Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2856: Clash

The destructive power that the three special planes can cause is amazing. If they are not controlled well, they will cause great damage. So since Chen Feng decided to choose one and two, Commander-in-Chief Ma has transformed the base and found a suitable one. Battle field.

The three of Chen Feng quickly entered their special planes. The chairman and Commander Ma got on a car next to them and started to drive out. The three special planes followed and left the hangar. The surrounding pilots lined up in an orderly manner. Run.

Not far from the hangar, Chen Feng quickly saw the specially organized field ahead. It was an elliptical area with a radius of nearly 20,000 meters, which was enough for the special plane to fly freely and perform various actions to create such a large area. It can be seen that it is intentional.

Chen Feng also saw countless familiar devices on the edge of the site. They were the unique beam shield defense system of the Qur'an Republic. There was little chance to use them on the territory of the Saint Gama Empire. Today they were finally deployed. use.

If you want to defuse the destructive power of special planes fighting, the beam shield defense system is the best choice. Only it can protect the outside world to the greatest extent. Otherwise, Chen Feng and the three will have concerns about harming the innocent when they unleash their stunts. .

Commander Ma pointed to the device outside the field and said: "We have installed more than a dozen beam shield defense systems on the battlefield. You can use it to your fullest without worrying about the energy penetrating the barrier. They will not be a problem for a while. "

"I have heard that your country's beam shield defense system works amazingly. Today I can try it by myself." Brahman Yapeng is very interested in the beam shield defense system, because the installation of this device is very troublesome, so it is at the border where there are frequent wars. I can't see it, Brahman Yapeng has always heard of it but has never seen it. This time it finally got his wish.

Sergey had encountered the beam shield defense system. At that time, he attacked many times before breaking a crack in the beam shield. However, reinforcements came to stop him soon, and he could not completely attack it. broken.

"I will find a chance to attack it a few more times to see how strong its defensive ability is?" Sergey thought to himself, he still wanted to confirm the endurance limit of the beam shield defense system, in case of encounter again. Some psychological expectations.contemporary romance

Seeing the beam shield defense system encircling the battlefield, Sergei and Brahman Yapeng hesitated. They were suspicious that they would be trapped when they entered. In case the Qur'an God Republic wanted to trick them into entering. Is it self-investing in the net?

It’s normal for the two of them to have such doubts. After all, this is the guardian weapon of the Qur'an God Republic. No matter who it is, he will think twice. Chen Feng took the initiative to enter the battlefield when he saw this: “I’ll go in first, you don’t need it now. Worried?"

Chen Feng stood generously in the center of the field. If the Qur'an God Republic had a disagreement, he would be imprisoned. In that case, the risk would actually be greater. Sergei and Brahman Yapeng knew they would have escaped hopelessly. Fight to the end with Chen Feng.

Since Chen Feng took the initiative to enter the battle arena, Sergei and Brahman Yapeng could not be too guilty. They looked at each other and walked in, standing on the left and right in front of Chen Feng. This is the most suitable plan in their plan. Initial position.

Without standing in front of Chen Feng, Chen Feng would not have the chance to attack one person at full speed. The two could also hinder Chen Feng by attacking in different directions. In the following battles, they would also adhere to the same idea and create an environment in which Chen Feng would lose sight of the other.

Chen Feng didn't care how Sergey and Brahman Yapeng chose to stand. He stood in the middle of the field in response to changes, and raised his hand to the two of them: "Have you chosen a good position? If so, let’s start."

"Okay, let's start!" Sergey nodded and replied, and Brahman Yapeng also raised his thumb to indicate that he had no objection.

So the Commander Ma outside pressed the button in front of him to activate all the beam shield defense systems, and saw a dark beam web visible to the naked eye extending from different angles on the ground, and it spread upward to the overlap cover nearly 10,000 meters high. Live the venue.

At this point, the entire battlefield has been completely surrounded by the beam shield defense system. Brahman Yapeng curiously walked to the side and smashed the beam shield with the golden stick. The stick was immediately bounced back after hitting it. The beam shield raised a few ripples and returned to calm. .

"Is it too exaggerated to be able to resolve my attack so easily?" Brahman Yapeng asked in astonishment. The beam shield defense system was stronger than he thought, and it seemed that his Zen rod hardly caused much burden on him.

Sergey also drove the "La Digast" to run quickly and hit the edge of the beam shield defense system, but was also bounced back by the echoing ripples. When he fixed his eyes, the defense system was still stable, as if he hadn't hit it just now. same.

After some trials, both of them have a new understanding of the beam shield defense system. The Republic of the Gods of Quran has it and is almost invincible in defensive warfare. If they want to attack the opponent in the future, they must first think about how to break through this defense. system.

In addition to Chen Feng, there was another problem. The two Gods of War felt that they had big heads. Chen Feng did not interfere with their temptation and stood there waiting. When a lot of time had passed, he reminded: "You can go to war if you have the same test. Up."

After being reminded by Chen Feng, the two Gods of War came back to their senses and remembered that the primary purpose of this trip was to fight Chen Feng. They were a little embarrassed to return to their original positions and signaled that Chen Feng could take action first: "Come on, let's see. It depends on your strength!"

Getting the first move in battle is often an advantage. Sergey and Brahman Yapeng felt that they were going to study the beam shield defense system and wasted time to deal with the price. It was reasonable for Chen Feng to take the first shot. At most, they would be more difficult.

"The two are so far away as guests, it's up to you to make the move first." Chen Feng was unwilling to take advantage of this. He wanted to convince the two opposing people to win, and it was best to win when they played the most perfect situation, no Give them any excuses, so they gave up the initiative.

Chen Feng stood steadily and motionless. In this case, there was no need to be polite with him. Sergey ran towards Chen Feng. The armor of his special plane "Ladigast" was extremely thick. Suffered a lot.

Chen Feng turned around to avoid the position where he was hit. "Broken the world" was not known to be sturdy and hitting him would not do him any good. But when he just moved, the Brahmin Yapeng attacked one after another, stabbing him with a stick. On the route of Chen Feng's retreat.

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