Mommy daddy is the lycan king by Glory Tina

Chapter 115

Chapter 115 

The swearing–in of the eight elders happened in the presence of the one hundred and forty–eight alphas in the werewolf world, all but Alpha Uryi of the Pillot community. 

The eight elders took the oath of being not only diligent but also respecting the position they had been called into, being the most important, and their council being the highest in the werewolf world, Julian bestowed power and authority on them by placing the mantles of truth, which belonged to the old elders, on their shoulders. 

The entire court of the council of truth erupted with cheers of joy as the swearing–in ended, 

With this task over with, Julian dedicated his focus to the thirty–six of the thirty–nine puppets of the dark world. The two they had been searching for, just like Alpha Uryi, had escaped and returned to their nowmasters. This was Marion’s conclusion, as all searches around their world proved abortive, Capturing thirty–six was a great win for them, so he focused on only this and nothing else. 

They still had the giga on their n*ecks, and that meant they were still under Doom’s control. Fiona, though, stayed in the part of the dungeon where they wouldn’t be able to break out and attack her if it got to that point. 

Julian had taken the keys to the gigas from the guards and came into the dungeon with them. He tossed them into the cell of each of the prisoners held inside. 

“Unlock your gigas.” He commanded, and all of them scrambled to the floor, trying to find and pick up the keys. 

Everyone in the dungeon opened their giga, and some unlocked it before others. Those who unlocked the giga first began slamming against the bars of the dungeons, and those who did later followed. The dungeon echoed with the loud sound of their bodies. slamming against the bars. The desperate violence of it could be felt. They didn’t care about themselves or the affliction they were causing their bodies; they only wanted to get out, 

“Enough!” Julian thundered, and they all became as still as statues, so the only thing that could be heard was their raging heartbeats. “Now listen to what I have to say: you do not own yourself, nor do the masters of darkness own you. They don’t get to control you because you do not belong to them; you belong to me and answer only to me! I am your master, I am your Lord, and I am your Lycan kingHe said, and his eyes glowed bloody red, just like the crimson moon. 

Fiona stood, silently watching it all in awe of Julian and the authority he wielded. 

All thirty–seven of them bowed in acknowledgement almost immediately, having been 


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Chapter 115 

broken out of the control of the dark masters. 

“My king,” his name echoed in their mouths over and over, and every one of them dropped to his knee. 

Julian took Fiona’s hand and led her out of the dungeon., 

The now freed captives unlocked their cells and came out one after the other at his instruction. The look on their faces showed they were expecting some form of punishment, knowing what they had done. 


“You already know what you have done. I say this because I have also spoken to Alphas who fell under the influence of the dark masters. You do not agree with what you did; you just couldn’t stop yourself. That is why you get grace. We all deserve grace; I deserve it more than most of you. There is a war on our doorstep, and most of you may already know this. For those who don’t, Doom and Mischief escaped out of the dark world and into the world of the living. Their mission is to subject us all and rule over us -those of us who live through this war. We are standing up and saying no, and we need all the soldiers we can get. After everything you have gone through, I would not ask you to fight for me because I am your king. I ask you to fight for your fathers and mothers, your wives, and your children. I want you to fight because the dark masters have wronged you, and they deserve to pay.” 

Silence dwelt in their midst once again, and after a while, one man standing in front dropped to his knee, another followed, and then another. In under a minute, they were all kneeling down before Julian, swearing allegiance and vowing to fight beside him in the coming war. 

“We bring you bad news.” Sir Kai, one watcher assigned to hunt down the one who had attacked them during the full moon, said, “The guns submitted to our inspection were checked out, and they belong to Alpha Lupe of the Bayland community. We have him in the dungeon with your instructions. He surrendered on his own will.” They completed their report. 

Julian turned to Fiona, as if wanting to know what she thought. 

It was simple for her; he didn’t do it. 

Whoever did it had set him up to take the blame. If he had, he wouldn’t have helped with the further search into the chronicles of the kings, the elders, and every other thing he had done to help their cause. 

They followed them to the dungeon, where he was kept with a giga around his n*eck and silver cuffs around his wrist. 

“Take them all off.” Julián commanded immediately. 


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Chapter 115 

The guards didn’t question him before taking them off and stepping out of the cell where the alpha sat. 

“Is that a wise choice?” Lupe asked with a raised brow. 


Fiona stepped towards where he sat on the interrogation seat. “Of course it is. We know you didn’t do it,” she answered. 

“I remember little of what happened last full moon. I was unwell, so I could not shift. That was because of exhaustion. I had devoted myself to too much reading and passed out under it, as it had worn me out. I woke up in the same position the next day, but my feet were covered in mud and dirt. That told me I was out the previous night. I tried to find answers on my own. I never knew there was an attack on you last full moon, or I would have spoken up about it earlier. When the raiders came to my house, I gave my full consent, and when they found the gun and bullets, I had to turn myself in. I don’t know if I did it, but if I did, then I deserve to stay here.” 

“Whose voices are in your head now?” 

“No voice.” 

“Do you want to harm your king, my sons, or me?” she asked. 

He shook his head, alarmed that she would even say that. “No, I would never do such a thing; I would lay my life on the line in a heartbeat.” He replied. 

“He is telling the truth.” Julian, who had been rather quiet, spoke what she already knew, and their attention turned to him. 

“I know. It is all over his eyes.” She supported him and then turned to Lupe. “We won’t keep you here. Whoever attacked us is out there, and they have to know we didn’t take the bait; they need to know we are coming for them.” 

Lupe glanced at Julian as if asking if he too was in support of this act. He looked terrified; anyone would be, especially since he couldn’t remember what happened and still feared the same thing repeating itself. 

“We are letting you go because you do not deserve to be locked up for something you didn’t do.” Julian said in confidence, “There is a war coming; we need as much strength. and brains as we can get.” 

Lupe exhaled in relief, “Thank you, my king, my luna queen.” He bowed his head. 

Fiona smiled and said, “You are welcome.” 


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