Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Chapter 32: An Astonishing Cheer (II)

“They might say, ‘Great ancestors! It was your heroic deeds that have given us strength! Encourage our confidence! And let us accomplish an unprecedented great cause!!’”

“Will there be such a day?” Timasion breathing got faster, clenching his fists and muttered.

The leaders were also tempted by the assumptions of Davos and were intoxicated. They don't know that in history, a Macedonian named Alexander inspired his soldiers with the retreat of the ten thousand Greeks and embarked on a journey to attack the Persian Empire few decades later…

When the soldiers were all immersed in the beauty of Davos' fiction, Davos reached out and took the wooden stick from Asisters and made a quick turn, “Soldiers, some might ask, ‘Davos you said it so well, but there is a key issue. First of all, we have to safely return back to Greece.’”

Davos saw the soldiers were still listening attentively and continued, “I don't want to speak much about the issue about battles. Because the leaders such as Cheirisophus, Timasion, and the others, as well as all of you in here, have rich experience in combat. Most of you have participated in the struggle against Athens and eventually won. This is not comparable to the Persians who have enjoyed the comfort throughout the year.”

Hearing this, Xenophon grinned.

“What I want to say is that in such a difficult situation, each of us is like a wooden stick in my hand-” Davos picked up the stick and broke it into two pieces without effort. Then he broke another one, “It's easy to break. But when they are all together-” Davos grabbed all the remaining sticks and went to a tall and strong soldier and passed it to him while asking “Brother, what is your name?”

“Eubulus.” said the soldier.

“Can you try breaking it?”

The soldiers stared at Eubulus, they saw his face flushed, and tried his best to break the wooden stick, but it was in vain.

“Thank you brother!” Davos patted him on the shoulder and thanked him.

Eubulus blushed and scratched his head embarrassingly.

“Soldiers, you have all seen it. A single stick can be easily broken by a thin young man like me. But when they are together, even the strongest warrior can’t do anything about it with all their strength. What does it mean?”

Xenophon nodded, and now he knew what Davos was talking about. Of course, he wasn't the only smart man, a soldier shouted, “Unity! It is unity!…” After a reminder from some soldiers, everyone also came to understood.

“Yes, it is unity!” Davos completely went wild and was in a high spirit that he even change the way he speak, “Brothers, we have come from various Greek city-states. Usually, because of different customs and personalities, there are some minor contradictions and conflicts. But we are all Greeks of the same race with the same blood, with the same goal of returning home safely and creating history, any problems within us should be melted away like ice and snow under the sun! Just like how our ancestors resisted the Persian invasion, we should be closely united and not be shaken by the rumors of the Persians, and trust our teammates to protect our backs! In the face of the difficulties that we will encounter on our way home, we should not only unite in spirits, but also in wisdom. Brothers, you should not leave the problems to be solve by the leaders, you should take the initiative to find a solution. As long as we work together, then any problems won't be able to intimidate us!

Brothers, let us unite just like a one man! Then the power of this man can be as powerful as Ares! The wisdom is as profound as Athena! The enemies and difficulties along the way will be easily crushed by us!” At this point, Davos raised his fists and shouted, “Brothers, remember that only by uniting can we create miracles! Every step we take is creating history! Let's fight side by side!!”

“HOOAH!!!…” The cheers from the field shook the earth and lasted for a long time.

“Davos! Davos!…” His name was shouted and many people have teared due to excitement. There are even people begging him, “Say a few more words! Davos, just a few more words…”

As soon as Davos walked to the wooden stage, the soldiers gathered around him and lifted him together, then passed him to the people behind, as if he was a strategos that had returned victoriously.

This made Cleanor, who was about to go up on stage look silly, ‘the morale of the soldiers has already been stirred up to this extent, is it still necessary for the others to go up?’

“At least in terms of speaking, he is better than any of us!” Xanthicles sincerely admired.

“Fighting is not a matter of speaking, but of spears and shields!” Timasion reluctantly said.

It was impossible for Xenophon to say that he was not jealous after seeing Davos getting thrown up in the distance. Xenophon with the consent of Cheirisophus, was ready to appear on stage because Hieronymus wasn't good with words, and had made careful preparations in order to show his talents in front of the whole mercenary troops, but now that this happened…contemporary romance

In fact, Cheirisophus agree with Timasion in his heart. The Spartans have always been tired of the eloquence of the Athenians, just as how the Athenians hated the old-fashioned and inflexible Spartans, but he had to admit that Davos performance was beyond his imagination, not only did did he achieved their goal, but he exceeded the goal of inspiring the whole mercenary troops. It seems that this young man can be elected as a leader was not only by borrowing the name of the gods, but also by his own ability…

The captains of Menon camp were also pleasantly surprised, even Amintas, who had some opinions about Davos being elected as the leader, told Antonios as he watched Davos get crowded by the soldiers from the other camps, “Our new leader seems to be doing well.” You must know that he used to call Davos “little kid”.

Antonios laughed, ‘Davos, Davos, you always surprise people!’

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Finally, Cheirisophus went up on stage again, and announced that his camp would depart tomorrow, and march northward, then he also informed the whole mercenary troops of matters that needs attention and preparations.

The general assembly of the mercenary troops has thus ended.

The scattered soldiers recalled the speech of Davos with relish and praise,‘Sure enough, the reputation of the “God's Favored” is well deserve!’

The soldiers at Davos' camp, surrounded their new leader in praise, as they returned to their camp with their heads held high, while they preached his deeds to the remaining soldiers.

Davos finally got rid of the excited soldiers and went back to his old tent, before it suddenly occurred to him that Menon's tent was his new place.

When he arrived at his new place, Mersis was standing at the entrance of the tent. He greeted him with an odd look, “Davos, there's someone waiting for you.”

“Who is it?”

“You will know when you go in.” Mersis tried to indicate the tent with his lips, and had a wretched appearance doing it.

Davos curiously opened the curtain, and in the middle of the tent stood a woman, a tall and graceful woman…

Since his rebirth, Davos has seen Greek and Egyptian women of this era in Mersis supply unit and Herpus medical unit, but there wasn't any woman who could make his heart full of desire by just looking at the back…

Where did Mersis find her? Davos couldn't help but swallow.

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