Monster Integration

Chapter 3642 Return

Chapter 3642  Return

The darkness disappeared, and the light appeared in front of me. The first thing I saw was a tall blond woman.

She looked human, except for a bone-white pair of horns. Smooth reddish skin and a tail. She is beautiful and has a huge sword behind her back.

For a moment, I thought she was a Sky Sovereign, but she was not.

She is a Prime and the one who is stronger than the Prime Volsnorth. She is not on the list of Prime's I have, but she is wearing a badge of Tor.

She might be someone I had no access to know about or the Prime from the list I have, but wearing a different skin. Nothing could be told, nor did I wish to investigate.

This is someone who could kill me with a bare breath.

"Prime," I said and bowed faintly. "Good, you have returned. I thought the spatial disturbance might send you somewhere else," she said.

"Thank god, it didn't happen," I replied and walked beside three and waited, wearing the same question their faces have. There shouldn't be a Prime here; at most, a Sky Sovereign. Even though they didn't need to be here, seeing we were in a range of teleportation; the disc simply could have pulled us to the directly.

Nobody asked, we just waited.

I had even controlled myself and didn't enter my core, which I really wanted to do. Check those amazing things, which I have got my hands on; I am really excited about them.

I am also curious about the Prime; she wouldn't have been here without a reason and seeing how she is looking for a spot. She came here with the purpose.

"Finally," she said, at the twenty-seventh second, and a palm-sized black stone cube appeared in her hand, and she threw it. It immediately turned big building and multicolored runes flashed on it. Not normal runes, but ancient runes, and she is powering them with the power of laws.

Immediately, I knew that she was Silver Prime.

Primes could only sense the laws, Silver Primes could use them. There is a faint minority of Prime that could use laws, but their numbers are less than 1% of all Primes.

If hadn't protected us with her power, we would have been obliterated with our souls.


The cube shone with the power of the laws; it began to dig out something. When I saw the thing, my eyes couldn't help but widen.

It is the spatial pod; the one we had just come from.

It is the size of my palm; for some, it might be hard to believe that a small thing, contains a realm inside. It is shining in silvery and damaged. One could see the small damage on it, and it seemed to be spreading.

I am shocked seeing it; I am not shocked by the pod, but how she was able to pull it out from its original place. The pod wasn't a present here, just its exit; it was far away, but she was able to pull it out here.

The pod came closer and closer to the black stone cube, before reaching it, where a small hole opened, and it entered inside.

As it did, the runes on the cube flared brightly. They were so bright that for a couple of seconds; they were able to block the cube before it started to dim.

"The quality of the pod was better than I thought," she said as the cube shrank, till it had reached its previous shape. "Thank you, children. Because of you all, I was able to get a good thing," she said and before we could reply in outrage, we felt a familiar feeling covering us and everything darkened again.

It cleared a few seconds later, and we found ourselves in a familiar disk.

We quickly moved out of it, before the operator could snap and a moment later. Another group of people appeared on it and knowing the rules, they moved out, before dallying.

"We will meet tomorrow, regarding the distribution, with the representative of the resource department," said Orina, after we submitted the reports.

Nobody had a problem with that; we all flashed out batches into the teleportation gate and disappeared.


A minute later, I was standing in front of the door of my suite. I opened it and walked inside.

I didn't go to my room as I usually have to do and instead sat down and entered my core.

Immediately, I appeared in front of the branches, glowing in dense energies. There are twenty-two branches, divided into six elements; four are basic elements, and the other two are space and time.

It is a great haul, and it is hard to believe. It is less than 10% of that nest.

I wanted to get more, but couldn't. My strings couldn't pull more than that, but I don't mind. This is already a good amount and would be more than enough to satisfy my needs.𝔣𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔴𝔫.𝔠𝔬𝔪

I already have many ideas about how I am going to use them.

I looked at them for a few more seconds, before appearing beside the tree and looking at it to consume the hive-queen. I hadn't let it consume it; sub-queens are different, the organization wouldn't want, but the hive queen is different.

I had asked them earlier, and they have asked to provide a small sample and give them in writing, that I would destroy the carcass.contemporary romance

Like the critters, the carcass of the hive queen is useless. Though not to me. The seedling of the world tree is eating it raucously, taking his sweet time. In a few minutes, it is over and a second after that, it begins to glow and starts to grow rapidly. It began to grow at such speed that even I couldn't help but become.


I watched for a while and was about to walk away when I noticed something shocking.

For a moment, I wasn't able to believe it and checked them a couple of times, before I became sure.

There are buds on the tree, seven of them, and they are barely growing, but I know, what they are. The buds for the fruit.

The fruits of seedlings of the world tree are one of the precious things there. These fruits are extremely high in demand and there are a few of them.

Even now, in this gigantic tree, I saw only seven buds.

I wonder what kind of fruit it will be. The seedlings of the world tree grow differently according to the place and condition where they are planted and the nutrients they use.ғʀᴇᴇwɴ.coм

Mine is planted in a core and mostly grew up consuming the bloodline essence of Grimms. A few videttes, Grimms, and now these critters.

I hope it will be something good, not creepy food, based on the things it had consumed.

Soon, the glow disappeared, and the tree stopped growing. Becoming even more gigantic. It wouldn't take it before it would become the biggest tree, I had even seen; it had already reached pretty close to it.

I looked at it for a while before turning to the island, which lusted with plants, all grown to the peak of the Earth-Sovereign stage.

Today, my core has produced so many resources that it had never produced before. Hell, it hadn't produced 1% of resources in a single day as today.

So, one could imagine the number.

I am, I had killed thousands of critters, sending them all in and the sheer number of resources I have in the repository is simply staggering.

On this short, day, I had harvested over a hundred metal essence fruits, thousands of stainless lotuses, and many other resources in the large amount.

There is no way I would be able to use it all; I would need to sell a lot of them.

My clone had already made the list of things, I had to sell, and I couldn't help, but feel a headache seeing it. The number was too large, I wouldn't be able to sell, even a fraction of the, before arousing suspicion.

I mean, there are anonymous mercantile stations, but I know too well how anonymous they are.

The moment they see the suspicious thing, they will investigate, and that is the last thing I want.

Seeing the headache coming, I pushed the thought away. I will think about it when I have the time.

Now, the only thing I want to do is take a shower and eat.


I opened my eyes and walked to the bedroom. I was about to remove my clothes and entered the shower. When I received the mail.

It is the mail from the housing office; they want me to choose a permanent place to stay. If I didn't, they would choose it for me.

It was not the first warning I had received, but it seemed to be the last one. Those people seemed to have reached their limit with me. If I didn't find myself a home; they would do it for me. I don't want that, if possible, I will look out the places that are available tomorrow.

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