Mates with Alpha Maddox

Chapter 34: 34

"Jayda, c'mon baby wake up" I hear Maddox's voice say while shaking me softly.

"Mmmm no bye" I mumble turning around, away from his voice and into my pillow.

"Jayda..." Maddox sighs.

I ignore it.

"Theres food" he says.

"I don't care, I am sleeping leave" I snap grabbing a nearby pillow and throw it towards his voice's direction.

"Okay" he says and I hear him leave.


I snuggle deeper into the pillows and relax.

Suddenly my peaceful slumber is interrupted by something cold and wet thrown on my face.

I jump up spluttering and wiping my face.

"What the fuck?!" I snap while looking at my wet clothes.

"You wouldn't wake up" Maddox says shrugging his shoulders and walking towards a little table that had a little tray with a sandwich and orange juice. "I made you a ham and cheese sandwich" Maddox says handing me the tray.

"My clothes are soaked" I state.

"No shit" he says with a smirk.

Glaring at him I answer "Why the hell would you do that?"

"I already told you. You wouldn't wake up" he answers innocently.

"You suck" I say taking an angry bite out of my sandwich.

"I can totally make an inappropriate comment out of what you just said but you'll probably kick my ass so I'll just stay quiet" Maddox says with a smirk.

"Don't even Maddox" I snap, I was moody because of the way he woke me up.

He raises his hands up in mock surrender "I'm not" Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"Its 12pm, you have an hour to get ready" he says turning on the tv.

"What?!?!! I screech and gobble down the rest of my sandwich and down the whole glass of Orange juice in one gulp.

I put the glass back on the tray and quickly grab one of the shopping bags where I had the clothes I had bought the other day at the mall. I had already packed something for the BBQ but that was before I knew there was some skank after my mate. I need to look good!

I take a quick shower and start getting dressed.

I had bought salmon pink shorts and paired it with white flowy shirt and white sandals.

I braided my hair and put on some light make up.

When I walk back into the room Maddox is still watching tv, as calm as ever.

"When are you going to get ready? Its already 12:49" I say crossing my arms over my chest.

Maddox looks at me then sighs and turns off the tv and grabs some clothes from his bag.

He walks into the bathroom and a few moments later I hear the shower running.

I lay down on the bed and wait for Maddox to get out of the shower.

I start thinking and realize I haven't shifted in a while. I'll have to do that soon, even though I am not that close with my wolf I need to shift more often to release stress.

At 1:07 Maddox came out of the bathroom fully dressed, his hair still damp.

Maddox was wearing a red shirt, dark jeans and red converse.

"You done?" I ask.

"Yup, lets go" Maddox says motioning towards the door.

Standing up I lazily walk beside Maddox down the stairs and outside to the middle of lan's pack village.

There previously bare place was now full will people, tables were scattered around, some catching song could be heard from the speakers, kids were running around playing different kinds of games and the food. God the food looked amazing. There were tables and tables full of different kinds of yummy food.

There were also. Coolers full of sodas and beers.

There were pack members grilling burgers, hotdogs and everything that they could get their hands on. lan had done a great job!

I see Ellie and Nikki and quickly grab Maddox hand and pull him towards them.

"Hey girls" I say hugging them quickly. Our mall trip had totally been healthy for our friendship.

"Hi" they both say in unison.

"I'm going to the bakery really quick to get the oreo pie you wanted. Do you want to go with or will you stay with Ellie and my sister?" Maddox asks.

"I'll stay with them for a while of you don't mind" I say shrugging.

"Its alright, I'll be back soon. I love you" Maddox says giving me a quick peck on the lips.

"I love you too Maddox" I say as I watch him towards his truck, he purposely walked faster every time he saw someone start to approach him.

I inwardly laugh, he is so antisocial.

"You look creepy" Nikki says

"Your eyes are following him like a hawk's eyes follows its prey" Ellie adds.

Rolling my eyes I say "Its not creepy, he is my mate"

"Still creepy, by the way when are you two going to have sex?" Nikki asks.

"I met my mate after you met yours and he already popped my cherry" Ellie says with a smirk.

I blush "Its complicated"

"How is it complicated? I want a nephew or a niece. Or better yet! Both!" Nikki squeals.

"It will happen when it happens" I mumble, already thinking about it. Why hasn't he made a move? Why hasn't he ever tried to get in my pants? Am I not desirable enough? Does he not want me that way? How can he not want me that way? I am his mate! This is so depressing.

Ellie waves her hand in front of my face "Hello earth to Jayda! You spaced out"

"Uh um sorry" I say shaking my head to get rid of my pathetic thoughts.

Ellie looks at me and immediately knows whats going through my mind "Don't think too much of it Jay, Not all relationships are the same"

I nod and give Ellie a small smile, Nikki still has that giant grin on her face at the thought of Maddox and I having pups.

"Lets get something to drink" I say and point at the coolers.

"Yeah lets" Nikki says and Ellie nods.

We get to the cooler. Ellie and I take a beer while Nikki takes some juice.

"You aren't drinking?" I ask while looking at her apple juice bottle.

"Umm no, I, well I want to loose a few pounds and alcohol won't help me with that" she says laughing nervously.

"I call bullshit" I say. Nikki is almost never nervous and she is not one to care how much she weighs.

"Its nothing, let it go" Nikki snaps.

Before I can say anything else a little girl about 5 years old starts singing from behind us "Lets it gooooooo, let it goooooooo" the little girl sings the frozen song.

Nikki's eyes soften and a look of longing replaces her scowl.

"You have an amazing voice" I coo at the girl. She had braided brown hair, and green eyes. She was wearing a purple dress.

"Thanks Luna, you have pretty eyes they look like Elsa's" the girl says shyly.

"Thank you, I like your eyes too. Whats your name?" I say squatting so I can be face to face with her.

"My name is Felicity" She says.

"Wow, what a beautiful name" Nikki says from behind me, looking at the girl with a small smile.

"Thank you" Felicity says twirling a stand of her hair that had fallen off its braid with her finger.

"You are very welcome" Nikki says, Ellie just looks at the girl as if she can't believe how cute she is.

A woman that looks to be in her 30s stops in front of us, looking worried "Felicity, I've told you many times not to sneak out when I am talking to people. You almost gave me a heart attack" The woman says hugging the little girl.

"Sorry momma, I was with the Luna and her pretty friends" Felicity looking at us.

"Oh I'm so sorry Luna Jayda, Felicity didn't mean to disturb you and your friends" Felicity's mom says bowing her head slightly.

"Its no bother, Felicity is a charming little girl" I say and Nikki nods in agreement.

"Thanks, we'll be on our way now. Felicity's dad must be looking for her. Have fun girls" her mom said then turned around and walked off hand in hand with Felicity.

"She was so cute" I gush and Nikki smiles and nods.

I grab my beer again from where I had left it and take a sip of it while looking around.

Everyone looked so happy, they were all smiling and laughing.

I try to find lan with my gaze but end up locking eyes with Anna.

She glared at me, and didn't look scared at all like I expected her to.

I glared at her with all my might but she simply smirked and looked away.

I felt anger boil up inside of me, I really hate her.

I down the rest of my beer in one gulp and look back towards Anna had been before but find her gone.

I frown but then shrug. I don't care where she is as long as she is away from my mate.

I look towards the little parking area and see that Maddox was already back.

I look around for him but I don't see him anywhere.

"I'll be right back, Maddox is back somewhere" I mumble and start walking around.

I finally spot Maddox, he was standing tensely next to Anna.

His eyes were scanning the area as if he was looking for someone, his eyes spot me and he says mutters something to Anna and makes a move to walk towards me. Maddox starts walking towards me but something pulls him back. My eyes trail down from his face to his bicep where Anna was pulling him back.

She put on a seductive face and says something I couldn't understand from so far away.

Maddox quickly shrugs her off and glares at her. Before I can think twice I storm towards them, when i reach them I tackle Anna to the ground, we struggle and roll around.

"You fucking bitch! I told you to stay away from my mate" I growl out pulling at her hair, taking it out of its braid.

"You don't scare me Jayda" Anna yells through clenched teeth, trying to scratch my face,

"That's your mistake" I say finally being able to straddle her. I punch her a few times, blood stains her teeth.

"I told you I would kill you! You should've listened" I say wrapping my hands tightly around her neck and squeezing as hard as I could.

I wasn't in control, my wolf had taken over and it was out for blood.☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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