Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2875: challenge

On the second day, students from the Fighter A Department of Langya Mecha Academy are about to welcome a new teacher, and that is Chen Feng, who came back from the end of the campaign. When Chen Feng came to the teacher’s office to report, Xu promised to run over excitedly to hug Chen Fengmeng and take a few shots. Next: "You kid is finally willing to teach, I can retire, hahahahaha~"

It turned out that Xu had already planned to give himself a holiday. He was already in poor health and went through many battles in the Saint Gama Empire. Since returning, he felt a little tired and wanted to ask Wang Congwei to leave. For this reason, he was looking for a suitable replacement.

However, those who came to apply for the job were not satisfied with the promise. He didn't like too rigid teaching methods, so those who were serious in teaching could not enter his Dharma vision. Others failed to meet the requirements due to various reasons, so they were shelved. For a long time.

And now with Chen Feng’s return, all the problems have been solved, and he promised to be satisfied with his apprentice, I can’t be more satisfied. In terms of strength, I can’t say that my brain is good enough to deal with students who are difficult to adjust. There is nothing more suitable than Chen Feng. The successor.

Therefore, he promised to be very happy, and Chen Feng could also understand Master’s feelings: "Leave it to me, I will take care of them."

"You guy can finally leave, stay alive and wait for me to retire." Lang Ba walked over to congratulate the promise. He was also very happy that the old man was about to go to take care of Tiannian, and then waited for him to go out with promise after he retired from the fighting class. Mountains and water.

Xu promised to bring Chen Feng to the class and announced to the students that this was their new teacher: "Little ghosts, this teacher Chen will be responsible for the teaching of your hands-on courses from today. I will be disarmed and return to the field and see you again~ "

"No!" The students wailed. They were reluctant to promise to leave. Although they were a little uncomfortable with the old urchin's teaching method at the beginning, they could feel that the promise was very serious and responsible after getting along, and the teacher-student relationship was very harmonious.

As a result, a new teacher who doesn’t know the details suddenly came here. There is a high probability that the strength will not be as promised. The students are naturally unwilling. They want to be the most powerful pilots, so they want the best teachers to teach themselves. Promise to leave.

"No matter how much you wailing, it's useless. The decision to change the teacher has been issued. Change it today!" He promised categorically to reject the students, and raised an eyebrow at Chen Feng, "These little ghosts are handed over to you, you are responsible for it. Get them done."

"Master, you gave me a problem from the beginning." Chen Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head. He promised to do so was like putting himself on fire. First, he would stir up the students' antagonism before handing the mess to himself. The method is still undecided.

"If you can't handle this well but you can't be their teacher, go and let me see what you can do." Xu promised to push Chen Feng forward with a smirk, looking like he was watching a good show." Stop arguing and listen to what the new teacher has to say?"

The promise made the students calm down temporarily. They all watched Chen Feng want to know what Chen Feng would do. Several of the students also discovered that Chen Feng was the one who stopped him last night, so they looked forward to what Chen Feng would do to conquer him.

Chen Feng looked around the classroom and saw the expressions of each student in his eyes. He could see the hostility in the students’ eyes, but this level of hostility was nothing to him who had been on the battlefield: "My name is Chen. , From now on, you will be your new teacher. Just call me Teacher Chen. I have nothing to say. Since it is a fighter of the first class, we should see the truth in the battle. Let’s go to the training ground to fight against each other. Let me see how Mr. Xu You can make targeted adjustments to what you teach."

Chen Feng is still reluctant to disclose his identity, so he calls himself Teacher Chen among the students, so as not to put pressure on the students.

Chen Feng's words are quite provocative. It sounds like he doesn't like the promised teaching and the ability of the students. How can those young students who are energetic and vigorous, jump up and leave the training playground one by one to give Chen Feng a disarm.

"You are really good enough. You offended them all from the beginning." Xu promised to give Chen Feng a thumbs up. This was just the beginning. It seems that Chen Feng and the students will be in conflict in the future. There are many interesting things happening.

"It's hard to convince them without a bit of strong medicine. It is the most labor-saving way to crush them directly without revealing their identity." Chen Feng is worthy of the promised apprentice, and has begun to become like a promise without a bottom line. , I want to use the most straightforward and simple way to make students feel admired for themselves. When they realize that there is a huge gap with them, they dare not talk again.

"Haha, yes, just let me see how you bully them!" Xu promise walked out of the classroom with a big laugh. He couldn't wait to see Chen Feng knocking down the students one by one. I believe Chen Feng will leave the students with an immortal life. unforgettable memory.

Chen Feng's needs Wang Congwei must be fully satisfied. When he heard that Chen Feng wanted to mobilize dozens of mechas to the training playground, Wang Congwei immediately ordered people to prepare, and went to the floor-to-ceiling windows of his office to look in the direction of the playground.

"Where did these students provoke Chen Feng, and let him start this set again, hey, it's so pitiful..." Wang Congwei muttered to himself. He guessed that the students were not convinced by Chen Feng, and Chen Feng was going to kill him. Their spirit makes them obedient in the future.

Chen Feng and Xu Nuo came to the training playground together. The students there were already ready to go and they were waiting to board the mecha. Seeing Chen Feng coming over, he couldn’t wait to beckon and call: "Teacher Chen, hurry up, are you scared? Dare to fight us?"contemporary romance

"How is it possible? The number of mechas here is enough for each of you. Go up and adjust all of them. I will hit all of you in a while." Chen Feng waved his hand to let the students enter the mechas first, and said arrogantly that he would welcome them all. The student's challenge.

This time the students jumped even more. Even if they promised, they didn't look down on them so much. What strength does this new teacher dare to do. If you don't knock this guy down today, you won't be worthy of being a student of Langya Mecha Academy! So the students angrily found a special plane to log in, and when they were ready to go, they waited for Chen Feng to come over and rushed to destroy it.

Old God Chen Feng was standing outside the playground waiting for the students to adjust the settings of the mecha, and even asked promise: "Master, did you teach them how to control the mecha? Don’t have all kinds of messy problems that make me doubt you. The level of a professor."

"Cut~ you can rest assured that you can do it boldly. These students have already done dozens of mech driving, basically they can show their strength without making low-level mistakes." Chen Feng gave Chen Feng a disdainful glance as he was teaching. The aspect is very caring.

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