Mommy daddy is the lycan king by Glory Tina

Chapter 51

Chapter 51 

At the dawn of the day, Jace and Drew were already waiting in front of her door. She also woke up early to prepare because she knew the journey would take over five hours to drive to Reign. She had a little talk with the boys, whom Bella would be in charge of in her absence, about their best behaviour. 

The look on their faces told her they didn’t want her to go anywhere, but she had to. Someday they would meet their grandparents, and this was the first step in ensuring that. She couldn’t wait to see the look on her parents‘ faces when she revealed to them that they had grandchildren who were absolute angels. They would be ecstatic, for sure. 

She k*ssed both their heads before walking our of the house. She stepped onto the balcony and paused when she saw Julian standing not so far away. He didn’t come close, but he had woken up early just to see her go, and she waved at him slowly. 

“Shall we go?” She turned to Jace. He nodded and led her towards the waiting car, which Drew had opened for her. She got in, and they shut it and drove off 

She had her diary, and in it was every question she wanted to ask and have her parents answer. She had stayed up late last night, writing every one of them down so that she would not forget. Her heart leaped for joy at the thought of what lay ahead for her. Her parents waited for her. Their arms would be open to her as always 

This visit was five years late, but it was better late than never. 

Drew’s phone rang after the third hour, and he picked it up and placed it against his ear. “Hello,” he said, and he stayed silent for whoever was on the other end of the phone to speak. 

“Yes, my king” He said this and turned around to hand her the phone in his hand before adding. The Lycan king wants to speak to you.” 

Her heart sped up at his words. She took the phone from his hand and held it against her ear. I promised I would give you as much privacy as you need, but I wanted to hear your voice. I only then realised you do not have a phone, and I had to call Drew. 

She nodded, then realised he couldn’t see her. “I understand.” 

“I know this is a bother, and so I promise this will be my last call to you” He vowed. “I miss you, though, and I wish you were here with me. Funny how, despite being miles apart, she could still be affected. 

“I miss you too. She admitted, then realised she wasn’t alone in the car. The men in the car beard every word she spoke. 

He became silent, as if not expecting the words she told him: “I will be waiting for your return. He said with much anticipation in his voice. She wanted to believe in his words, but knowing what the truth might bring kept her heart in a state of doubt, confusion, and pain. 

“Okay,” she replied. 

“Take care of yourself.” 

“You too.” The call ended, and she handed Drew’s phone back to him, and they all returned to silence. However, unlike earlier, Jace turned on the music. Another love by Tom Odell played, and it sent her into a state of imagination. She wondered what her life would be like in a perfect world. 

In a perfect world, she would never have gone through the torment and cruelty she went through growing up. Her biological parents would never have turned out to be such monsters, along with her first mate. In a perfect world, there would be no need to lie or hide her true identity in order to survive because justice would exist and would be delivered with all fairness and mercy. Such a world was the one she wanted to give her sons. Where they would be treated as equal and not less because of situations beyond their control. 

Three hours passed by quicker than she expected, and she got down from the car after it pulled up in front of the house that once was her home with her parents. 

It looked the same as it had always been: quiet and calm, with a warm and welcoming feeling. 

A few things were out of place, the flowering at the front of the house was dry, and though it wasn’t its season, she never saw it once not being green Dorothy always made it a duty to take care of them all and water them so that they were always green, despite the season. 

She approached further, and she picked up a smell, which was one that lingered in houses not inhabited in a while. She got to the door, and it opened for her when she slowly pushed it. Inside, she saw that the house was now a shadow of its former self. Their scent was also barely here, though everything was untouched; it was covered with cobwebs and dust. She was wrong; the quietness she had heard 

arher was because no one was in here. It made her wonder where they were. 

Did something bad happen to them? 


Dorothy and Otis weren’t people who fancied abandoning their homes. So she couldn’t place it together where they were or what could have chased them out. 

Did they run away? They were too old to run away. 

Were they dead? 

No, she shook the negative thought away from her head, and she held on to optimism. 

Perhaps they moved because of the plague. They sought refuge somewhere else. That explanation made a lot of sense. 

It wasn’t the truth, though, as Reign remained one of the communities unaffected by the plague, according to research. Many affected communities sought refuge with them. She didn’t like this. 

“They are gone.” She told Jace, who was standing not so far away from her. “I don’t know where they could have gone. The rebels never invaded Reign, did they?” 

Jace nodded. “They never invaded Reign.” 

“Then where could they be?” She wondered, but had no answer for the question. 

They stepped out of the house, and Fiona approached their neighbours, the Hunters. They were not the best neighbours growing up, as they had contributed to her horrible childhood. Yet, now, she needed answers, and unlike the Lawrences, the Hunters still had noises coming from their house. 

After a third knock, the oldest son, Pete, came out. “Can I help you?” 

She nodded. “Hello, I am Sky, and I knew this couple in the past. I came to visit them, but it seems they are no longer there. Do you know where they could have gone?” 

His eyes flickered with remorse and a little pity. “They didn’t move; they died. Over five years ago… He answered, and she lost her hearing after he said those 


Her eyes welled up, and she pressed her l*ps together. “What happened to them?” she asked, needing clarity. 

Five years ago, there was an invasion, and they were dragged out and branded enemies to the Lycan king for helping Fiona, their daughter, escape justice. Alpha Rode of Reign tried to step in, but he was told to stand down, as a challenge against him would bring the wrath of the Lycan king, who was much stronger than he was. 

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The had no choice but to back out, just to protect the rest of us. They dragged them away and brutally killed them. A young lady who carried out the execution was the daughter of Alpha Carl Jackson, Vivian. The entire community mourned the loss. having known the Lawrence for many years as good and honest people. We have carried on, but on the eve of their deaths, we still gather around and tell the tales. 

Unable to control the pain anymore, Fiona turned and ran away from him and towards the house. She hurried away as fast as her legs could take her. 

She didn’t reach the house before her tears began streaming down her face. She couldn’t take the pain anymore. Her heart squeezed in her chest at the thought of everything her parents had gone through before death came for them. 

They were treated so horribly, all because of her. They died the deaths of criminals, and it was all because of her. 

Vivian had carried out the execution, and she couldn’t imagine the twisted pleasure she felt ending the lives of her parents. She wanted her dead, and when she couldn’t get it, she took it out on her parents. She was indeed a monster, the worst of her kind. 

Otis and Dorothy Lawrence didn’t deserve what they got. They deserved so much 



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