Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 113: Moving target (top)

In fact, Chen Feng occasionally realizes that he can control more than just one weapon, but he has never made up his mind to try. Now after being raised by Teacher Lang, he finally made up his mind to try a new field: "Thank you, Teacher Lang, I will follow you. He said he tried to use the double sword, and asked Teacher Lang to give us more guidance."

At this moment, Chen Feng and Shuibin did not realize that these few suggestions of Teacher Lang had a huge impact on their lives and laid a solid foundation for them to stand out among the many rising stars.

"Ok, this is my duty as a teacher." Teacher Lang took out two more wooden swords from the weapon rack, stepped forward to give Chen Feng a gesture, and then threw one of the wooden swords to Chen Feng and to Flood. Bin taught many new skills.

After learning both, Teacher Lang took two steps back: "I have taught you everything that should be learned, and now you continue to start combat training, I will guide you by the side."

Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin looked at each other and nodded at each other, and did not say a word of nonsense to each other, only this time they both started to try new ways of fighting.

Due to the fact that Chen Feng had an extra weapon in his hand, he often couldn't take care of it and became messy. Sometimes one sword stretched out to attack the other and didn't know where to put it, or one sword was defending and the other was blocking. The defensive line.contemporary romance

Chen Feng’s poor performance is also deep in the quagmire. He tried very hard to make use of his free hands, but often when he wanted to attack with his hands, Chen Feng’s sword kept in front of him. Sometimes he found a flaw with his hand. Not fast.

In short, the two of them fought for a long time, and each felt quite uncomfortable, but Teacher Lang, who was standing by and watching the battle, did not say a word. Although Chen Feng was guilty of muttering in his heart, he could only bite the bullet and hold on.

Teacher Lang watched for a long time and turned around to instruct other students without saying anything. This made Chen Feng and the others more uneasy: "Does Teacher Lang think they are helpless and don't want to teach them anymore? Or think they can rely on them. Do it yourself?"

The uneasy movements in their hearts can't be delayed. Chen Feng and Hongshuibin continue to work hard to integrate new skills into the battle. Over time, there has been some progress, at least they will not stumble like the first.

It wasn't until the end of class that Teacher Lang returned to Chen Feng's side again and asked them to stop their movements: "You can rest first. After practicing for this period of time, you should have found your own problems, right?"

Hongshuibin replied first: "Teacher Lang, I always feel that swordsmanship is difficult to integrate into other movements. The attack range of the hand is too short."

Chen Feng wielded two wooden swords from side to side, still trying to find the feeling: "I am unaccustomed to using two swords, so I often dig holes for myself."

"This is the problem you have to overcome in the future. Student Hsu Bin, you can temporarily imagine your hands as feet, and think about how your feet cooperate with the sword to attack. And your first training is to move your steps. Use your steps to make up for the distance. The disadvantage of Chen Feng. What you have to do is to divide your heart on the two swords. Don’t just pay attention to a certain sword as before, otherwise the sword you overlooked will definitely cause you huge trouble." After leaving the last sentence, Teacher Lang announced the end of get out of class and turned to leave the classroom.

Teacher Lang said that Chen Feng and Shuibin felt the most uncomfortable. Chen Feng put the two swords back into the weapon rack and said with a smile: "How do I feel that I am learning the legendary left-to-right mutual fighting technique? "

Hongshui Bin was amused by Chen Feng: "You are ashamed to say that I was about to cry. I felt like I was sending my hand over and letting you chop it after several punches."

"Go back and think about it. Let's eat now. I starved to death for most of the training." Chen Feng patted his head, cleared the depression caused by the discomfort just now, and ran to the cafeteria with Hong Shubin.

The morning is a fighting class, and in the afternoon it is naturally a shooting class. Langya Mecha Academy’s Fighter A Department schedule is so fixed. The four courses are in rotation, so there is no need to look at the schedule.

Chen Feng returned to the most familiar shooting platform, stroking a beam rifle that he hadn't seen during winter vacation, and said silently in his heart: "Special old friend, I finally see you again, I hope my shooting skills can be improved this semester. "

Teacher Lin arrived late today, stepped on the bell to arrive in the classroom on time, and apologized to the students as soon as he entered the door: "I'm sorry, my classmates, the teacher has delayed some personal matters."

The students of Fighter Class A expressed their indifferents, not to mention that Teacher Lin was not late, and the matter was revealed.

Teacher Lin quickly walked to the podium and began to explain the content of this class: "Now we have entered the second half of the first semester. In the first half of the semester, I saw that many students were still practicing static targets, so the final exam was only tested. Static target. But this semester I hope that all students will start to train dynamic targets. The final exam content is to shoot dynamic targets with a gun with one hand. Students who are learning sniper guns will also use dynamic targets for the exam."

Teacher Lin's request was in Chen Feng's expectation. Although the Fighter A department has become a two-year school system, it can't always stay at the most primitive stage, and it is time for more advanced training.

Teacher Lin on the podium continued: "Students, don’t think I am demanding. It took only half a semester for the students of the Fighter A department to learn to shoot dynamic targets with a single-handed gun. Now we have a full semester, I I hope everyone can reach a higher level. Let’s start practicing now. If you encounter problems during shooting, please raise your hand."

Chen Feng picked up the beam rifle placed on the shooting platform, and when he was operating the console to call up the moving target, he suddenly thought: "Mr. Lang told me in the morning that I can learn to try dual-wield weapons, so apart from holding the sword and the other Besides holding a gun and a sword in one hand, can I also do it with both hands?"

Chen Feng did what he said. There were many weapons on the shooting platform, so it was not difficult to find two beam rifles.

First, using the console to call up the fixed target, Chen Fengyi grabbed a beam rifle on the left and the right to try to aim, and found that this was very different from aiming with only a beam rifle.

When he only had one gun, Chen Feng could calmly approach the scope to aim, but now there are two guns on the left and right, Chen Feng can't change the two heads and aim separately.

Chen Feng couldn't think of a solution. After forcibly pulling the trigger several times, he missed the target. He reluctantly put the two beam rifles back on the table: "No, I can't aim at all, let alone hit it well. After I have counted the rings, it seems that I have to practice the moving target first, and then try it after I master the ability to shoot without being too finely aimed."

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