Monster Integration

Chapter 112 The Clock Dome

"Really delicious!" said William as he ate fruit bought by Ashlyn, after seeing his sister eating fruits from distance, his mouth also watered.

Not only he, but another member of my team also asked for fruit as they saw both of us eating them.

Ashlyn always bringing fruit or herb in her little claws whenever she sets out, till now, she had bright more than twenty herbs and fruits to me.

I have to say, this forest is very enriched in flora and fauna, both monsters and plants in the forest are in a different league than the rest of the realm.

The evening is approaching and we will set a camp in an hour probably, the whole day has passed but I never got a chance to fight.

One time I just threw a fireball in frustration, as I saw the monster coming but it was killed before my fireball could reach it.

"Do you think I will get a chance to fight monster tomorrow?" Ask jill to her brother.

’’Don’t get excited about the fighting monster, when the fifth day starts, you will have to fight enough monsters that you will not even have time to take a breath much less eat the fruit," Willian replied sternly.

"The monster that is attacking us are normal monsters of the forest when we reach middle and the core region of the forest, you will see the real powerful monsters that you wish that you wouldn’t want to fight!"

"It is best to relax your mind and body now, you will have fight really powerful monster in few days!" William said softly as he patted the head of his sister lovingly.

She just nodded silently, we are very lucky but also unlucky, while we didn’t have to fight eight and can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the forest but it also has a downside when more monsters arrive and we have to fight, we need time to adjust to nature and power of monster of this forest.

’’All right enough for today, we will set a camp here." Rachel’s voice rang out.

Space is quite open and many youths started cutting trees to make more space which could occupy five hundred tents.

Rachel and her two friends started to remove meter long staffs from their storage and started placing around the camp.

There are twelve such staffs which she placed in perfect circle fashioned around the camp.

Some monster are keep attacking but they are quickly killed by a team of Corporal level evolvers.

Rachel has arranged such teams all direction of the camp to fight against such monsters.

"Inside!" Rachel shouted and all of them seem to know what she meant as they quickly entered inside the boundary of twelve staffs.

Rachel quickly did something on her holowatch as twelve staffs started to shine and connected each other with blue light, soon that blue light shot upward from twelve staffs and formed into a blue dome that encompasses the camp.

I watch the whole scene with mouth open, the whole camp is encompassed in a blue force field, it looked really beautiful.

"The Clock Dome." Jill said in soft voice, this must be the name of this artifact, quite weird name but also very suitable. contemporary romance

’’Bang! Bang!" Many monsters tried to crash the force field by their bodies and power but no avail, except for small ripples, they didn’t cause any damage to the blue forcefield.

All the people watching it with their eyes and mouth open as this is the first time they had seen such artifact, only those from organizations had normal looks as they had seen this scene many times before.

"It will able to hold off all night right?" I asked jill who besides me, she is cleaning the floor where is going to place her tent.

’’As long as there is no lieutenant level monster attack it and it has sufficient monster cores to power up, it can hold off against all the monsters in this forest." She said as she activated her tent.

I also activated my tent beside her, I didn’t ask her about where to buy this kind of artifact, she had promised me yesterday that she will help me buy it if I ever want.

I will ask when I have enough money and become powerful enough. It is good protection artifact, especially for my parents.

Many small towns get destroyed by the horde as my hometown has if my parent’s house is protected by such artifact, It will relieve some of my worries about my parent’s safety.

For now, I don’t think I much money to buy this artifact as this artifact definitely near five million.

When I will have that kind of money, I will definitely buy it for my parents.

In the tent, I uploaded all the things that Ashlyn brought on the floor.

There are both fruits and herbs piled on the floor, mostly herbs as most of the fruits were eaten by us.

I quickly separated each her on separate distance and scanned them with my holowatch to know how many herbs match the database that I have in my holowatch.

The green light had spread from my holowatch as it begins to scan the herbs, soon scan finished and data is shown on my watch.

Of the forty-one her, it is only able to identify nine of it but all nine of them turned out to be quite rare herbs and if sell them in westblood, I would make quite a money.

I would have praised Ashlyn if she were near me but she is outside flying around the tent.

After putting back all the herbs in my backpack, I just laid on the floor studying skill book as there are still near two till dinner is ready.

Time passed by and two hours I over, I freshening up I knock on the jills tent as she said to call her before going to dinner.

’’Come in!" Sound of Williams came from inside the tent, hearing Micheal invitation, I opened the flap and went inside the tent.

"Wow!" I said as I entered their tent, their tent is just wow.

From the outside, it looks like a normal tent but inside is completely different.

It has a light color interior with beds chairs, cupboard table and they looked extremely beautiful.

The rough bed which my smelly is not even worth mentioning in front of it.

The tent size is still small but it does not look crowded with all the things placed there.

I have seen many tents on the net and shops but they are nothing compared in front of this beautiful tent.

"We are ready, let’s go," said Jill, suddenly and three of us quickly get out of the tent.

’’Your tent is really beautiful!" I complimented, "This one is nothing, you should see our real one, that is something to compliment." said Jill with a laugh.

’’I should really take you to a real shop. after we get out this realm, I’ll take to the real shopping center, where you can see the real things." She said.

I know, to be a free adventurer, top of coming from a rural town, I don’t know many things, all I know comes from the web and people I met.

I nodded my thanks towards her, as we were walking Ashlyn silently come flying and landed on my shoulder.

The dinner was nice, Ashlyn and I ate till our stomach is bloated, after talking a few minutes with Jill, I went back to my tent with Ashlyn, whom I’m holding in my hands because she can’t due to the load of food she ate.

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