Mine for a Moment

: Chapter 13

The words on my screen begin to melt together as I read the same report all over again, trying to ensure it’s free from errors before I send it to Mark for review. Archer wasn’t joking when he told me the working hours would be unconventional and the workload varies. In the week since Theo and I started, not a single day has been the same.

Just this week, we’ve worked with the design, implementation, customer service, and various engineering teams. I’ve learned more than I thought I would, and at the same time, I feel like I now know less than I did when I started.

“I’m exhausted and I’ve never been more glad it’s finally Friday,” Theo says, rolling his chair over to rest his elbow on my desk. “Wanna grab dinner together? Somehow I’ve seen you every single day yet we’ve barely spoken.”

I hesitate, and he throws me a pleading look.

“There’s a little bistro around the corner from the office that I’ve been wanting to try if you’re up for it?”

“Sounds like fun,” I lie. Work has kept both Theo and me busy enough for him not to complain about the lack of time we’ve spent together, but I think he’s starting to realize that I’ve distanced myself. I’ve had to—I can’t be in love with someone that’s in a committed relationship with one of my friends, even if I’m not particularly happy with her right now. I need time to sort out my feelings and come to terms with our new relationship dynamics, so I don’t do or say something I’ll regret.

“You should invite Kristen to join us,” I say as we walk out of the building together. The three of us haven’t hung out together since I found out about them, but I know it’s inevitable. I can’t avoid her forever.

“It’s you I want to hang out with,” he says, his voice tinged with frustration. “You’ve barely looked at me since I told you about Kristen, and I just don’t understand why. What did I do wrong, Serenity? Tell me why it seems like I’m losing my best friend.”

We come to a standstill in front of the restaurant, and I look away. “You aren’t losing me,” I promise, unsure what else to say.

He takes a step closer and wraps one of my curls around his finger. “Are you sure?”

I nod, my heart aching. How do I explain to him that he’ll always have me, but that I’m just trying to make peace with the fact that he’ll never want everything I would’ve given him?


My entire body tenses at the sound of Archer’s voice, and I take a step back before turning to face him. I stand rooted in place, captivated by the storm brewing in his eyes, and it takes me a moment to realize that Emma is standing behind him.

“Here for dinner?” she asks, a sweet smile on her face.

I nod and force a smile as she moves to stand next to Archer. Something about how close she’s standing to him doesn’t sit well with me, and something unfamiliar settles in my stomach.

“Wonderful,” she says, beaming. “The two of you should join us. It’s hard to get a table around this time, so we might as well share one.” Emma looks up at Archer, and my heart wrenches when he smiles at her. “Every time Archer walks in here, a table magically materializes when everyone else is told they’re fully booked. I still haven’t figured out why they love him so much.”

“Come on,” he says, briefly placing his hand on my back as Emma walks in. Theo and I follow her silently, and just like she said, a server immediately materializes when Archer steps into the restaurant.

We’re instantly led to a booth in the corner, and much to my surprise, Archer slips in next to me, placing me closest to the wall with him next to me, and Theo opposite me.

Theo hasn’t said a word since Archer and Emma showed up, and something about his expression makes me wonder if he’s upset we didn’t get to spend any quality time together in the end. I should be grateful that he still wants to have dinner with me, just the two of us, but I’m glad we’re not alone tonight. I’m just not ready to smile and ask him whether Kristen and he have settled into their place, only to then make up an excuse when he tells me to come over sometime.

Emma excitedly asks Archer what he’s going to order, and the way he looks back at her makes my heart constrict in a way I’m not familiar with.

Theo runs me through the menu and tells me about every dish he thinks I’d like, but I can’t focus on anything but Archer’s indulgent tone as he bickers with Emma about their food choices.

“Why would you choose that when you’re just going to eat mine, hmm?” he says, leaning in. The movement presses his thigh against mine, but he doesn’t seem to notice—his entire attention is on Emma.

“I’ll eat it!” she says. “But I do want a bite of yours too.”

He chuckles, and something about their conversation makes me feel like an intruder in the worst way.


I blink, snapping out of my thoughts to find Theo looking at me.

“Everything okay?”

Heat rushes to my cheeks and I nod as I begin to bounce my leg nervously, feeling entirely out of it. “Sorry, I’m just so tired. I’ll have what you’re having.”

He nods, and I continue to move my leg rhythmically—until Archer places his palm on my thigh, the tips of his fingers grazing the hem of my skirt. My movements still, and I turn to look at him in surprise.

“I’d recommend the sea bass,” he tells me, caressing my knee with his thumb before pulling his hand away.

“Oh,” I murmur, flustered. “I’ll try it, then.”

He nods and smiles briefly before turning back to Emma.

“Tell us,” she says, grinning. “How was your first week?”

“Felt like an eternity,” Theo replies instantly, and I nod, eliciting a sweet laugh from Emma.

“It was fun, don’t get me wrong,” I add, “but it was also a bit overwhelming. I felt a little out of the loop most of the time, and I know that’s what training is for, but I can’t wait until I’m more up to speed.”

She smiles kindly before glancing at Archer. “Remember when we were working from that garage we rented?” she says, her gaze filled with something that can only be described as intimacy. “It was exactly as Serenity just described back then, wasn’t it? We had no idea what we were doing.”

My leg begins to move again, something akin to jealousy tugging at me. The longer I observe them, the more it seems like Archer and Emma are more than just close friends and colleagues. It makes me feel like a complete fool for thinking that Archer would even want someone like me when he has her. He may not have said anything, but he must’ve silently mocked me the moment he saw that list. I should’ve known he’d never have to look far for something casual, not with a face like his.

Archer places his hand back on my thigh and squeezes softly, startling me with his silent command to stop tapping my leg. I glance at him when he keeps his hand in place, but he’s looking at Emma.

“I nearly forgot, but there’s something I meant to ask you,” Emma tells me, her cheeks rapidly becoming rosy. “I owe someone a favor, so I have to ask…are you by any chance single?”

“Very much so,” I mutter. Theo’s eyes shoot to mine, and for the first time ever, I can’t read him at all. He seemed annoyed when we ran into Emma and Archer, and his mood just seems to worsen by the second.

“That’s great,” Emma says, but all I can focus on is the feel of Archer’s hand on my thigh. My skirt rode up a little, and most of his hand is now on my bare skin. I thought he’d move it once I stopped moving my leg, but he hasn’t. Instead, he’s started to draw circles across my thigh with his thumb, making my heart race.

“Mo from IT seems to have fallen for you at first sight, and since he’s a good friend of mine, I can’t help but want to play matchmaker.”

The mere thought of Mo asking Emma for a favor just to find out if I’m single makes me chuckle, especially because he’s so straight-faced. “He helped me when my computer completely crashed on my second day of work.”

“So…?” Emma says, her eyes filled with hope. “Is there any chance at all that you’d be willing to go on a date with him?”

I look up at Theo, my heart aching. I have to make a conscious effort to get over him or I’ll end up ruining our friendship.

“No,” Archer says before I can answer at all, his hand sliding farther up my thigh, his touch oddly possessive.

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