Monster Integration

Chapter 80 Fortune!

I got little startled by Shawn’s advise, I had thought that mana crystals were one of the practice resources but Shawn said it will be detrimental to practice, I was little disappointed but soon my expression turned very happy.

Shawn giving advise about mana crystals means, there is a possibility of having some mana crystals in a pouch in my hand.

I opened the Skill folder first because I want to check skill above all, Blazing Strikes is the skill which throws the concentrated bolts of fire, the more concentrated fire is the more lethal it will become.

As I keep reading it’s a description, my expression morphed in utter shock, this skill is too powerful. As long as I get basic mastery over it, I don’t think any leftovers in westblood will be my match, either from the government or organization, only those who have skill comparable to Blazing Strikes will be matched for me in the same realm.

And this is only low-level Knight grade skill, I wonder how powerful medium and high-level knight skills are but I am sure about the one thing, the skills that Shawn and his friends use are only low-level skill because medium and high-level knight skill has a very high requirement that even Shawn cant able satisfy at Private Grade.

The only prerequisite of this skill is that your mana has to be 80% minimum, my mana will reach that purity will in a few days.

My hand is shaking a little bit excited as I look at the pouch, the white in color with white runes drawn all over it.

I was shocked when looked inside the pouch, it had about one-meter cubic space but that’s not what shocked, what shocked me most is the things inside it.

There are sword hilt, a silver bracelet which looked quite stylish, one potion bottle and five thumbnail size colorless crystals.

They are mana crystals, they looked like coins made of crystals and top of them is the same logo I’ve seen on the clothing of central continents youth.

A five petals Red jasmines, this seemed to be the logo of their organization.

The pouch size can be adjusted, it can be made big as my arm and small as the current palm size.

As I remove the sword hilt from the pouch, I saw Rhea also doing the same.

The sword did not look as normal sword hilt but did not look that special, if someone looked at it, he would only give second glance before forgetting about it.

It’s less noticeable than Shawn and Jim were using, I feel happy seeing that as I could use outside without noticed being special.

I only hope this sword would suit me, if it turned in broad sword or long sword, then it would be quite troublesome.

"Uhn!" I startled because when I input my mana into it, I come to know that I can manipulate its size, I can turn to scimitar or falchion any sword I want or completely different sword which suitable for me.

I have heard this type of size manipulating artifacts exist but never seen with my eyes.

Rhea had also manipulated her sword size, it is a little different than before, it wider than before and looking at her bulging muscle little heavier also.

I notice that when I am manipulating the sword its weight increased and decreased and that is not controllable.

And I notice another interesting thing that, it took very less mana than the Grade 1 sword that I am using, approximately five times less.

Even if I was in the initial level of Private Grade, I still could use this sword easily and another thing is, I could activate and deactivate this sword easily.

Next, I receive the bracelet, I know this is not a bracelet but shield, like sword earlier.

It can also be easily manipulatable, it will be very helpful to me defending against my opponent easily.

If I had this shield earlier, I would have had an easier time fighting that monster and would have been less injured.

The bottle is normal thumb size potion bottle which is continuing yellow liquid, there is no information on it but I know it is very precious.

The last thing is five colorless thumbnail size mana crystals, the one saw on news were very coarse and not refined as these ones.

Rhea and I found three things on our space pouch similarly, instead of shield type artifact she got Shoe type artifacts.

I don’t think it is a coincidence that we got Artifacts that is suitable for us when Shawn and Carol discussed something earlier I saw him doing something to our space pouches.

It must be shown doing, given us the artifacts that is suitable for us as Rhea’s offense is strong but her speed is slow, so shoe type artifact best suited for her and I focused very less on my defense, so, The shield is necessary for me to defend against the attacks that I can’t dodge.

I will have to thank Shawn if I am ever able to meet him again. I am about to put the pouch in my backpack, it will be quite dangerous if someone takes note I have space pouch with me.

"Gasp!" rhea gasped.

When I looked at I found her staring at the right pocket of her pants, "What happened?" I asked her, seeing her acting like that.

"Try to put your space pouch in your pocket?" she said instead, I looked at her confusedly, seeing she not saying anything, I put my space pouch in my pocket.

"Gasp!" I also gasped seeing what happened, my space pouch which I put in my pocket had merged with my pocket.

If someone looked from outside, one will find it nothing different and I just have to supply the mana inside to store or took out the thing inside it.

It is simply miraculous! it will immensely help in time of emergency and I would have to be little careful inputting and removing things in others presence.

"There are a lot of precious ores and crystals here!" I said she nodded in affirmation.

We both started to collect the crystals and ores that we found precious and this time we don’t have to worry about space and weight as whatever we put inside the space pouch will become weightless.

I also put the precious things that I have in my backpack into my space pouch, not to be too obvious to others we still decided to keep many things in my pack back and only keep most precious into the space pouch.

The space pouch is only one third is filled after putting so many things inside.

"Dark will come soon, we shout get out of this cave!" said Rhea, I nodded and started to leave with her. contemporary romance

Looking at my holowatch only, only one hour remain till dark and we hadn’t found a suitable spot yet.

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