Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 88: Allies

When Archytas walked into the camp, cheers came from every tent that he passed. The air was filled with excitement and happiness, even if a man is downhearted he will also be infected. He could not help but exclaim, ‘This mercenaries is indeed a powerful force that has experienced many battles and became the headache of Persia!’ during the day, he saw it with his own eyes how these mercenaries attacked the Lucanians with their novel tactics and fierce assaults. and what was more commendable is how they are able to maintain such a high morale even after getting defeated in battle!

Archytas desired to see Davos immediatey grew even more.

As soon as he arrived outside his quarter, the young man who made him have favorable impression went out to meet him, and said, “Strategos Arhytas, we are going to attack the Lucanian alliance tomorrow, so I hope that we could get the help of Taranto's reinforcement.”

Archytas couldn't believe what he just heard, “…do you mean to attack the Lucanians?”contemporary romance


“Is it the 15,000 Lucanian army in the west, and not the ones in Amendolara?” Archytas asked once more.

“That's right, it's the Lucanian alliance that is in the west!” Davos nodded.

After receiving an affirmative answer, Archytas stared at Davos for a long time, and reluctantly suppressed his excitement, and said, “…what are you planning to do?”

“Come on, let's enter inside to discuss.” Davos quickly brought Archytas to his quarter, they arrive at the map and told his plans in detail…

Archytas held his chin and thought for a long time, then slowly said, “I have to say that this is a very bold plan, which almost uses the troops to the extreme. Moreover, this is certainly feasible, which is very tempting for me…”

“So, will Taranto's reinforcement join?” Asked Davos.

Although Archytas didn't speak, Davos was not worried. After a long silence, Archytas saw that Davos was still calm and could not help but say, “It seems that you are already sure that I will agree.”

“I have heard that Heraclea is an ally of Taranto. If we win tomorrow, Taranto will not have to worry about the west anymore, and you can just focus in dealing with the Messapians.” Davos said slowly. In fact, his words are more courteous. Heraclea is not only an ally of Taranto, but is actually a subordinate controlled by Taranto. 20 years ago, their higher ups were either immigrants of Taranto or was directly assigned by Taranto. Although Heraclea is nearly no longer the subordinate of Taranto as before, their influence on Heraclea is still strong, and regards Heraclea as its barrier to the west. If the Lucanians were to occupy the plain of Sybaris and the neighboring Amendolara, then the threat to Heraclea would be too great even to the northern Metapontum, which is an important reason for Taranto's reinforcement.

Archytas finally nodded, “Taranto is very happy to fight side by side with the Greek warriors of the Persian expedition!”

“This is really wonderful. It is due to Taranto's reinforcements that you led that I dare put forward this plan, because you are great with battle!” Davos said it from the bottom of his heart.

After they discussed the details, Archytas suddenly said, “Davos, I have a suggestion for you to consider.”

“Please say it.” Davos was surprised at Archytas seriousness.

“Whether we win or lose the next battle, I sincerely invite you to become a citizen of Taranto! And I will fully recommend you to the elder and hope that you will take an important administrative position.” Archytas made a serious commitment.

Davos didn't expect Archytas to make such a request, which caught him off guard, “…well…well, I have heard that it's hard for an outsider to become a citizen of a great city.”

“Yes.” Archytas frankly nodded, but then he added, “However, people with extraordinary talents like you will be warmly invited in any city-states of Magna Graecia! After all, this is not Athens, and we are all colonies. The main thing is that they should have the vision to discover talents!” Archytas pointed to his eyes with pride.

“Only just me, and not including my brothers?” Davos though of a reason to refuse.

“If too many people join Taranto, then neither the archon nor the elder will decide, as we would need to hold an ecclesia to make a collective vote, which is very difficult.” Said Archytas in embarrassment.

“Thank you for the invitation, after the battle tomorrow, I will seriously consider this issue.” Said Davos, while pretending to be serious.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Due to the invitation of Davos, Adrien, Sesta and even Drakos came.

Davos told them about his plan, and all three were shocked.

In today's battle, they are not like Taranto's reinforcements and Davos' mercenaries that have lost less. They have suffered 400 casualties, specially the troops of Drakos. For those with only 2000 people, it could be said that they have been injured, so if they were to agree on the request of Davos, then their casualties would be even greater. Therefore, Adrien and Sesta are a bit hesitant.

“Leader Davos, I am willing to participate in the battle tomorrow!” Drakos, who had been depressed all the time, said suddenly, which startled the other two.

“The Lucanians are not terrifying, but the Thurians have dragged us down today. I believe that fighting with you tomorrow will make them taste defeat!” Said Drakos reluctantly.

Davos did not expect that the first one to agree would be Drakos, who had previously fought against him, which made him look at this leader's desire to fight and toughness. Seeing that the other two were still hesitating, he immediately added, “This battle against the Lucanians is not for the crappy payment of Thurii, but to win back Amendolara and become its master after defeating the Lucanians!”

Davos' words once more shocked them.

“Are you sure you will be able to capture the city of Amendolara?” Sesta asked in astonishment.

“We have attacked many fortified villages in Persia. A small mountain city won't pose a problem!” Davos said confidently, “At that time, we will invite you to become citizens of Amendolara, acquire the land there and lay a foundation in the rich Magna Graecia! Of course, if you just want to go back to the war-torn and impoverished Iona, then just think that I haven't said anything.”

“You….really mean it?! …really let us obtain lands?” Adrien stutteringly asked.

“Of course, this is what we all yearned!” Said Davos.

“But…but…” Adrien, calmed his excitement, and asked, “Is there no objection from Thurii and Taranto?”

“Thurii has been hit hard, and they have no ability to oppose it.” Sneered Davos, “As for Taranto, maybe they will be even happier that we do this because we have the ability to defend Amendolara and protect the western border of Taranto from the encroachment of the mountain tribes.”

The three looked at each other and said at the same time, “We are willing to join!”

“Great!” Davos said happily, “Now we are a family! Let's fight together for our own future!”

After discussing the details of the plan, Davos told them to keep it confidential and not let Taranto know about it for the time being.

After seeing off the three men, Davos prepared to let some freemen who were going back to Thurii to return. After that, he was going to asked Burkes to come to the camp quickly and discuss urgent matters. Unexpectedly, the guard came in and announced, “Burkes is outside of the camp and has asked to meet you.”

Davos was surprised and immediately think about the urgent needs that the town hall and the council of Thurii for him.

Sure enough, as soon as Burkes entered his quarter, he couldn't wait and asked, “Leader Davos, do you still intend to carry out our original agreement?”

Davos looked puzzled and said, “I am a man who keeps his promise, but the problem now is that we lost the battle. When my troops retreated, a lot of our weapons are lost and a lot of my soldiers are injured. Tomorrow, the Lucanians will definetely carry out a large scale attack here! My troops are currently lacking weapons and manpower, I'm afraid that we won't be able to resist. Before you came, my officers had just finished discussing it with me, and they proposed to leave here, even if we don't get paid!”

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