Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2862: Come back home

The rest of the people who did not communicate with Chen Feng were very disappointed. They lost the opportunity to get points, but they couldn’t say anything because they didn’t catch up. If they could go in line in advance or ask for another person, it would not be the result. Up.

Chen Feng squeezed his temples to make himself awake, then nodded to Commander Ma and then bid farewell to the chairman, Sergey and Brahman Yapeng, and walked back to his room and washed his face again before he felt comfortable. , And then lie down on the bed and start a daze.

The result of today's battle was perfect. It was exactly the same as in Chen Feng's plan. Although there were some twists and turns in the process, the overall process did not lose control. This made Chen Feng more confident in his own strength. Perhaps now he really has the power to fight Griffin.

For Chen Feng, killing Griffin can't actually be regarded as his credit. If it weren't for Hongbin's capture of the plasma gravity compression cannon to give Griffin a very fatal blow, even if he played well, he would not be able to threaten the opponent. Chen Feng was always upset about this matter. Whenever someone said that Griffin was dead in his hands, Chen Feng would involuntarily want to refute it.

Chen Feng knew that this kind of mentality was wrong, and that he always worried about gains and losses was not good for his future development, but he always couldn't help thinking about every detail of the battle that day, always feeling that he was sorry for the victory, and Griffin shouldn't have died.

Until today, Chen Feng has defeated Sergei and Brahman Yapeng cleanly, he can finally face his own strength, he is stronger than he thought and he can live up to the expectations of others, even if it is replaced by Griffin. It will not be better than him.

Freed from the shackles, Chen Feng is all relaxed. He has never relaxed since he killed Griffin. He soon fell asleep on the bed without noticing that his mobile phone was vibrating crazily. There are countless people who care about him. Keep making calls.

It was noon the next day when Chen Feng woke up. He hadn't overslept for a long time. This shows how great the impact on him after being completely relaxed is. He picked up the phone and saw dozens of missed calls. Chen Feng's scalp was numb.

"No, it's a delay!" Chen Feng patted his forehead and quickly called back, first contacted You Jia and Hongshui Bin to tell them that he had won and was in good shape, and then he would have a brief chat with the rest of the people. Finally, the missed communication was cleared.

Putting the phone away, Chen Feng walked out of the room, and the soldier at the door immediately stood up and saluted him: "Commander Ma is waiting for you."

"Okay, I'll go over now." Chen Feng rushed to Commander Ma's office, wondering if the other party asked him for anything.

On the way, Chen Feng noticed that the guards in the base were relaxed a lot. Soldiers in various areas were relatively comfortable when patrolling. Unlike the tight state of the previous few days, the most likely change of this kind was that there were no outsiders in the base. .

"Have Sergei and Brahmin Yapeng gone back?" Chen Feng confirmed to Commander Ma as soon as he entered the office.

"Yes, they can't stay in our country for too long because of their affairs. After the battle is won, they are anxious to leave." Commander Ma pointed to the clock beside him, "They left at 9 o'clock in the morning. , I didn’t wake you up when you were asleep."

Anyway, leaving is the business of Sergei and Brahman Yapeng, and does not require Chen Feng’s approval, so after knowing that Chen Feng has not yet woken up, the two of them did not have to wait for Chen Feng to wake up, and talk to the President of the Republic of Gulan After bidding farewell to Commander Ma, they drove their own special planes and flew in the direction of their own countries. It is estimated that they will not come again for a long time after leaving this time.

Then Commander Ma cared about Chen Feng’s body. Chen Feng slept a little too long this time, and he couldn’t help worrying about whether there was a problem: “Why did you sleep for so long? I usually see you in the morning. Get up and exercise, what's going on today?"

"Oh, it's nothing, it just feels very relaxed all of a sudden, it's a vacation for myself, don't worry." Chen Feng casually found a reason to fool around, can't say that he has been in doubt during this period of time. Will mislead others.

Commander Ma saw that Chen Feng was reluctant to say more, so he stopped asking. Now the president has also left the base and returned to Azure City, leaving him and Chen Feng as the two protagonists. The loneliness made him a little bit deserted. Unsuitable: "Now that the threat of the Gusu Empire and the Buddha Laye country has been lifted, there is nothing to do for the time being. Do you have any plans for yourself?"

"I think it's time to go home." Chen Feng didn't ask for anything. He had his wives and children in his mind, and he just wanted to get back home to reunite with them as soon as possible.

Chen Feng has hardly been idle since he became a pilot. He has continued to grow and defeated opponents one after another, and finally stood at the pinnacle. Now he has no other ideas and just wants to make up for the neglected family. .

Commander Ma understands Chen Feng’s feelings. To be honest, if there is no war, he would also like to go back to accompany his family, especially Ma Kewei, who joined the army under his influence, is so busy every day, he has a lot of guilt for his daughter. of.

"If you want to go back, go back. After the failure of Sergey and Brahman Yapeng, the two countries shouldn't make much movement. The Saint Gama Empire has entered the final stage, and Shui Bin can basically handle all the problems. Approve your fake.” Commander Ma waved Chen Feng to leave quickly, and after careful consideration, he found that there seemed to be no place for Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was overjoyed and walked away. For fear that Commander Ma might repent, he ran all the way to the hangar and entrusted the maintenance team to take care of the "breaking world". Then he took the shuttle bus from the base to the city to the city center and left home. The distance is getting closer and closer.

Before getting off the bus, Chen Feng specially put on a mask to hide his identity. After all, he has become an idol for all the people of the Republic of the Qur'an. He can easily lose control when appearing on the street. If not necessary, he should keep a low profile so as not to affect his plan to go home.

Commander Ma wanted to send someone special to send Chen Feng back. Chen Feng refused him because Chen Feng hadn't wandered in Langya for a long time. He almost forgot about the customs of this city and wanted to pick up the past by himself. Memories.

Chen Feng walked slowly on the street and saw that the faces of passers-by were full of happiness. Now the Quran God Republic has successfully won the final victory in the territory of the Saint Gama Empire. Chen Feng defeated Sergei and Brahmania. The news of Peng also came out. It can be said that the Qur'an God Republic is currently the most powerful country in the world. No one has just come to provoke trouble, so every citizen feels very happy. contemporary romance

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