Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2767: Throbbing

Griffin's offensive was stronger than one round, and seemed to have no end. After he had no worries, he devoted all he could to the battle, making Chen Feng and Hong Hung Bin gradually feel strenuous. After the other party broke out, they were so strong that they were almost about to defeat them. Up.

However, the two of them gritted their teeth. After all, the two can help each other in a joint battle. Once the other person takes too much attack in a short period of time, the other person will stop it. After all, there is only one Griffin, and it is still affected to a certain extent.

If it is a fair duel, Griffin is sure to defeat either of the two, even if their special planes are strengthened, it will be useless. This is the confidence of the strongest God of War, and no one can fight him alone.

"How long can he hold on to the outbreak?" Hongshui Bin can't see Griffin's signs of stopping. Could it be that he will lose today?

"I don't know, but I'm sure he can't always be at the peak state, there will always be times of weakness." Chen Feng analyzed Griffin's changes in battle through all weapons and found that the opponent's state was very stable, and he didn't know what was going on. How will it change.

Griffin did not say a word and focused on the battle. Just like Chen Feng said, he could not always maintain such a peak level, so he could not waste his energy in other places. Everything is given the top priority in battle, and there must be certainty. Results.

Under Griffin’s wave after wave of offensive, Hongbin was a little bit unbearable. The synchronization rate of 98 made him a big gap with the other two. Griffin would always have the opportunity to attack several rounds. , Even with Chen Feng's help, he still suffers.

"Puff!" With a sound, Griffin's two guns penetrated through the "Candle Light Youying" armor. This was the first physical injury he caused to Hsu Bin. Hung Bin did not retreat but grabbed Griffin's hand. , Was actually trying to hold the opponent with his body.

"Chen Feng attack, hurry!" Hong Hung Bin shouted to Chen Feng, hoping that his friend would immediately burst into the most violent beam wave.

But Chen Feng did not act as Hong Bin thought. He did not pour all the firepower on Griffin. Instead, he adjusted most of his weapons to Hong Bin to help him get out of trouble. He wanted to prevent Griffin from continuing to harm Hong Bin. .

In this way, Hong Bin was reluctant. He was desperately trying to hold Griffin. It was not for Chen Feng to save him. Two people couldn’t get away. Isn’t it the best chance to attack? Chen Feng did not want to win by doing this. ?contemporary romance

"What are you doing? Attack!" Hong Shubin shouted again, wanting to make Chen Feng a little more sober, now he can't be confused.

But Chen Feng still ignored the roar of Flood Bin. He kept his own pace to attack, ensuring that most of the beams could bypass Flood Bin and hit Griffin, just as if he wanted Griffin to release Flood Bin on his own initiative.

Griffin was entangled by Hongbin and was inconvenient to shoot. Unless he could disintegrate "Candle Light Youying" within a few seconds, he would definitely be hit by the wave of beams from Chen Feng. Chen Feng's strength was strengthened. He couldn't stop the fire.

So Griffin had to abandon Shuobin, kicked "Candle Light Youying" and flew backwards first to ensure his safety.

Hung Hung Bin tried his best to control his body in the air, but Griffin's power was too great. The effect of his efforts was very limited. Fortunately, Chen Feng appeared in time and dragged him, otherwise he would definitely be seriously injured if he hit the ground directly, at least he had to lie down. Ten days and a half months.

Chen Feng rescued Hongshui Bin to save him from skin and flesh damage, but Hongshui Bin was not happy at all. He grabbed Chen Feng's hand and wanted to push his friend up: "Hurry up and continue to attack. It's hard to get a chance? Can be wasted!"

"Calm down!" Chen Feng took Hongshui Bin to calm him down. They no longer need to fight. "Look, the'Gun God' has already left. Are we going to catch him and stop him? That's it for today." That's it!"

Chen Feng’s voice was louder than that of Hongshui Bin, and finally made Hongshui Bin walk out of his own mind. He stared into the sky in a daze, and he saw Griffin’s special plane flying into the distance, so he told Chen Feng The opponent has no idea of ​​fighting anymore.

Griffin didn’t even want to fight anymore, and there was no need for Hongbin to entangle. The battle just now proved that they were inferior to each other. If they didn’t see well, they might summon unexpected evil results. Reasonably tell Hongbin the best. Control yourself.

Griffin was indeed quite tough in his heyday. Hong Bin thought he could fight against Chen Feng. Even if he couldn't win, at least it would be no problem to protect himself, but the reality still slapped him in the face. It turns out that they are still not Griffin opponents. .

After being attacked by Griffin many times, Hongbin clearly realized the gap between him and the other party. If the two of them did not continue to improve in synchronization rate, even if the special machine was strengthened, they would not be able to reach the same level with Griffin many times. level.

"Chen Feng, I want to retreat after I go back. It would be best if the synchronization rate can break through." Hongshui Bin gasped slightly and told Chen Feng of his decision. He hated the feeling of powerlessness being suppressed by his opponent. What did he say this time in retreat You have to get some results.

"Well, I will take care of the outside affairs during your retreat. With me, you can rest assured that you can hit the bottleneck." Chen Feng asked Hongshui Bin to break the synchronization rate. His defense in Buried Jincheng was enough to deal with most enemy threats.

Of course, this still has to be done without Griffin. Chen Feng was a little bit muttered in his heart. Today’s battle also allowed him to recognize his own strength. The past few victories can’t be taken seriously. If you want to win the final victory, Have to find a way to deal with this powerful enemy.

Chen Feng's strength has surpassed most people. Even if Murong Fan, who has fallen, is not as good as him, ordinary retreats are meaningless to Chen Feng, so he is not in a hurry to go back to practice but think about walking outside to see if there is anything new. Situation.

Griffin suddenly got a breakthrough opportunity when he was wandering outside, but unfortunately the Secretary of the Army's phone called him back. Otherwise, the Saint Gama Empire has long been invincible in the world, and how could he be beaten in by the Qur'an God Republic.

The development of the world is so marvelous. Who would have thought that Griffin had touched the door to the pinnacle and was pulled back just before the door was opened. All of this caused the decline of the Saint Gama Empire today, perhaps This is God's will.

Not to mention Griffin's failure, Chen Feng believes that the other party's experience is helpful to him, and a proper walk may bring unexpected results, so he is going to wander around during the retreat of Hongbin.

Now that Jack is helping to calm the emotions of the Saint Gama Empire, the attack has been reduced to a minimum, and Chen Feng should be safer to go out.

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