Monster Integration

Chapter 3729 Not Allowed To Leave

"Sorry friend, you will have to stay. You see, the benefits you have got from the tree of raizon are a fraction of what you will get when the whole inner circle is filled,"

"It will activate another function and the benefits it will provide will be ten times higher," said the woman with black horns to the Beastman trying to get out of the really.

"Really?" he asked, and she nodded with a smile.

"Here, is the information," she said and threw the crystal at him. He took the crystal and moved, flew back down, but a moment later, another Earth Sovereign appeared in his place.

"I want to leave, please step aside Sky Sovereign," said the human woman. "The benef"

"I heard what you have said, but I want to leave; I have other places I want to visit," said the Earth Sovereign, cutting the Sky Sovereign.

Immediately, two Sky Sovereigns appeared beside the woman.

"Apologies friend, but you will have to stay till, the inner circle activates. You might not want the benefits of it, but we do," said the dwarf on the left and waved his hand, pushing the women to the ground.

Their intention was clear; they didn't want anyone to leave.contemporary romance

Not anyone, only Earth Sovereign. A few seconds later, a Sky Sovereign left. They gave the same speech of benefits, but he just flew away and they didn't stop him.

Earth Sovereigns are one thing, but they won't dare to stop the Sky Sovereigns.

However, not many Sky Sovereigns are leaving. They seemed to be interested in whatever benefits the crystal tree was supposed to be offering.

I didn't say anything and instead quickly picked up the crystal from the ground and seeped into my soul sense into it.

Tree of Raizon is a construct crafted from the sap of thirteen nadian trees. They are a type of precious tree, each representing an element.

I have been trying to get my hands on it, or at least its seeds, but they are extremely rare and valuable. Tor has one of the trees, I have seen it; it's wonderful.

Now, the information says it is crafted using the sap of thirteen nandian trees. The sheer amount of sap, that requires crafting a tree of this size would be massive; since it is not just the tree, but also the roots.

This is all from the Prime grade tree; not an Earth or the Sky Sovereign one.

I don't know whether it is all true or not, nor I care. I want to get out of here. Nothing good has come out of it when people are restricted from leaving.

I am also not getting a good feeling about it, but there is nothing I can do. Earth Sovereigns couldn't leave, only Sky Sovereigns could.

If I had cloaked myself as the Sky Sovereign, I might have been able to get away, but that ship had sailed. I would have needed to do that before coming.

Now, I would just get a slap on the face, if I tried that.

Seeing I had no choice but to stay here, I went back to the place, where I was sitting. I could go to the edge and bring out the abode, like many had done, but I will not, at least not now.

This might be my irrational fear, and it is what they are saying. That would be good, but if it is not, then I need to be prepared.

I would not sit around for the danger to come and swallow myself. I have done it many times and do not have any intention of doing it anymore.

I sat down and immediately; all the soul senses vanished.

Seconds passed, but the dripping sound didn't come. The treatment could only be used once. Which is fine to me; I could do a thing; I want to do without any strain.

I took a deep breath and brought out the string. It came from my legs and went directly for the roots, that I am sitting on.

Immediately, it felt the resistance everyone felt when trying to do something to it.

Seeing that, I forced the strings, but there was no change, no matter how much force, I applied to it.

It didn't surprise me, so I tried another thing.

I made the string thinner; it is already thin, and even without a cloak people couldn't see it. Still, I made it even thinner, but making it thinner wouldn't help it.

A few seconds later, runes came out; they were extremely small, that one couldn't be able to see them without using a method and these runes formed a complex formation on the thin string.

I powered that formation with the pure and densest forbidden power I could produce.

As I did, I moved the string toward the roots and this time; the string begins to pass through the root, like the syringe passes through the skin.

Seeing it going inside, a smile couldn't help, but appear on my face, but I quickly controlled my expression. I only entered inside the roots; I am far from achieving the target.

There is no clear target aside from checking whether the thing is legit. If it is not and something nefarious, then sabotage it.


Another formation in the string activated, giving me a glimpse of what was inside. I was barely able to stop myself from gasping, seeing the things I saw.

The first I saw was a complex network of capillaries, each having moving liquid through it. On these, capillaries are the dense formation, which I copied, and my clones begin to study.

The string split into several parts breached these capillaries and collected tiny samples from them.

I should have studied the formation before doing something like that, but I didn't have much time. They only need, eight hundred more to activate, the inner circle and it won't take more than two to three days.

I need to study this entire root systems and tree before that. It is a daunting task, but I have no choice.

I need to be ready, in case; it is something nefarious.

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