Mirror Lake 2 The Journey to Save the Magic

Chapter 20 The Bombshell

Nate's POV

As soon as we were up in the air and on our way home to Wyoming, I pulled out my phone and called up Melissa. I couldn’t wait to hear her voice and tell her the good news that we were on our way home to her and my baby.

It seemed like years since I’ve seen them, but in reality, it was a couple weeks. And now, the wait is over and I can hold her in my arms again!

I want to take her out on a date and spoil her, but first I want to spend the whole day with her in my arms. I don’t think she will object to it. And I honestly can’t help myself. I’m probably more clingy than she is right now.

I want to feel my lips on hers and breathe in her lavender scent. I want to feel her warm body pressed up next to mine.

Couldn’t this jet go any faster?

Mel picked up on the second ring.

“Hey baby, we are coming home!” I said with a light heart. It was all I’ve wanted to say since the morning we parted from each other.

“Uhhh… You might wanna put a raincheck on that,” Mel mumbled.


“I don’t get it. Why can’t we come home?” I grumbled.

I was frustrated and just wanted to be with my butterfly.

“Well, ummm… Crap! You have no idea I want you to be home right now!” She sobbed out.

“But this dude Sean called me this morning and said he was Jack’s son…. And…” She choked.

Jack had a son? This couldn’t be good… But what did that have to do with me not coming home to her? I don’t care if he had a son or not. As long as he leaves us alone, we would be good! But whatever it is has got Melissa really upset.

See! She needed me!

“Love, what does Jack’s son have to do with me not coming home?” I asked gently. I really didn’t want to upset her more than she already was. I could practically hear her balling her eyes out. The only thing I wanted to do was go and wipe those tears away.

“He said he has…. Yo-your fam-family… Hos-hostiage in a… a dome in Al- Alaska.” She hiccuped through her words.

It was like a bombshell went off in my heart.

I couldn’t go home. I needed to save my family.

My stomach dropped to my toes. I was so close to going home to the woman I love and needed her more than she needed me. I wanted to go see my unborn baby and tell it that daddy loved it more than life itself.

But I couldn’t do that. I couldn’t because my family was trapped by a lunatic who had a psycho father and decided to follow in his footsteps… And for what?


Can’t everyone just get along?

Mel’s sobbing brought me back from my internal debate.

“Don’t worry baby. It won’t be more than a short diversion, and we will be home. I promise!” I announced.

“I know, babe. But my stupid hormones are going haywire, and I’m lonely and needy and…” She choked.

“I understand my love! Once I’m home I will take care of you,” I promised. “You have no clue how much I’ve missed you and if there was any other choice I would be straight home to you.”

“I know! And I am so happy that you will be with your family,” she sobbed again. “It makes me happy to think you will be with your siblings just like me… I just… It’s these blasted hormones! I am way stronger than this!”

“I know, Mel. You are so strong! Why don’t you go take a warm bath, and when we get back I will give you a full body massage,” I promised.

She squealed in delight.

“Will you rub my feet for me too, baby?” She giggled.

“Anything you want, my love!”

“You have no idea how awesome that sounds! My body is so sore everywhere! Even my ankles and toes! And my skin feels like there are ants crawling up and down stretching my skin out!” she complained good naturedly.

“Don’t worry, baby! I will work out all the muscles in your body,” I whispered.

“You’d better stick to that, mister! I am looking forward to having every inch of my body pampered by you!” She giggled.

“Believe me, it will be my pleasure! Now go take your bath, my butterfly. Take care of yourself, and when we get back I will introduce you to my family,” I told her.

“Okay. I love you!” She said.

“I love you too,” I replied before hanging up.

I pushed a button to talk to the pilot.

“We need to make a stop at Fairbanks, Alaska,” I announced.

“Yes sir!” He replied.

I looked over at Ethan, who gave me a questioning look.

“What happened?” He asked.

“We gotta go to Alaska to rescue my family,” I informed him.

Ethan smiled.

“Tally-ho!” He chuckled.

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