Chapter 90 – The sorcerer
Landry's POV
2 months ago
Landry had met Crystal a few months ago in one of the witchery shops. He had overheard her discussing that the vibe of the forest is messing with her energy level. "There's a lot of dark magic lurking in the forest," she said hushingly to the woman behind the counter. "Whoever is hiding there, is using up the dark magic." "Who do you think it could be?" The girl behind the counter asked.
"I'm not sure if it's a who... or a what..." Crystal answered.
She wasn't someone he had ever seen before but based on her style alone, he knew this was someone Bernice would have gotten along with.
"You look like you have a lot of damage," Crystal pointed out, raising her sleek brows as she stared around his face. She was bold when talking to him.
The girl behind the counter's eyes were as large as she bowed her head, allowing her blonde hair to fall over her face and cover the shame in her expression. "Alpha King," she said to Landry, her voice trembling only slightly. "I'm sorry for my sister, this is Crystal."
"Sister?" Landry asked, curiosity peeking at his voice.
He knew the girl behind the counter as Lily; she was a she-wolf that works in the witchery shop. But this other girl Crystal didn't feel like a wolf at all.
"Oh, so you're the king I've been hearing so much about," Crystal said, a smirk tugging at her lips. "I see."
"We are half-sisters," Lily explained. "We both have different fathers."
"And I'm presuming your father is a sorcerer?" Landry asked, still staring at Crustal.
"What gave it away?" Crystal asked with sarcasm oozing from her lips. Typically, Landry wouldn't have stood for someone speaking to him with such disrespect. However, he felt this sorcerer might come to use for him when it comes to finding Alaric's layer.
"Crystal-" Lily scolded.
Landry could tell that Crystal was the younger sibling based on Lily's reactions toward her.
"What were you saying a moment ago? About there being dark energy in the forest?" Landry found himself asking.
Crystal rose her brows again.
"I'm surprised you can't feel it yourself, Alpha King," she said, folding her arms across her chest. "The entire forest is reeking of dark energy. It's almost painfully obvious." "What is this dark energy doing? What do you think it's being used for?"
She squinted her eyes at him like she trying to assess him by reading his face. She was quiet for a moment as she thought about the answer to that question.
"To hide something," she finally answered. "And whatever is being hidden, is very dark."
"Do you think it's a vampire?"
"A magic this dark is coming from something just as dark. I don't see a wolf being that dark... so possibly a vampire, yes."
"What they are hiding... could it be a place?"
"It would have to be big and harvest a lot of magic," she said in return. "That's the only reason why it would take this much dark magic to hide it." "How would we uncover it?" He asked, eyeing her carefully.
She was quiet for another moment as she glanced over at Lily. They both gave one another identical and wary looks, before looking back at Landry.
"Why might I ask are you asking all these questions?" Crystal asked, narrowing her eyes at him. "Do you know what is being hidden inside these forests?"
"I might," Landry admitted. She waited for him to continue. "It might be a vampire layer. I think it's hidden under the ground, but we can't find the entrance. We've been searching for months and can't find anything. We've searched most of the forest already."
"I see..." Crystal said thoughtfully. "What's in this layer you need?"
"Enough; I'm asking the questions. How do we break the dark magic and find the layer?"
She sighed shaking her head with dismay written all over her face.
"There's a lot of spells in dark magic that are used for hiding things that don't want to be found or shouldn't be found. We would have to use the exact spell for the counter-spell. We would also need the exact location where the original spell had taken place."
"Would you be able to do something like that?" Landry asked. "Find the exact spell and exact location."
"I don't fuck with dark magic," Crystal scoffed. "Especially when I don't know what we are looking for and why."
"It's the omega, isn't it?" Lily asked, staring at him with large eyes. "I heard rumors around the city that she had gone missing. Presumed dead..." she paused as her thoughts formed an alignment. "You don't think she's dead, though. Do you? You think she's being trapped inside of this hidden layer... you're looking for her."
Landry admired that Lily was able to piece things together so quickly based on listening to their brief conversation.
Crystal glanced at her sister before looking back at Landry.
"Is that true?" Crystal asked. "You are looking for someone? Is she someone you love?"
"Yes," Landry said without hesitation. "It's someone I love very much."
Crystal takes a step closer to him.
"Dark magic will consume you until there is nothing left. There's no guarantee that I can do this and there's certainly no guarantee that you will like what we find."
"I need to find her; it's been months and she's pregnant..."
"I'll help you," Crystal said, stopping his words. "I'll help you find her. But I can't tell you how long it'll take. It'll take some time definitely and it'll also take a lot of resources." She rose her brows and tilted her head like she was hinting at something.
"I will pay you handsomely," he told her, picking up on the hint.
A small glimmer of humor crossed her eyes and a smile twitched at the corner of her lips.
"Then, you have yourself a deal."
Present moment
"Alpha King! I think we found the Vampire Lord's layer!"
Landry wasted no time meeting his Beta and the others in the forest.
"The energy pull is strong in this spot and it matches the energy with this spell," Crystal said, peering over at Landry. They stood in the forest; his men were all around as well, including his Beta.
They were prepared for any kind of fight if any broke out. It's been a couple of months since he met Crystal and it's taken this long for her to find the spell and the location. But they were there now, and they were ready. Landry gave her a nod of approval. He had his sage in one hand and a match in the other; he was ready to do exactly what she asked of him.
She stood with her feet on the ground and rose her hands above her head; she gazed up at the full moon, pulling the energy from it and allowing it to absorb her fair flesh.
Crystal began to recite the spell in Latin; something she had memorized a couple of months ago. Just as she started speaking, Landry sprinkled the sage in a circle around her, just as he did when he summoned the vampire lord.
As her voice grew louder, he lit the match on fire and tossed it on the sage, watching it go up in flames. At first glance, it seemed the flames were engulfing Crystal. Eating her as she peered through the fiery embers and looked directly at him. A small smile continued playing on her lips as she continued to spell. She pulled her gaze from Landry to look up at the large moon; the rays of the moon danced on her features, lighting her up and making her shine brightly through the flames that consumed her.
The spell she was speaking was keeping her from being burned, just as she said it would. A dark swirl of smoke appeared around her, growing thicker with each passing moment. Landry and his men took a step back as the smoke entered their senses and made them cough.
It was getting harder to see; between the dark of the night, the blinding embers, and the smoke, Landry could hardly get his eyes to focus.
The flames began to die down and the smoke started to clear. Landry fought his way through the smoke and toward Crystal who remained standing. She was no longer speaking, but she was breathing heavily.
Her entire body trembled as her eyes were locked on something in the nearby distance. Landry went to speak to her, to find out if she was okay and if it worked, but then his words got caught in his throat as he followed her gaze to what she was looking at it.
In the middle of the forest, clear as day, was a door.