Monster Integration

Chapter 104 The Camp I

The patrol didn’t stop as we were running toward the camp like crazy, as we come closer to them, I got the better look at it.

My initial estimate of two thousand people but I was wrong, there are about four thousand people here.

Thousands of tents in neat information be seen and around the camp is people parroting heavily.

It is even rough fence and sentry lower of wood could be seen around the camp.

Whoever is in charge had done a good job in maintaining a camp, one barely spot any mistake in the arrangement.

There is a large gate at the entrance of the tower and around it two big sentry tower.

As we enter the gate of the camp, no one stopped us but after walking a few steps inside we notice, there are few youths sitting on the roughly made wooden desk and asking information to those who are coming in from the camp gate. contemporary romance

We also walk in front of the empty desk which is administered by the girl as same as rhea age and also in Corporal grade.

"Are you two from Thundergods Arena?" she asked smilingly to Jill and William, completely ignoring us.

’’Yes, we are." Jill and Willian answered in unison, "Please state your names please!" she said in a respectful tone.

’’William Harris and Jill Harris," Willian replied, hearing their names the girl look at their holowatch for while.

’’Great! Your names are here." She said and shouted ’’Tim!" loudly, soon a boy of my age come running over.

"Take them to Thundergods Arena’s camp," she said to the boy.

"Please,’’ said the boy motioning his hands.

"our friends?" Jill said motioning towards us, ’’I am sorry, they can’t come with you, your area restricted to organizations member only,"

"if they are a member or any organization or government they can go with you and if they are not, they have to put their camp in common area, these are the rules of the camp," she said to jill with the smile.

In nearly three days of travel, we nearly forget that they are from a big organization but now the girl brought us back to reality.

In here or in the union, those from the government or organizations get many privileges, from a discount in shopping to slashed cab rates, that is why many people train hard to get into the organization.

"It’s okay!" I said with a smile, I understand the difference between us and so jill, after giving a final apologetic look both of them followed Tim.

’’Your name and name of the affiliate organization if you are a member." She said in a stern voice, her voice is completely different from that of before sugary voice with a sweet smile.

We stated our names, she noted it into her holowatch.

’’Ting!" A request with a file also came in my holowatch and I accepted it and received the file.

’’I’ve sent you all the information you need to know the camp and exit and there is also a document about your designation, you will understand it after reading it." She said and given us the direction of the place where free adventurer had set up camp.

As I read the file, I’ve come to know that nearly 75% percent of camp area occupied by adventures while the rest is received for the members of various organizations and that area forbidden for those who are not members or organizations.

We quickly reach the place where we setting a camp and since there is no danger here, we decided to set up our own tent for privacy.

I wanted to read further but I’ve fallen asleep as laid my head in the pillow. In the past two weeks since I’ve entered this real, I’ve never slept so relaxedly that I am today.

Even in the cave that I found rhea in, I haven’t gotten so relaxed sleep that I got today because of subconsciously I know, I am not safe but here, amidst thousands of people, I know I am completely safe.

Even if a monster horde attacked, the four thousand people are enough to deal with.

When I woke up, its already evening and sky had darkened but camp is completely bright in the light magic stones.

After reading the whole document the girl had given, I got it camp.

The outside is full of activities as people sat in groups and were talking, as I walked randomly, I’ve heard many conversations.

Earlier after waking up and firstly read the document, I was shocked reading its content and have to commend that to camp leaders.

This is not the camp but as a small town, there is a special area which is reserved market.

Where there are some restaurants and small shops are but the payment method is a little different as credits don’t work here.

I have heard many conversations while walking toward the market.

It turned out, the exit of the realm is at the center of the scind forest, the document had mentioned that exist in the forest but did not mention in the center of the forest.

I’ve also heard that many elites of organization, those at the peak level of Corporal grade had gone out and entered from this door and brought back many necessities from westblood.

Many normal peaks level Corporal grade adventures had entered the forest but come back with grieves injuries and some of them met their end in the process.

The monsters in the forest are really ferocious compared to the other monster found in this realm.

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