Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 63: Ruins

Burkes seemed to noticed Davos' doubts and explained it to him, “The city of Thurii is situated about 10km from the river Crati.”

Davos went “Oh”, and asked, “How can there be so many ships that are here trading when Thurii is fighting with the Lucanians?”

“The Lucanians have no ships and therefore they are unable to cut off the sea trade of Thurii, and more war means that more goods and materials are needed. These merchant ships has come to earn money…” As the two people talk, the fleet has stopped advancing forward.

The leading ship went ahead alone and soon merged with the white sails…

About an hour later, the leading ship returned and approached the ship of Burkes, and then a man came up.

“Burkes, at last, you're back! I had thought that the Lucanians had frightened you into migrating to Greece.” The guy came forward whilr laughing.

“How could I leave, if you who is the most timid, didn't leave.” Burkes joked and gave him a hug.

“Did everything went well?”

“Is Thurii fine?”

The two asked and laughed at the same time.

“The city of Thurii should still be safe from just seeing your relaxed appearance.”

“As you know, those savage Lucanians doesn't have any superb skills. They could neither build siege equipment nor build ships. They can only destroy villages and farms outside of the city. Fortunately, the wheats had already been harvested in autumn. In winter, the Lucanians outside the city broke away and had to return to the northern mountains, leaving only a small number of soldiers in Amendolara-”

“Wait, you are talking about the plague?” Burkes' face was startled.

“The Lucanians have killed thousands of Thurii citizens and piled their bodies outside of the city. Zeus was angry and punished the Lucanians, but we, the people of Thurii, were not hurt at all!” Said the guy with anger and pride.

Burkes praised Zeus.

The guy continued, “Now that it's getting warmer, they would start going south again. Fortunately, Taranto sent reinforcements.”

“As the one who advocates the Magna Graecia defense alliance, they should've sent reinforcements long ago!”contemporary romance

“We can't blame them. They just repulsed the attack of the Messappi, and soon after, sent 1,500 hoplites and 50 cavalary and the leader is Archytas.”

“Which Archytas?”

“Which other Archytas! Of course, the son of Histiaeus the former archon of Taranto, the genius among the citizens of Taranto!”

“Speaking of geniuses, I also have one here.” Burkes pulled Davos and said to Polyx, “I'd like to introduce you to Davos of Thessaly, a Greek mercenary general in an expedition to Persia” Said Burkes seriously. Then, pointing to the guy, and said, “Davos, this is the strategos selected by Thurii this year, my good friend – Polyx!”

“Greetings, Strategos Polyx!” Davos saluted slightly.

“Welcome.” Polyx nodded, then turned to Burkes, “What did you just say? A Persian expedition?”

Burkes saw Polyx's casual behavior, and so he promoted Davos' deeds greatly. Polyx's gaze on him immediately became enthusiastic, “It's difficult to imagine! Davos, you are so young and yet have done such an amazing thing! Under the siege of thousands of enemies in the middle of Persia, and leading the soldiers back home! Truly…amazing!”

Davos said sincerely, “This is the result of the joint efforts with my brothers, and many have died on our way home…”

“I invited the camp of Davos to Thurii, hoping that they will help us in defeating the Lucanians with their rich fighting experience!” Burkes took this opportunity to explain how he hired Davos' camp at a high cost in advanced.

“You came just at the right time. We are currently deliberating on a counterattack against the Lucanians.” Polyx said to Burkes, “I have come here in order to tell you that the general assembly had agreed that your fleet would disembark at the wharf at the estuary, and let Davos and his mercenary troops camp in the old city of Sybarys.”

“What?! Letting them camp in the old city of Sybarys!!” Burkes' face changed, and he immediately pulled Polyx aside and whispered, “Are you crazy?! Have you forgotten that when Thurii was built, we have an agreement with Crotone that the site of the old city of Sybarys could not be touch! Otherwise, we would have build the city of Thurii on the location of Sybaris, since it is clear that it has a better location and a better port!”

“Every Thuriian knows about what you had said. But this is the result of Kunogelata's strong advocacy, and the other strategos agreed! The soldiers you hired before have been camping in Sybarys for nearly a month.” Polyx's shrugged in order to show that it had nothing to do with him.

“Kunogelata again! He had expelled the Athenians, and now he wants to infuriate Crotone. Does he want to destroy Thurii!” Said Burkes angrily.

“It's not as bad as you have said. Decades had passed and the Thurii have been abiding by this agreement. The grass of Sybarys has grown taller than that of the others, and now that Thurii is suffering from war and it is only just using it as a temporary camp. Besides, Crotone doesn't have time to pay attention to this matter either, they are fighting fiercely with the Bruttii. Where else would these mercenaries camp? I'm afraid that when you add up the previous and this time's mercenaries will reach up to 4 – 5 thousand people. The camp built must occupy a large area. Now, all around Thurii are farmland and villages, except for that wasteland…”

“Didn't you say that all the farmland and villages outside the city have been destroyed?” Asked Burkes.

“After the Lucanians retreated, the people went back to their villages and towns and began rebuilding. Otherwise, they would all gather in the city and would have problems sooner or later! As for those fields, the farmers have already sown all the wheat seeds, otherwise there will be no harvest this year.”

“What if the Lucanians return?” Asked Burkes worriedly.

“That is why we are discussing on how to repel them.”

Burkes stared at Polyx for a long time without saying any words, and finally said, “It seems that the strategoi are very united, and brave! And have forgotten how they fled in panic last year!”

Polyx was embarrassed and speechless.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Because the channel had been cleared in advance, Burkes' fleet got into the estuary smoothly, but disembarking became more troubesome because there was only a simple wharf.

Burkes, Davos, Philesius, Asistes, and the guards were the first to disembarked first, and stood on the soft ground.

Philesius bent down and reached for a handful of soil, twisted it with his fingers and put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed as if it was not soil but delicacies. Then he reached for Davos and said excitedly, “It's black!”

Davos certainly understand what he meant. Before Burkes' eyes turned around, he exlaimed, “This is a fertile land!”

Burkes said proudly, “Of course! The plain of Sybarys has several rivers, including the river Crati. It is not only rich in water, but also has large fertile and flat area. It is the best land in this area. Otherwise, the luxury life of Sybarys would not have come!”

After a short walk away from the back of the river, a group of people saw the ruins among the weeds. This is the old location of the city of Sybarys.

Davos came to a huge stone and stopped. Although it was covered with moss, the fine texture and dark red color of the flat stone surfaced, which proved that it was good marble. Looking at it, there are many such stones here, hidden under the grass, half buried in the soil…

To know that Greece and Italy produce white marbles more, and only Africa is rich in red marble, naturally the price is not cheap. Although Davos doesn't know the price, there were few such stones in the previous cities, which were obviously not easy to get, “What a good stone! Why didn't Thurii use it when they build the city?” He asked Burkes seemingly casual.

Author's Note: Magna Graecia refers to the Greek city-states in the south of Italy, which is the foot part of the “boot” in Italy. The specific Greek city-states will be mentioned later in this book.

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