Monster Integration

Chapter 109 Rachel II

We kept practicing the formation, its less practice and more like memorization as people can’t learn battle formation in one day, no matter how much they try.

So, Rachel’s only option is to teach us ’what to do when that happens.’

We practiced fighting solo, in teams, helping our teammates when the monster is powerful and how to save the life of the self and our teammate’s life when the corporal level monster shows up and there is no.

She taught many tricks and technique of teamwork and coordination, that will really help in a battle against monsters.

As we were practicing many tricks and technique, Rachel started to give us information about the forest that really shocked me.

She said that this forest is infected with some kind of foreign energy that made monster inside this forest stronger and ferocious.

That they will attack outsiders at the sight and we will encounter hordes of monsters after we enter the core of the forest.

She said that four days will be light as one group had more than five hundred people, some of won’t get chance to fight four days but when we reached the core region, things will be completely different.

We will get attacked at day and night without pause but she did say that they have brought powerful protection artifact from the westblood, which will able to protect us from the monster at night.

She didn’t mention many details about the artifact but I can see the relieved expression from everyone face.

This practice going to run for a whole day and it is now the only morning.

Off all people, the most wretched are those at the Private grade, Rhea asks them to run in between our practice with heavy loads on their back.

There is only a job is to is find the safest place amidst battle and pick the best monster carcasses for lunch and dinner.

It only two hours since the fight had started but those private level evolvers had drenched with sweat from head to tow but all of them doing what Rachel told them without complaint.

They are the best of best Private grade evolvers, those who were weak had already perished in this harsh realm.

Those at private grade are most wretched and those who are at mid-level and peak level Corporal grade are most carefree.

They are just running around in between practice field, training for rescue.

Whenever mid-level and peak level corporal monster will appear on the battlefield, it will be their responsibility to fight it.

I feel quite bored doing repetitive action for thousands of times but have to do for survival.

Although the practice is very boring, I found that it is becoming very helpful to me.

After eating Miracle fruit of Rebirth, many changes had occurred in my body, that I barely utilized without practice and experience.

This repetitive practice helped me understand my body’s new strength and flexibility.

With the help of this training, I’ve become completely familiar with it and my battle power, as well as control over my body, had also been increased.

Soon the afternoon came and we still kept practicing without stopping.

Feeling little mercy on the Private grade evolvers, Rachel ordered them to take rest for an hour but their no great for us as we continue to keep practicing.

Practicing in the afternoon sun is very depressing, camp in being the boundary of wasteland feels very hot in the afternoon, the flow of sweat could be seen on the body of all youths could be seen and this time no one as for break, not because of respect for Rachel but because of shame.

Just a ten minutes a boy asked for ten minutes of rest and all of us expected to see Rachel rebuke him but instead doing that Rachel took out the tent from her storage and activated and ask that boy ’Please Your Highness, take rest in your humble abode’.

Hearing this the boy had to put his head down in shame and no one asks for rest since then.

As time passes on the repetitive actions became quite exhaustive both physically and mentally.

One thing I liked about Rachel that she treats everyone equal and did not show any favor for organization people.

Everyone had to work hard as others without distinction and complain.

"Everyone stop! you all have worked very had today, you should feel proud." She said, standing on the boulder at the edge of the camp.

’’We will leave camp tomorrow at 8 am sharp, assemble here half an hour before if possible."

’’You all free to go and please remember to buy all the necessary things that written in the document provided by the camp, those things will save your life!" She said and left with two friends.

"I am really tired!" said Jill as she sat on the small rock, her monster also come out of her and started to lick her.

I sighed in exasperation seeing this, Ashlyn never much an affection shower, she is always arrogant and aloof.

I also sit beside Jill, resting my tired body.

"Do you know any inside information about the forest?" I asked shamelessly.

’’No!" She said shaking her heard, I am little disappointed in hearing that, I thought she would have some inside information.

"All I know what sister Rachel told us today but one of my brother’s friend has come out of the portal as a part rescue team, he said that monster inside is very dangerous!"

’’Especially those at the core region of the forest where exit portal is located, he said the more preparation you have, the better." She said.

It looked like I have to spend more to buy some potions and other things that I will need.

"Do you know anything about protection artifact they brought from Westblood?" I asked. contemporary romance

I didn’t have much hope that she will answer as these things tended to the secret of the organization.

’’Oh that artifact! its just grade 2 ward type artifact, sister Rachel just overly mystifying it." She said as it is common sword artifact.

Seeing the question on my face, she decided to explain it further.

"It’s just normal Grade two ward type artifact that we used when a large party of hundreds or more goes off for training."

’’It is twelve part artifact which has twelve staff like parts when we placed them around the camp, it will produce an energy forcefield that no monster than Lieutenant grade broke inside it, the only bad thing about them that they used a lot of monster cores to run." She said.

Now that I understood what she meant but I still did not understand why she calling such great artifact a common artifact.

’’Any member of the organization who has A or B level access can get from the organization for free and for normal people like you."

"If you have enough connection you can buy it from the market or paying little extra from Artifact store." She explained.

She is not as naive as she looks, "If you need such artifact in the future, you give me a call, I’ll buy it for you." she offered.

’’Thank you!" I said.

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