Monster Integration

Chapter 151 Rescue II

No matter which obstruction is coming in a way, we pierce through it but did not decrease our speed.

All Three super had been using their powers but it is still Rachel has the most kills.

Rachel’s speed of releasing arrows faster than normal, not only she Max and William also releasing flora of attacks whichever monsters that came in way.

I also keep my skill ready to attack any monster who breached the formation but no monster had as they had all got killed before they could reach the formation.

In twenty minutes we reached near enough to hear the faint sound of fighting and by that time more than thous funds minsters were cut down.

Hearing the faint fighting sound we increased our speed again, cutting down any monster that comes in our way.

I look disappointedly at the monster bodies that we were leaving behind, so much monster cores.

If one were just to sell monster cores of all the monster we had killed in the past half hour, he earns tens of millions.

We kept running top of our speed and as we drew near, the sound of fighting grew louder and louder.

By the time we had reached the fighting scene, I was left quite dumbstruck seeing the fighting scene but also could understand why the other group would need reinforcement.

"Lets attack!" Said Max as we reach near the battlefield without giving us much time to observe the fight, with max we all ran toward the battlefield like mad while observing the fight.

There are seem to more than four thousand monsters fighting near thousand people and people seem to be in very bad shape.

All the body parts that were not in protection of armor are clawed red, their clothes are torn and people look very miserable monsters.

Nothing less expected from monster species which are famous for mischief and some even have a streak of cruelty in them.

They are monkey species, these ones look extremely cruel and are little different than other monkey monsters I’ve come across in westblood.

They are exceptionally fast, although most of the monkey monster are famous for their speed and agility these ones are exceptionally fast, their speed would be little than bitsy, which is the fastest monster I’ve ever come across.

These monkeys are the same size as all the monkey monsters I’ve seen, the higher level ones are just a little bigger and all of them are light green in color.

The weirdest thing about these monkey monster is that their claws, they did not have claws like a normal monster.

Their claws looked like they have made of wind blades, they are about five inches long.

One look at their claws would put fear in men’s hearts, that’s how sharp.

As we running toward the battlefield, I saw jill remove the mask from her storage and put on her head which quickly activated and turned into the sleek helmet that covered her head and neck, completely covering her body except for her palms which are holding her sword and shield.

Not only she but many people started donning the masks, I can understand why they are doing that.

These monkeys are exceptionally cruel and liked to attack the head and they had shaved many patches on people’s head they are fighting.

I also had a mask and I would have done it if I had the energy to support it.

"Ooooh ooh, aaahh ah...." Azure monkeys quickly notice a large group of people running toward them, without fearing they ran toward in large quantity without feeling swath of fear.

They are running toward us with their high pitch voice and claws made of wind blades.

soon there was the only ten-meter distance between us and I can clearly see the streak of mischief, cruelty, and madness in their eyes.

"Fire Strike!" I shouted as released the bolt of silver fire toward the azure monkey coming toward me and bit against my sleeve without looking at the firebolt that I just shot.

I just improvised the little trick keeping potion in sleeves, now I had sewed enough space around both of my sleeves so I put more potion or pieces of treant heart into them.

"Ohhh ahhhh!" As weakness is started to reside, I looked the is a monkey with extreme anger in its eyes coming toward me unstably but swiftly.

I missed! this is the first time my fire strike skill had missed, normally the bolt of fire is too fast for any monster to dodge.

the monster is pouncing toward me with very fast speed if I did not do anything in the second then I am definitely going be seriously injured by those wind blade claws. contemporary romance

I did not move and let it come closer to, I can see the cruel smile on its face as it saw me not moving.

As it comes close enough to me, that it cant move mid-air, I move my sword and smiling arc formed on my lips as shouted ’gotcha’ in my mind.

Fist Tide! Second Tide! Third Tide! I activated three tides power together, my sword which was moving at normal speed suddenly tuned swift.

An alarmed expression appeared on the azure monkey face, seeing their no chance of dodging my sword, madness appeared in its eyes as it stretched its claws fully toward my head but alas when its claws few inches away from me, my sword its neck.

"Pacha...c!" It felt small obstruction at the monster neck but I supplied the skill more mana that it is able to cut the neck of Azure monkeys before it could do any mischief or do my attack.

’Thud!’ two parts of azure monkey fell on the ground with a thud.

’That was close!" I said as I toa ok few breaths if I had no idea of using three raging tides as an attack, I definitely would have gotten injured.

Even if I had used my shield, it would have been difficult as it would have changed its course mid-air as these azure monkeys have an elemental affinity, a wind affinity at that.

This makes their speed swifter and they can do many things midair with their wind affinity and inherent agility that monkey monster has.

In the past two days, I’ve been using Three ranging tides skill for quick movements rather than attack as most of the monster I’ve come across have higher defense and three rain strike do nothing but annoy them when used.

My main attack method is my knight Grade skill Fire strike as it can kill any specialist stage monster, no matter how high its defense is.

I had killed three peak specialist grade monsters in the past two days and they all killed by my silver firebolt.

One thing shocked me though about these azure monkey’s, they seem to hold a shred of intelligence compares to another monster in this forest.

That intelligence is fillies with the madness but that is still intelligence, Ii has to be careful of that any craftiness they perform.

As I am taking deep breaths, I saw an initial level azure monkey coming, without wasting time I activated my skill.

Fire Strike!

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