at Gunner with shock and terror on their faces.

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