Mommy daddy is the lycan king by Glory Tina

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

Julian’s POV

Julian stood before the mirror, staring at himself, taking notice of the scars on his b*dy and the change he had experienced so far. There has been a lot of change within him since the healer began her session. He couldn’t ignore it

His plague hurt less than it used to. He had used the meditation room throughout the last week, as he always did. When the manifestation of his plague came, he noticed it gave him less pain and discomfort as compared to before. He knew soon he would be back to the way he once was, filled with strength and without the soul-crushing pain that came as often as possible.

She was a blessing to him and to them all. She didn’t even ask for anything in return but that her sons be given to her. He would have gladly given her anything else she wanted. He would have given her up to a quarter of his world if she had demanded it.

That wasn’t the kind of person she was, she wasn’t seeking payment for doing the right thing. She reminded him of Marion and Kenneth. Although their Lycan king, after everything they had been through together, considered them his friends.

She was kind-hearted and considerate, and she had an optimistic view of things, at least from what he’s seen so far. She believed the best in everything and always had a cheerful smile to make it up. Her presence has brightened everything since arriving a few weeks ago, and there has been no regret in having her. He sensed her the moment she stepped through the portal and knew she was special.

It hurt him when she told him he might not consider her life worth anything. That was the worst thing she could have told him, and he didn’t have a response for her. She had told him in the past that she never fit in growing up in this world. He had wondered if it had something to do with the very fact that they did not value ber life as much as others. It seemed to have been the case, and if it was, he felt bad about it

The council had chastised Vivian and her team, not for crossing territories and getting Sky into trouble, but for abandoning a member of the team to wander off. That was all they knew about the situation, because he did not tell the council the truth Fiona told him.

He had hoped there would be others who would come up and testify against Vivian and her team, but no one did. So, their trial went in their favour, as many came forward to testify to their goodness. One of them was Lady Nina

He didn’t even know about her testimony until the five came into the study to thank her specifically for coming to their defense. There and then, she told them she was glad she could help, as they had done more for their world to be punished for a silly mistake.

He didn’t like the fact that Nina had testified for them, and he didn’t like that she called what they did a silly mistake. It wasn’t a silly mistake. Their disobedience got Sky into trouble, and she would have lost her life at the hands of Alpha Lukas had he not stepped in. They had abandoned Fiona there to suffer, while she told him she had wandered off on her own.

Since no one testified against them for bad behaviour, they couldn’t be kept for long. They were released earlier today after being chastised for a day.

A lot of things felt off to him, including Nina’s testimony and the fact that no one testified against any of the five on trial. No one was that clean, and it led him to believe they had terrorised those who may have wanted to come forward into silence.

He had never had a reason to see them in a barl light. The healers at the sanctuary had accused Ted in the past, but Vivian came to his defence, and he believed her. She had held a clean record since joining his estate five years ago. Now he doubted everything and wanted to know the truth about everything

The door opened, and he turned from the mirror to find Nina stepping into the room. He didn’t feel the excitement he used to have at her sight, and he knew it stemmed from her testimony at the council court. He thought he would get over it, but it had been many hours, and he still hadn’t.

It felt as painful as betrayal. Since he suspected the five on trial had terrorised many into not testifying against them, he wondered if they had threatened her into testifying

She smiled upon seeing him, and he gave her a forced smile back.

“There is so much life in your eyes, and I am so happy to see it.”

She stepped up to him and placed her hands on his chest. She touched him, and his b*dy responded, but he didn’t experience the same spark..

He nodded. “All thanks to Sky, the healer.”

“All thanks to you.” She said and leaned in to him. Her soft l*ps took his in for a deep and longing k*ss.

Her hands roamed over his bearded chest, down his stomach, and over his trousers. He felt the jolt within him, and it was his desire for her. It built, regardless of how he felt about her. Despite her betrayal, he still wanted her.

She took hold of his trousers and undid the button before unzipping the zip. She sl*pped her hand in to palm his growing erection, hidden in his boxer briefs. She broke the k*ss and palmed him even more.

He felt his skin crawl at the thought of her betrayal.

He took hold of her hand and pulled it away from his b*dy.

She stared at him, and her eyes had a confused look on them. He couldn’t let her keep touching him. After everything, it felt like a violation, and he didn’t want it. He pressed his l*ps together and turned away from her. It hurt having to say no to her, but he had to; it was necessary.

“What’s wrong, Julian?” she asked.

He drew a sharp breath and ran his hand through his hair. “Why did you testify for the five before the council, knowing very well I placed them on trial?” He raised a brow at her

“Because I didn’t see the point of keeping them there when their error was taking Sky along on their shift. They didn’t cross into territory: Sky did, and yet she wasn’t the one on trial, she said defensively.

He stared at her, and he couldn’t believe the words she just said. “Are you saying that because you believe that, or is there another reason?

She frowned. “Is that worth being cold towards me and rejecting my advances to be intimate? Is Sky the special one now!”

He couldn’t believe she was turning this around and blanung someone who had no part in it. That ‘special one’ saved your mother and over two thousand Lycans in our world so far. She’s currently saving my life and bringing restoration, which my b*dy hadn’t felt in over a decade. She would have lost her life if I hadn’t rescued her when I did. The healer of our world and the one healing me now would have lost her life at the hands of Alpha Lukas, and you called it a silly mistake earlier in court. Fiona didn’t cross the territories alone; she did with the live on trial. They, not Fiona, were the ones who killed those wild animals. They laid a perfect trap for Fiona to fall into, not caring that this might take her life. They knew she was the healer and the answer to the cries of the many with the plague. Yet they placed her life in danger, and you call that a silly mistake?” His words told her to tread lightly because, as much as she was pi ssed, some words will never be taken back

“Are you in love with her now? Is that what this is?” she lashed out.

He felt his anger build at her attempt to divert the question. “This has nothing to do with Sky but the five you boldly defended before the council!” he snapped at her, and she flinched back.

He dragged a sharp breath, realising what he just did. He had never done that in the three years they had been together. “The only way they would have gotten you to testify for them is if they forced you. You are my lady, and no one can force you to do anything, so I will ask, what do they have on you?”

Her teeth gritted, offended by his accusations. “I did what I believed was right. No one forced me. Besides, we do not know what really happened.”

He glared at her, and his fist clenched. He did not like that she kept lying and turning the situation around.

He opened his mouth to speak out of anger, but he knew he would regret it soon after. It was best to stay in control. He shut his mouth and took a deep breath.

He couldn’t stand the sight of her, so he turned away from her. “I would like to be alone now.” He sighed and rubbed his head tenderly.

She walked to the door but turned back to him with her face filled with anger and bitterness. “I knew it was all about the healer. You haven’t been yourself since she brought herself into our lives; do you deny it?” She bit out.

“Keep her out of this; she had nothing to do with it,” he said, spinning around to face her.

“Oh, she has everything to do with it,” she insisted. “You have become a completely different man since she brought herself into this estate, and you can deny it all you want, but I know the truth, and you cannot lie to me.”

“This is about your betrayal. You went behind my back to testify against those I placed on trial. You disobey me, your king.”

He couldn’t remember the last time he referred to himself as her king. He always considered her his equal, but now he no longer does.

She frowned at him. “And you will lose everything if you let her rule your mind. You should ask yourself if your healer is only healing you or turning you against your people as well,” she replied before storming out of the room and slamming the door behind her.

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