Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2870: change

There are many people who don’t give up. They feel that the Qur'an God Republic is deceiving themselves, trying to use false news to prevent themselves from messing with each other. These people find Sergei and Brahman Yapeng through various channels, and want to make a difference from them. Fan confirmed.

Sergei and Brahman Yapeng immediately contacted each other to discuss about Chen Feng after they got the news, because Chen Feng's synchronization rate was still 99 when they were fighting against Chen Feng, but Chen Feng showed that in the battle. With ease, they felt that Chen Feng was stronger than he showed, and it was not impossible to break the synchronization rate to 100 after a few years.

Therefore, the news revealed by the Republic of the Gods of the Quran is likely to be true. For the first time in the world, there will be a God of War with a synchronization rate of 100. In other words, the gap between Chen Feng and other Gods of War has become larger, and they have no chance to win the God of God. Republic now.

However, Sergei and Brahman Yapeng also have their own selfish hearts. They can't provoke the Quran God Republic but can encourage other countries to provoke them. When people from other countries contacted through various channels, they deliberately answered ambiguously. It is said that it is possible for Chen Feng to break through to 100 in synchronization rate, but this feat is unprecedented and difficult to prove to be true.

Getting this answer dispelled the idea of ​​some countries, but there are still some strong countries who think that the Qur'an God Republic is pretending to be coercive, pushing Chen Feng to a height that it shouldn’t have reached because of the pursuit of more benefits. Come to shock yourself.

Not all countries want to be in the shadow of the Qur'an God Republic, so these countries unite with each other in an attempt to plan a war. They want to give the Qur'an God Republic a head-on blow to enhance their country's international status.

Among these countries, the most ridiculous is the country that once provided the glorious metal to the Holy Gama Empire. They did not get the rewards from the Holy Gama Empire, so they wanted to fight for it by themselves. In short, they could not let the Quran God Republic be alone. Go big.

How could their actions be concealed from the eyes of the Quran God Republic, since the defeat of the Holy Gama Empire, the spies of the Quran God Republic have spread all over the country. They don’t do anything on weekdays, but as long as there is an abnormality. Will give feedback in time.

Upon receiving the news of the spy, Commander Ma sat in the command room with a playful look, and expressed disdain for those countries: "I don't know where their confidence comes from. They actually want to form an anti-our alliance. Are they overestimating themselves? Strength?"

After the successive defeats of the Saint Gama Empire and the Zhu Timor Federation, the Gusu Empire and the Fo La Ye Kingdom expressed their admiration for the Quran God Republic. By all accounts, the Quran God Republic has no rivals, and they want to make a It is almost impossible to have an alliance with their strength. That's why Commander Ma is so disdainful. Those countries are simply jumping clowns.

"What should we do with them? Even if they are not strong, it is still dangerous to get bigger. We better kill them in the cradle." Someone next to Commander Ma suggested that they would be resolved as soon as possible. country.

Although only a few countries are tossing, they are likely to stir up the emotions of other countries. Once the number of countries forming the alliance increases, it may really threaten the ability of the Qur'an God Republic, and the world will become turbulent again.

The reason why the Qur'an God Republic took action against the Saint Gama Empire was to remove the root cause of the troubles of the world peace. After expelling the old high-level leaders, the Saint Gama Empire was returned to the Saint Gama Empire to manage by themselves, as much as possible. Reduce confusion.

The resurrection of waves is not something that the Qur'an God Republic wants to see, so it is best to defeat them before the resistance alliance is built, not to give them a little chance to rise, and completely cut off their idea of ​​fishing in troubled waters.

"Contact Chen Feng, I have something to tell him." Commander Ma asked the liaison officer to contact Chen Feng, and Chen Feng had to settle the matter.

Chen Feng has returned to the Qulan God Republic. The family still lives in Langya Mecha Academy. You Jia and Chen Xinghai are used to the campus life. Chen Feng also doesn't bother to move out anymore, and he also likes it. Live in school.

Wang Congwei expressed his great welcome to the return of Chen Feng’s family, and he also summoned a group of Chen Feng’s friends, including Shuibin and Nangong Mengdie sisters, to Joey’s shop, because the war in the Saint Gama Empire was over. These people all came back to the country and happened to be near Langya City. They were all excited to hear that Chen Feng, who had not met for a long time, came back and rushed over as quickly as possible.

After many years, Joey saw the people who used to come to his store to have dinner again, but now the status of the two parties has changed drastically. Now, Joey can only look up at Chen Feng and try his best to protect the Republic of the Quran. The relationship between the ancient Soviet empire.

Chen Feng treated Joey the same way he used to. As soon as he walked in, he embraced Joey enthusiastically and learned about each other’s experiences in school over the years. He also urged Joey to pass on his goodwill to the ancient Soviet Empire and help the two countries. The people live and work in peace and contentment.contemporary romance

Joey kept nodding his head and said that he had been working hard, just like he did with the Nordic Alliance. If any country unites to send troops to the Qur'an God Republic, he will definitely urge the Gusu Empire to help.

In order to welcome Chen Feng’s return, Joey specially put up a proofing sign outside the door. Chen Feng could see that many teachers and students came to the door and saw the sign and left angrily. It seems that the business here is very good, and Joey’s craftsmanship is still good. very attractive.

Wang Congwei also came to the store soon. After all, he was the initiator of this party. He thanked Joey for closing the shop for his gathering. Joey said that this is nothing. After all, Chen Feng, Hongshui Bin and others With a special status, it is better not to mix in other people, and even the clerk Joey did not stay, he has to rely on himself to complete the dinner.

Let Chen Feng and the others wait in place. Joey enters the kitchen and starts to operate. There is still some time before Hongshuibin and the others arrive. He has to prepare some ingredients in advance, otherwise he may be in a hurry when he gets busy for a while.

When Joey prepared everything, Hongbin and others entered the store one after another. The partners gathered together and exchanged greetings. They understood what happened to each other, and they did not become alienated because of separation. .

"Brother Chen Feng, the world has been too peaceful recently, and our independent operations team has no tasks to do!" As soon as Nangong Huandie entered the door, she complained to Chen Feng angrily, saying that her team hadn't encountered a difficult task for a long time. Up.

As the world tends to stabilize, causing turmoil, terrorist attacks and other vicious incidents to decrease a lot, basically the defending army can solve it without the need for independent action teams, so Nangong Phantom Butterfly and his party become idle and quite boring.

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